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Children Rights

Children Rights. VS. Afghanistan vs. UAE Dubai. Afghanistan. Dubai, UAE. By: Gabbi Lazer. Afghanistan: children labor. Girls do more work around the house Some jobs are shoe shining, farming, selling/begging, and much more Reason children work: parents need more money

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Children Rights

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  1. Children Rights VS. Afghanistan vs. UAE Dubai Afghanistan Dubai, UAE By: Gabbi Lazer

  2. Afghanistan: children labor • Girls do more work around the house • Some jobs are shoe shining, farming, selling/begging, and much more • Reason children work: parents need more money • If a child works they usually don’t go to school

  3. Afghanistan: children clothing • Main Materials: Cotton & Wool • Silk, another material: clothing, carpets, and more • Women: Long dresses(head to ankle) • Only black shoes • White shoes: against religion • Reason: flag was white and to the people it is like stepping on the flag. This is a picture of Afghanistan's old flag.

  4. Afghanistan: children problems • Committing suicide • Making fires: leads to death • Killed in wars • Committing crimes: death • Violence: fights, gun fight/shots, and more

  5. Children problems continued • Most on slide before add to death • Parents don’t like children walking to school • Mostly girl student: not safe: parents scared something will happen to daughter • Being forced to get married to early: might not like person married: to young

  6. Afghanistan: children basics • Issue of child labor is growing • Starts around age 5 to 14 • Poverty levels high • 42% of children don’t go to school • School is mostly boys • Only go to school if you can afford it Afghanistan

  7. Children basic facts continued • Working girls if don’t listen: acid thrown in their face • Some schools do not want girls to study • UNICEF trying to send girls to school • Kabul: more education then other cities • Most children: no school: more child labor(work)

  8. Afghanistan: children life • No education: not good reading or writing skills: harder life • Poor families: children work to help support/ get money: instead of education • Without education you don’t get as far in life • Bigger families: needs more support: more children working, less in school

  9. Dubai: children basic facts • Work hard: more freedom: more play/money • School is expensive • Price includes: uniforms, electronics, extra items, and school trips • Girls treated different

  10. Dubai: children life • Can take about 2 hours to get to school or work: late (matters where live) • Weather: not good to be outside in • Summer: to hot, not comfortable to be in • Air: polluted • Children stay inside: most of year • Houses are air conditioned (most)

  11. Dubai: lifestyle continued • Not best place for a child to grow up • Get education if you can afford it • Children entertainment: shop with friends, go to beaches, go to clubs, and more • If want to be outside they may go to park (if not to hot)

  12. Dubai: children amusement • Many hang out places • In the city: things to learn about the world • Hang outs: parks, museums, and more • Not best place to raise children This picture represents how Dubai is not the best place to raise children.

  13. Religion • Islam: second most popular • Muslim: most popular • Muslim: have male religious leader/teachers • Leader/teacher: leads a service • Wedding, funeral, and others Dubai Muslim women getting ready for her wedding.

  14. Work cited "I Have a Right to | BBC World Service." BBC - Homepage. Web. 27 Feb. 2011. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/people/features/ihavearightto/four_b/casestudy_art26.shtml>. "Girls' Education in Afghanistan :: News from the Field :: Media Center :: U.S. Fund for UNICEF - UNICEF USA." Help Children :: Humanitarian Aid & Emergency Relief :: U.S. Fund for UNICEF - UNICEF USA. Web. 25 Feb. 2011. <http://www.unicefusa.org/news/news-from-the-field/feeding-girls-hunger-to.html>. "Education - In Afghanistan, Out of Conflict and Into School." World Bank Group. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTEDUCATION/0,,contentMDK:20279607~menuPK:617572~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282386,00.html>.

  15. Work cited "Alexandra Reihing." Policy Innovations. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <http://www.policyinnovations.org/innovators/people/data/AlexandraReihing>. "Afghanistan's Web Site - Afghanistan Religion." Afghanistan's Web Site: Afghanistan | Afghan | افغانستان. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <http://www.afghanistans.com/information/people/religion.htm>.  "Afghanistan Religion, The True & Fast Growing Religion, ISLAM." Welcome to Afghanistan Culture! Web. 21 Feb. 2011. <http://www.afghanistan-culture.com/afghanistan-religion.html>. Girls' Education in Afghanistan :: News from the Field :: Media Center :: U.S. Fund for UNICEF - UNICEF USA." Help Children :: Humanitarian Aid & Emergency Relief :: U.S. Fund for UNICEF - UNICEF USA. Web. 25 Feb. 2011. <http://www.unicefusa.org/news/news-from-the-field/feeding-girls-hunger-to.html>.

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