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Learn about derived classes and inheritance in OOP using examples like Manager and Employee instances. Explore concepts like casting, member functions, constructors, destructors, copying objects, class hierarchies, multiple inheritance, and virtual functions.
DERIVED CLASSES AND INHERITANCE Moshe Fresko Bar-Ilan University Object Oriented Programing 2007-2008
Derived Classes • Consider the example (Composition): struct Employee { string firstName, lastName ; char middleInitial ; Date hiringDate ; short department ; // … } struct Manager { Employee emp ; set<Employee*> group ; short level ; // … } • A Manager is an Employee. But compiler does not know it.
Derived Classes Employee • Better way: struct Manager: public Employee { set<Employee*> group ; short level ; // … } • Manager is derived from Employee. (Derivation) • Or Employee is a Base class for Manager. • Manager has all the members of Employee in addition to its own members. • A derived class inherits properties from its base, so the relationship is called Inheritance. Manager
Derived Classes • Manager is a subtype of Employee, so wherever Employee is needed Manager can be used. void f ( Manager m1, Employee e1) { Employee* elist[2] ; elist[0] = &m1 ; elist[1] = &e1 ; // … }
Casting • If a class “Derived” has a public base class “Base” then a “Derived*” can be assigned to a variable of type “Base*” without explicit casting. The opposite conversion must be explicit. • Manager is an Employee, but Employee is not necessarily a Manager. void g ( Manager mm, Employee ee) { Employee* pe = &mm ; // ok: Manager* pm = &ee ; // error: pm->level = 2 ; // Catastrophic pm = static_cast<Manager*>(pe) ; // works. pm->level = 2 ; // fine. // … }
Member Functions • A member of a derived class can use the public and protected members of its base class. class Employee { string firstName, lastName; char middleInitial; public: void print() const ; string fullName() const { return firstName+‘’+middleInitial+‘’+lastName; } // … } class Manager: public Employee { // … public: void print() const ; // … } void Manager::print() const { cout << “name is “ << fullName() << endl ; // but cannot use lastName, it is private }
Member Functions • To call the version from the Base class void Manager::print() const { Employee::print() ; // print Employee information // Print Manager specific information cout << “Level:” << level << endl ; }
Constructors and Destructors • Base constructor called first. Derived class either must specify the Base constructor or must count on the default Base constructor (if there is one). class Employee { string firstName, lastName; short department; public: Employee(const string& n, int d); /*…*/ } class Manager: public Employee { set<Employee*> group; short level; public: Manager(const string&n, int d, int lvl); /* … */ } Employee::Employee(const string& n, int d) : lastName(n), department(d) { /* … */ } Manager::Manager(const string& n, int d, int lvl) : Employee(n,d), level(lvl) { /* … */ }
Constructors and Destructors • First ctor of base class and then of derived class. • First dtor of derived class and then of base class. class A { public: A() { cout << “ctor:A()” << endl ; } public: ~A() { cout << “dtor:~A()” << endl ; } } class B : public A { public: B() { cout << “ctor:B()” << endl ; } public: ~B() { cout << “dtor:~B()” << endl ; } } int main() { A a ; B b ; } // what will be the output of the program
Constructors and Destructors • There must be a suitable ctor in Base class. class A { private: int val; public: A(int x) { val=x ;} } class B: public A { public: B(int x) : A(x) { } B(int x) { } // error B() : A(5) { } B() { } // error } class C: public A { // error no ctor for C }
Copying of class Objects • Copying of class objects is defined by the copy constructor and assignments. class Employee { // … Employee& operator=(const Employee&); Employee(const Employee&); }; void f(const Manager& m) { Employee e=m ; // slicing Employee e2 ; e2 = m ; // Use employee part of Manager }
Class Hierarchies • A derived class can itself be a base class. class Employee { /*… */ }; class Manager : public Employee { /* … */ }; class Director : public Manager { /* … */ }; • Multiple Inheritance class Temporary { /* … */ }; class Secretary : public Employee { /* … */ }; class Tsec : public Temporary, public Secretary { /* … */ }; class Consultant : public Temporary, public Manager {/*…*/};
Virtual Functions • For Virtual Functions the compiler and loader will guarantee the correct correspondence. class Employee { string firstName, lastName; short department; // … public: Employee(const string& n, int dept); virtual void print() const; // … }; void Employee::print() const { cout << lastName << “\t” << department << endl ; }
Virtual Functions • A function from a derived class with the same name and the same set of argument types as a virtual function in a base is said to override the function. class Manager : public Employee { set<Employee*> group ; short level ; // … public: Manager (const string& n, int dept, int lvl); void print() const ; // … } void Manager:print() const { Employee::print(); cout << “\tlevel=” << level << endl ; }
Virtual Function calls • Polymorphism: Getting the right behavior from Employee’s functions independently of exactly what kind of Employee is actually used is called polymorphism: A type with virtual function is called a polymorphic type. void print_one_employee(Employee* ep) { ep->print() ; } int main() { Employee e(“Brown”, 1234) ; Manager m(“Smith”, 1234, 2) ; Employee* ep = &e ; print_one_employee ( ep ) ; ep = &m ; print_one_employee ( ep ) ; } // What will be the output ?
Abstract Classes • Pure Virtual Functions: A virtual function is made pure by the initializer of =0 • Abstract Class: A class with at least one virtual function is called an abstract class, no Objects of the abstract class can be created. class Shape { public: virtual void rotate(int) = 0 ; virtual void draw() = 0 ; }; Shape s ; // error Shape* sp ; // ok
Abstract Class • An abstract class can be used as an interface and as a base for other classes. class Point { /* … */ }; class Circle: public Shape { public: void rotate(int x) { /*…*/ } void draw() { /*…*/ } Circle(Point p, int r); private: Point center; int radius; }
Exercise • Create a class NameWriter with a virtual function writeName that prints the name of the class. Derive A and B classes and override this function. • Create a list of 10 pointers to NameWriter. Fill them with pointers to objects of classes A and B. • Write a global function that calls writeName for a list of NameWriter-s. • For 2 call the function in 3. • Delete the virtual keyword from writeName function declaration and run the program again.