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Part 1. Part 2. U. Part 3. nit. Chinese Food. 食. 为. 天. 民. 以. 9. Brainstorming. Listening. Speaking. P1 Listening & Speaking Activities. B. L. S. H. Expressions of being healthy. Expressions of being ill. Expressions of treatment (medical/non-medical).
Part 1 Part 2 U Part 3 nit Chinese Food 食 为 天 民 以 9
Brainstorming Listening Speaking P1 Listening & Speaking Activities B L S H
Expressions of being healthy Expressions of being ill Expressions of treatment (medical/non-medical) Expressions of keeping fit Brainstorming 1 2 3 4 P1
give sb/sth a clean bill of health: an assurance that someone is healthy or sth is in good condition 无病的健康证书;无疫证明书 Expressions of being healthy look/feel like a million dollars/bucks:informal especially AmE to look very attractive or feel very happy and healthy健康和精神处于极好的状态 hale and hearty: someone, especially an old person, who is hale and hearty is very healthy and active (尤指老年人)硬朗的;矍铄的 我刚进行了体格检查,医生给了我一份健康证书。 e.g. I just had a medical examination and the doctor gave mea clean bill of health. (I/you/he etc) can‘t complain:spoken used to say that a situation is satisfactory, even though there may be a few problems该知足了 e.g. The children ran into the living room from the beach, their faces glowing with health and vigor. 孩子们从海滩上跑到客厅里,脸上充满了健康与活泼的神情。 e.g. Grandfather will be80 years old, but he is hale and hearty. fresh:adj.[not usually before n] full of energy because you are not tired 精力充沛的 bloom:vi..to become happier, healthier, or more successful in a way that is very noticeable变得健康(或快活、自信) be healthy, stay in good shape, have a clean bill of health, a sound mind in a sound body, fit and robust, glowing with health, hale and hearty, feel like a million, can't complain, fresh, able-bodied, full of life, in the pink, physically fit, safe and sound, blooming, rosy-cheeked e.g. I suppose I can't complain; I am eighty years old and sound in health and mind. I've had a good innings. 我想我没什么要抱怨的,我已80高龄,身心健康,事事如意。 in the pink:old-fashioned in very good health非常健康 safe and sound/well: (=unharmed, especially after being in danger) 安然无恙 e.g. We all felt fresh after the vacation. e.g. I really feel in the pink after a fortnight's holiday. 度了两星期的假后,我的确感到身体非常舒适。 e.g. The missing children were found safe and sound. e.g. She was blooming the last time I saw her. ill health:a state in which you are unable to function normally and without pain 不健康 Expressions of being ill come down with sth:phrasal verb to get an illness 得,染上(病) frail:adj. someone who is frail is weak and thin because they are old or ill 身体虚弱的 由于身体欠佳,他现在较少参加社会活动了。 e.g. Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself. e.g. He is now, owing to ill health, not so active in social work. break out in spots/a rash/a sweat etc:if you break out in spots etc, they appear on your skin 爆发,长疹子 华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。 e.g. Our children all came down with the flu last week. e.g. Bob was out of sorts all morning, thinking about the failure of the experiment. She's been out of sorts since the birth of her baby. out of sorts:feeling a little ill or upset 【口】身体不适;心情不佳 be (flat) on your back:to be so ill that you cannot get out of bed 卧病在床 鲍勃整上午都没有精打采的,老想着试验失败的事儿。 她生了孩子以後身体一直不好。 Be ill/sick/feeble and frail, come down with (flu/fever), ill health, feeling terrible/ill/awful/rotten rundown, feeling like the walking dead / feeling rundown, feeling out of sorts, break out in, sick as a dog, on one's back, under the weather, unwell, have/run a temperature as sick as a dog:very sick 病得很重 informal slightly ill 不舒服(身体不适) 他的脸上突然长满了皮疹。 e.g. His face broke out in a rash. e.g. You look a bit under the weather. B
