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Prof. Emeritus Dr.-Ing. Chunghwan Chun Pohang University of Science and Technology. Wissenschaftlicher Gespraechskreis(WGK) am 21. Mai 2007 im Goethe-Institut, Seoul. Wind Energie in Korea - Status und Ausblick -. Energiesituation in Korea und die Anteile der Erneuerbaren
Prof. Emeritus Dr.-Ing. Chunghwan Chun Pohang University of Science and Technology Wissenschaftlicher Gespraechskreis(WGK) am 21. Mai 2007 im Goethe-Institut, Seoul Wind Energie in Korea- Status und Ausblick -
Energiesituation in Korea und die Anteile der Erneuerbaren Stand der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland und kuenftige Entwicklung Stand der Windenergie in Korea Wo stehen die Windparks und wie gross sind sie? Wie gross ist das Windpotential? Welche WEA-Prototypen sind bereits entwickelt? Was wird gefoerdert und wie gross ist das Budget? Ausblick Windparks in Entwicklung und Planung Multi-Megawatt WEA in Entwicklung Ziele der Erneuerbaren bis 2011 Aktionsplan und der Foerderungs-Etat bis 2012 Liste der Quellen der verwendeten Vorlagen Uebersicht
I. Energiesiesituation in Korea und die Anteile der Erneuerbaren
Energy Imports ( unit : % ) Classification ’80 ’90 ’00 ’02 ’05 Overseas Energy Dependency 73.5 87.9 97.2 97.1 96.8 Oil in total energy 61.1 53.8 52.0 49.1 44.3 Import from the Middle East of total oil 98.8 73.7 76.9 73.3 81.8 Source : MOCIE I. Energiesiesituation in Korea und die Anteile der Erneuerbaren Energy Status of Korea • High dependency on energy imports • Imports about 97% of the energy used • More than 80% of oil from the Middle East
Primary energy consumption * 80~90’s over 7.5% from 2000 3~5% But still higher energy intensitycompared to advancedcountries Improvement of energy intensitysince ‘97 250 200 150 100 50 Primary Energy Consumption(Mil. TOE) 229.3 215.1 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 208.6 (IEA, '04) 0.348 220.2 0.381 0.373 0.217 0.327 0.352 0.337 0.199 0.108 192.9 0.348 93.2 Energy Intensity (TOE/1000$, '00 price) 43.9 80’s 90’s '97 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 I. Energiesiesituation in Korea und die Anteile der Erneuerbaren Energy Status of Korea
Targeting 5% of Total Energy Consumption by 2011 Solar Thermal 0.6% Resource % Wind 1.2% Amount (1000toe) PV 0.2% Bio 4.1% Geothermal 0.2% 76.0 4,028 Waste Hydro 17.8% 17.8 Hydro 941 4.2 Bio 221 1.1 62 Wind Waste 76.0 % 0.6 Solar Thermal 32 0.15 PV 8 Geothermal 8 0.15 I. Energiesiesituation in Korea und die Anteile der Erneuerbaren Achievements In NRE • NRE/Total Energy Consumption is 2.27% (2006, tentative)
II. Stand der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland und kuenftige Entwicklung
II. Stand der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland und kuenftige Entwicklung Installierte Leistung
Install. Leistung 01.01.~31.12.06 MW Anteil am Netto-stromverbrauch % Install. Leistung Gesamt 31.12.06 MW Bundesland Bundesland Bundesland Niedersachsen Brandenburg Sachsen-Anhalt 37,51 508,60 5.282,54 1 1 1 2 2 2 Schleswig-Holstein Niedersachsen Brandenburg 34,87 377,98 3.128,16 3 3 3 Sachsen-Anhalt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Sachsen-Anhalt 33,37 2.544,01 339,75 Rheinland-Pfalz Nordrhein-Westfalen Brandenburg 4 4 4 182,10 28,05 2.392,26 5 5 5 Nordrhein-Westfalen Schleswig-Holstein Niedersachsen 18,98 167,70 2.390,51 II. Stand der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland und kuenftige Entwicklung Top 5 in 2006 in Deutschland
II. Stand der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland und kuenftige Entwicklung • Anteil des potentiellen Jahresenergieertrags aus WEA am Nettostromverbrauch
II. Stand der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland und kuenftige Entwicklung The companies Polled Expect a Market for ….
