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Join the innovative master's program under the Academy of Public Administration to become a skilled public management professional. Get insights into current world policy trends and contribute to global reform initiatives. Contact Prof. Ihar Hancharonak for details.
Acadey of Public Administration under the Aegis of President of the Republicof Belarus Международная магистерская программа как катализатор развития И.И. Ганчеренок, профессор, проректор по учебной работе
«Создавать – значит уметь соединять»Пьер Тейяр де Шарден «…смываю вчера…отряхиваю сегодня…разглаживаю морщинки завтрашнего дня. А потом, надев отглаженное ЗАВТРА, проживаю сегодняшний день». (Из популярного корейского мюзикла «Белье на веревке»)
Основные идеи • We should not “allow a life of the mind to become a life in the mine”. ‘’…‘’ Leonard Cassuto, a professor of Englishat Fordham University (USA)//The Chronicle of HE, May 8, 2012 • Education Program is better than an enormous “gray literature” of white papers • Проектирование и формирование управленческого ресурса
Миссия • Подготовка евразийской государственно-управленческой элиты,которая представляет не национальные интересы, а обеспечивают развитие и конкурентоспособность интеграционного объединения
Сетевой университет? • Совместные программы подготовки управленческих кадров • Международные эксперты • Идеология Евразийского союза
Инновационные магистерские программы • Евразийское строительство • Электронное правительство
Типология программ • Technological/ Instrumental (Science) • MPA/Managerial (Executives) • Complex (Art, Science)
Sweden • Electronic Government - International Master Program, 80 credit points (120 ECTS credits)at Orebro University Sweden
Korea • Master’s Degree Program on Global E-Policy and E-Government • Government of Republic of Korea under Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Italy • Technologies for e-government • Master’s program in Trento University
Switzerland • Executive Master in e-Governance at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technolgy in Lausanne (EPFL)
Russia • Master of Science in «E-government and Information Society» • Moscow Metropolitan Governance University
Ukraine • MPAin the specialization of "Electronic Government" is oriented towards preparing highly professional specialists who have mastered a range of contemporary theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and practices in the creative application of modern information and communication technologies (ITC) and the actual implementation of cutting-edge electronic government technologies for the purpose of both providing government services to the public and improving public governance through innovative processes in the society that reflect the relevant world and European standards. National Academy of Public Administration, the President of Ukraine
Belarus (The 1st Programm in EaP among Post-Soviet States) (www.egoprise.eu) • Study course e-government in Belarus As already announced, egoprise has inspired the Belarusian partner in creating a new study course. They have meanwhile worked out a MA programme in E-government. The course shall broaden the outlook on current world policy trends and is also likely to become an impetus for new reforms and improvements in getting administrative burdens and information obligations less burdensome for our entrepreneurs.
Zur Navigation springen.Zum Content springen.Sitemap | Imprint | Intranet STUDY COURSE E-GOVERNMENT IN BELARUS - UPDATE As already announced, egoprise has inspired the Belarusian partner in creating a new study course. They have meanwhile worked out a MA programme in E-government. The course shall broaden the outlook on current world policy trends and is also likely to become an impetus for new reforms and improvements in getting administrative burdens and information obligations less burdensome for our entrepreneurs. Please find the draft programme of MA in E-government attached. The postgraduate course is to be launched at the Academy in the near future. Therefore, the Belarusian partner asks for further suggestions concerning the structure and content of the programme. Please feel free to contact Prof. Ihar Hancharonak (Email: interbiz@pacademy.edu.by; Phone: +375 17 2228362) in case you have further ideas. Additionally, they would very much appreciate if any of the egoprise partners and associates wish to participate in the course as guest lecturers. They would therefore gladly consider the possibility and help out with developing or adjusting syllabi on any of the topics mentioned on the list or related to the programme area.
Course mission • To create a new generation of civil servants and managers who will possess on-hand knowledge in e-government and competences of management in modern communication environment
Curricula • 1 year full time course • 1.5 year corresponding education Peculiarities and innovations: • Psychology of e-communication • International Experts • Export Potential • Mobility
E-Gov… can do more • Together we must do more • Большое спасибо!