Expressions of treatment (medical/non-medical) take medicine, have...removed (have an operation), therapeutichealing (治疗康复), injection, inoculation(预防接种), medical check-up, medical tests, antibiotic treatment (抗生素治疗), cure-all, pick-me-up (提神饮料或食品;兴奋剂), painkiller, antidote (解毒药), miracle drugs (特效药), medicinal, faith healer (靠祈祷等治病的信仰疗法), panacea (万应灵丹), acupuncture (针刺疗法), osteopathy (推拿疗法) , homeopathy (草药疗法) Expressions of keeping fit do exercise / aerobics (有氧操), stay positive , an apple a day keeps the doctor away, do yoga (瑜珈), practice martial arts (武术), do soft boxing (打太极拳), practice qi-gong (气功) B
New words Answers to the questions Listening 1 On magic in medicine remedy:n.a medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very serious [= cure]治疗;治疗法;药物remedy for exorcism:[u & c]to expel (a supposedly evil spirit) out of a person or a place by appealing to god for help (以祈祷或符咒) 驱邪 Shaman: 黄教的道士,僧人或巫师 stroke:中风 recur:vi. if sth, especially sth bad or unpleasant, recurs, it happens again重现,再来 recurring再发的;循环的 premature:比预期早的,过早的 Blue Cross:a health insurance organization in the USA ward sth ↔ off:prevent from happening避开,防止 e.g. He warded off a danger. folk doctrine:民间的说法 • What is the modern new theory concerning human illness? • What are the Seven Healthy Life Habits? Most human illnesses are caused by the influence of things in the environment and by one's personal life-style. Eat breakfast, exercise regularly, watch your weight, do not smoke cigarettes, do not drink too much, sleep eight hours a night, and do not eat between meals. • What does the notion of Seven Healthy Life Habits reveal about public attitudes toward death and dying? • Does the author completely accept the latest grand theory explaining all of human disease? People tend to think that their illnesses are caused by what is simple and easy to understand and want to know that they can do something to cure or prevent illnesses. No, he does not completely accept today’s grand theory about illness and its remedy but feels it can help people keep fit. Meanwhile, we need to wait for science to come up with solid facts. P1
Listening 2 On magic in medicine placed by Blue Cross recurring it claims what you’ll get if you don’t not drinking excessively not eating between meals folk doctrine about disease get enough sleep you didn’t run enough P1
A. Environment B. Habit D. Genetics C. Medical care Constructive speech (1’) 1 Rebuttal speech (45”) 2 Speaking 1 In-class Debate on Staying Fit It is reported that four factors influence one’s health, namely, environment, habit, medical care, genetics. Your group is expected to argue that is the most important factor. Draft your reason below and be ready to debate. P1
Suggestions Evaluation Speaking 2 In-class Debate on Staying Fit • Think of the strong points for your side and also those of your opponents. • When you have enough strong points: • Put the points in order according to the degree of their strength. • Decide who would say which point and think about how they would rebut the speeches of the other side. • Comment on: • 1. Pronunciation (5’)2. Use of the words (5’) • 3. Grammar (5’)4. Organization of ideas (5’) • 5. Body language (5’) • Extra awards: • Impression (1’) • Have more than 7 members anticipate in (1’) P1
In-class Debate on Staying Fit : 时间已过 秒 00 01 02 10 09 08 07 06 02 04 03 11 01 28 05 12 16 14 15 01 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 13 29 57 58 45 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 30 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 27 31 00 31 02 16 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 29 15 14 17 24 28 27 18 25 26 23 22 21 20 19 30 59 34 00 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 32 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 47 00 P1
Pre-reading Task Text P2Reading Comprehension & Language Activities P T H
Answer the following questions Pre-reading Task P2
