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Company research with Business Source Premier: Datamonitor company profiles

Company research with Business Source Premier: Datamonitor company profiles. Olivia Olivares James W. Miller Library, SCSU.

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Company research with Business Source Premier: Datamonitor company profiles

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  1. Company research with Business Source Premier:Datamonitor company profiles Olivia Olivares James W. Miller Library, SCSU

  2. Business Source Premier (BSP) offers access to company profiles from Datamonitor, a business information gathering company with over one hundred years of experience. Over 10,000 company profiles are available, most of them publicly held companies. To access these profiles, click “Company Profiles” in the blue menu bar near the top of the screen.

  3. Here’s the Datamonitor Company Profiles search interface. The company profiles are listed in alphabetical order. The list includes the country in which the company is based and the primary industry in which the company engages.

  4. You can search for a company profile by searching for the first couple of words in the company’s title, or you can do a “match any words” search if you’re unsure of the company’s full title.

  5. Let’s say we’re interested in Home Depot. Enter “home depot” in the search box. You don’t have to capitalize.

  6. The search results will give you access to an abstract with basic company information and a link to the Datamonitor report in PDF format.

  7. The abstract offers some basic company information like the company headquarters’ address, a little information about the company’s services and products, and the NAICS numbers under which the company operates. NOTE: the NAICS numbers are not always available. The abstract also offers a direct link to the Datamonitor company profile.

  8. You might want to click on the “shrink menu” arrow on the left to get rid of the left panel. Here’s the Datamonitor company profile. Check the publication date on the right to make sure the information is current (published in the past year or so).

  9. Datamonitor company profiles tend to be anywhere from 15 to 40 pages, making them easy to print, save to your PC or profile, or e-mail to yourself. You can use the icons in the upper left menu to do so.

  10. The useful information included in Datamonitor company profiles includes: lists of products and services, SWOT analyses, lists of top competitors, and a “Company View,” usually a letter from the company’s CEO.

  11. Questions? Please contact: Olivia Olivares, business specialist James W. Miller Library Saint Cloud State University oolivares@stcloudstate.edu (320) 237-308-4822

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