Range Unit Capacity (kW) Energy (MWh) ~100kW 29 212 252 ~200kW 2 375 474 ~600kW 3 1,750 2,904 ~1 MW 32 23,835 52,198 ~2 MW 28 45,600 99,864 2MW~ 14 28,000 105,120 Total 108 99,772 217,013 III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Operating Wind Farms in Korea • Installed capacity by 2005 is about 100 MW with 108 turbines • Yeong Deok and Dae Gwan Ryung shares 68% (67.6 MW) of total supply of wind energy
III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Large Wind Farms in Korea
III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea New Wind Farm Completed • Daekwanryung in Gangwon wind farm (by UNISON) • Installation capacity : 98MW • Annual average wind speed : 7.5m/s at 60m Hub Height • Turbine : Type Class II - V80 (2.0MW) x 49 units • Operation : 14 units - end of 2005 => Total 49 units - October 2006
III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Current Wind Energy (End of 2005)
IEC I / II IEC III Gangwon-Do, Vm:3.6~8.4m/s IEC II / III Kyungsang-Do, Vm: 3.8~6.9m/s Jeju-Do, Vm: 5.8~7.5m/s III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Wind Resource Onshore Gyonggi-Do, Vm : 3.1~4.2 m/s Chungnam-Do, 5.4~5.6 m/s Geonla-Do, Vm : 5.4~5.6m/s
[m/s] [kW/h] III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Offshore Possibility in Korea Offshore average wind speed wind energy density distribution
10kW III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Wind Turbine Development 750kW Geared (field test) 750kW Gearless(field test)
III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Wind Turbine Development
2006 2007 2005 2004 124.5 R & D 94.0 132.6 73.2 Deployment Subsidy 137.5 92.3 154.1 66.9 41.0 28.0 9.7 23.3 - General Subsidy - Solar Roof System 49.0 49.0 6.3 16.0 51.1 47.5 40.0 36.9 13.0 13.0 - Renewable Energy Complex 13.0 14.0 Loan 117.0 50.0 121.3 121.3 27.0 6.3 Feed-in tariff 26.3 20.8 435.1 Total 409.6 196.4 324.2 III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Investment For NRE • Budget Increased by 120% from 2004 to 2007 Unit : M US$
750 kW class (Geared & Gearless) completed by December 2004 • New concept of 1MW dual rotor type schedule to be completed by June 2006 • 2MW Multibrid type under developing until August 2007 • Small size turbines under developing (10kW, 100kW) • 3 MW concept completed and scheduled to be start during 2006 • Offshore test field project has been started from December 2005 III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea R&D Investment • Systematic R&D activities on wind power have been conducted since 1988 • 54 billion won was invested in R&D between 1988 and 2005 (37 projects; 36.8 billion Won from the government)
Projects _ cont. III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea 2006 National Wind R&D Projects (unit : million won) (exchange rate : 1 US$ = 950 Won, 1 EUR = 1250 Won )
New Projects III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea 2006 National Wind R&D Projects (unit : million won)
III. Stand der Windenergie in Korea Rate Change of Feed-in Tariff
IV. Ausblick Wind Farms under developing • Developing capacity is about 427 MW • Total capacity exceeds the national target of the year 2008
IV. Ausblick Wind Farms under planning • Planning capacity is about total 674 MW • Total capacity may exceed the national target of the year 2011
IV. Ausblick Offshore test project • Government initiated the offshore test field project • Operating Agent : Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) • Project site : Woljung (east northern part of Jeju-Do) • Project terms : 2005. 12 – 2009. 12 • Project budget : Total 23,745 million Won (Government : 17,500 M Won) • 4MW (2MW x 2) offshore installation • Project Objectives : • Gaining knowledge on offshore development • Set up all the procedure for new establishment on national offshore regulations • Building up the experience for the offshore installation • Building up the experience for the offshore power cabling & grid connection • Practice of all the offshore wind farm operation & acquire certification • Acquire data for the offshore initial feed-in tariff • Set up the O&M procedure • Study on environmental effect
IV. Ausblick Wind Turbine Development 2MW Multibrid Type
IV. Ausblick Wind Turbine Development 3MW Offshore Concept Design
IV. Ausblick National Targets • 『The Second National Energy Basic plan』publish in December 2002, states that the share of new and renewable energy in primary energy consumption be 3 percent in 2006 and 5 percent in 2011 respectively • 『The Second Basic plan for New & Renewable Energy Technology Development and Dissemination (2003 – 2012)』established in December 2003
Develop and commercialize mid-sized 750 kW turbines. • Develop and commercialize small-sized 30 kW turbines for distributed power • Build a database for wind resources; develop a predictive technology. • Develop large-sized 1-1.5 MW turbines. • Demonstrate 1 MW turbines. • Develop offshore system technology. • Develop and commercialize super-sized 3 MW turbines. • Commercialize grid connection and application technology. • Build a database of offshore wind resources. IV. Ausblick Action Plan • Scaling-up of Wind Turbines : 1 MW (2005) → 1.5 MW (2008) → 3 MW (2012) • Lower Cost of Installation : $ 1,200/kW (2003) → $ 600/kW (2012) • Lower Cost of Generation : 10 ¢/kWh (2003) → 3 ¢/kWh (2012) • Onshore Installation : 207 MW (2006) → 1,587 MW (2012) • Offshore Installation : 5 MW (2006)→680 MW (2012) Phase 1 (2003-2006) Development of deployment-driven technologies Phase 2 (2006-2009) Development of Mass Deployment Technologies Phase 3 (2009-2012) Development of Low-priced product technologies
Liste der Quellen der verwendeten Vorlagen • DEWI Statistik 2006-Windenergienutzung in Deutschland, Jan. 2007 • DEWI Wind energy study 2006 • Status of New & Renewable Energy Policy by Yoon, Suk-Yoon of Korea Energy Management Corporation, New & Renweable Energy Center, April 2007 • Status of Wind Energy in Korea, 57th and 58th IEA Wind ExCo Meeting, March and September 2006 by Chinwha Chung of Pohang Wind Energy Resaerch Center • EWEA, nofuel, 2007