Chinese dishes won ton dumpling steamed bun stuffed bun roast Beijing duck spicy diced chicken with peanuts Mabo tofu shredded pork with garlic sauce steamed fried pork beggars chicken Western food sandwich broth mashed potato bacon salad bread hamburger French fries spaghetti 意大利式细面条 macaroni 通心面 pizza steak Russian soup (borsch) pudding apple pie Omelet 煎蛋卷 馄饨 水饺 馒头 包子 北京烤鸭 宫保鸡丁 麻婆豆腐 鱼香肉丝 走油扣肉 叫花鸡 Some English expressions for common Chinese dishes & western food P2
Chinese Food “Few things in life are as positive as food, or are taken as intimately and completely by the individual. One can listen to music, but the sound may enter in one ear and go out through the other; one may listen to a lecture or conversation, and day-dream about many other things; one may attend to matters of business, an one’s heart or interest may be altogether elsewhere… In the matter of food and eating however one can hardly remain entirely indifferent to what one is doing for long. How can one remain entirely indifferent to something which is going to enter one’s body and become part of oneself? How can one remain indifferent to something which will determine one’s physical strength and ultimately one’s spiritual and moral fibre and well-being?” ——Kenneth Lo attend to sb/sth:a. to deal with business or personal matters 处理;对付;照料;关怀 e.g. Mind you, face forward and attend to the teacher! I may be late --- I have got one or two things to attend to. e.g.我有事要料理。 你能不能立刻处理这件事? Could you attend to (ie deal with) this matter immediately? 请注意,把脸掉向前方,听老师讲话。 I have my business to attend to. indifferent (to sb/sth):a. not at all interested in someone or sth 漠不关心;不感兴趣 How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of starving people? e.g. 我看到雪激动得连寒冷都不在乎了。 你怎能对饥民的疾苦无动於衷呢? I was so excited to see snow that I was indifferent to the cold. e.g. She is strict in the matter of discipline. 他是个道德高尚的人。 他品格低下。 他是一个有骨气的男子。 e.g. He is a man of strong moral fiber. He lacks moral fiber. He is a man of real fiber. 性格;素质;力量 [U]
Chinese Food P2 1. This is an easy question for a Chinese to ask, but a Westerner might find it difficult to answer. Many people in the West are gourmets and others are gluttons, but scattered among them also is a large number of people who are apparently pretty indifferent to what goes into their stomachs, and do not regard food as having any ultimate moral effect on them. How, they might ask, could eating a hamburger or drinking Coca Cola contribute anything to making you a saint or a sinner? For them, food is quite simply a fuel. 2. Kenneth Lo, however, express a point of view that is profoundly different and typically Chinese, deriving from thousands of years of tradition. The London restaurateur Fu Tong, for example, quotes no less an authority than Confucius (the ancient sage known in Chinese as K’ung-Fu-Tzu) with regard to the primal importance of food. Food, said the sage, is the first happiness. 他们可能会问,吃个汉堡堡或喝点可口可乐,对你成为一个圣人还是一个罪人会有什么影响呢? b.vt.to get sth, especially an advantage or a pleasant feeling, from sth(从…中)得到 ,获得derive sth from sth to get or obtain sth from sth else derive from sth | be derived from sth:a. to come from or be developed from sth 从…衍生出;起源于;来自 伦敦餐馆经理付东引用了一位如同孔子(中国人称这位古代圣人为孔夫子)一样权威人士的话。这位圣人说:“食物是第一需要(人以食为天)。” e.g. 许多英语字源于拉丁语。 politics 一词源自希腊语,意思是city。 The word ‘politics’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city’. Many English words are derived from Latin. She derives great pleasure from her stamp collection. e.g. 她从集邮中获得很大乐趣。 sage:[c] literary someone, especially an old man, who is very wise 哲人;智者;圣人 Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages. with/in regard to sth:formal relating to a particular subject 关于;至于 In regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully. e.g. 关于他的建议, 我们将充分地讨论。 对于你的投诉, 我无可奉告。 e.g. 孔子被认为是中国古代最伟大的圣贤。 I have nothing to say with regard to your complaints.
P2 Chinese Food smother:vt.to give someone too much love and attention so that they feel they have lost their independence and freedom过多地给予; (因溺爱等 使…觉得压抑 ecstasy:[u and c] a feeling of extreme happiness 狂喜;陶醉;入迷in (an) ecstasy e.g. He was in an ecstasy of joy. 一想到回家,我们就兴奋不已。 他听音乐听得入神。 付东又补充说:“食物对国人来说是生活中的一大乐事,需要事先考虑,需要精心焖煮,还要肯花时间享受最后的美味佳肴。” lavish sth on/upon sb/sth: to give someone or sth a lot of love, praise, money etc 过分给与;滥施 We were in ecstasy at the thought of going home. He listened to the music with ecstasy. e.g. Her husband was very loving, but she felt smothered. 玛丽溺爱自己的孩子。 e.g. She lavished kindness on them. 把大量时间和金钱花在宠物身上 她对她小儿子过于关爱。 Mary smothers her children with too much love. 丈夫对她百般宠爱,但这让她觉得不自在。 Fu Tong adds: “Food to my countrymen is one of the ecstasies of life, to be thought about in advance; to be smothered with loving care throughout its preparation; and to have time lavished on it in the final pleasure of eating.” 3. Lo observes that when Westerners go to a restaurant they ask for a good table, which means a good position from which to see and be seen. They are usually there to be entertained socially — and also, incidentally, to eat. When the Chinese go to a restaurant, however, they ask for a small room with plain walls where they cannot be seen except by the members of their own party, where jackets can come off and they can proceed with the serious business which brought them there. The Chinese intentions “are both honorable and whole-hearted: to eat with a capital E.” 4. Despite such a marked difference in attitudes towards what one consumes, there is no doubt that people in the West have come to regard the cuisine of China as something special. She lavished most of her attention on her youngest son. lavish time and money on pets 她对他们过份和气。 proceed: vi.a.proceed (with sth)formal to continue to do sth that has already been planned or started 继续做(或从事、进行) come off: to become removed from sth 能被去掉(或除去) e.g. 这风帽能卸下来吗? 我看,这些污点去不掉。 e.g. 他停下来看了看笔记,然后继续提问。 老人拿起杯子喝了一口,继续讲他的故事。 The old man took a drink from his cup and proceeded with his story. He paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his questions. Does this hood come off? These marks won't come off, I'm afraid. 中国人的意图即是高尚的,又是全心全意的,即“吃要认真、正式”。
Chinese Food bedeck:[vt. usually passive]literaryto decorate sth such as a building or street by hanging things all over it (用花、旗子、珠宝等)打扮,装饰 be bedecked with sth assert:vt. to state firmly that sth is true 明确肯定;断言;声称assert that ubiquitous:formal seeming to be everywhere - sometimes used humorously 似乎无所不在的;十分普遍的S 装饰着龙及精美风景画的餐馆——经营各种异国风味的美食如糖醋鸡、绍兴汤、烧酒和锅贴(北方风味),还有清蒸茄子——已经在各地如雨后春笋般涌现出来,从香港到火奴鲁鲁,从霍博肯又到哈德斯菲尔德。 e.g. French cooking, she asserted, is the best in the world. 她断言,他是无罪的。 e.g. Is there no escape from the ubiquitous cigarette smoke in restaurants? She asserted that he was innocent. 餐厅里吸烟的烟雾就没有地方躲得过去吗? e.g. The duchess bedeck herself with jewel. 公爵夫人用珠宝装扮自己。 In fact, one can assert with some justice that Chinese food is, nowadays, the only truly international food. It is ubiquitous. Restaurants bedecked with dragons and delicate landscapes — serving such exotic as Dim Sin Gai (sweet and sour chicken), and Shao Shing soup, Chiao-Tzu and Kuo-Tioh (northern style), and Ging Ai Kwar (steamed aubergines) —have sprung up everywhere from Hong Kong to Honolulu to Hoboken to Huddersfield. 5. How did this come about? Certainly, a kind of Chinese food was exported to North America when many thousands of Chinese went there in the 19th century to work on such things as the U.S. railways. They settled on or near the west coast, where the famous — or infamous — “chop suey joints” grew up, with their rather inferior brand of Chinese cooking. The standard of the restaurants improved steadily in the United States, come about (that …): to happen, especially in a way that is not planned 发生;产生 How did it come about that he knew where we were? e.g. 他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的呢? 他们定居于西部海岸或靠近西部海岸的地方。在那里各种知名的或者不知名的——“炒杂烩馆”发展起来,经营的都是些档次比较低的中国菜肴。
Chinese Food but Lo considers that the crucial factor in spreading this kind of food throughout the Western world was population pressure in the British colony of Hong Kong, especially after 1950, which sent families out all over the world to seek their fortunes in the opening of restaurants. He adds, however, that this could not have happened if the world had not been interested in what the Hong Kong Chinese had to cook and sell. He detects an increased interest in sensuality in the Western world: “Colour, texture, movement, food, drink, and rock music — all these have become much more part and parcel of the average person’s life than they have ever been. It is this increased sensuality and the desire for greater freedom from age-bound habits in the West, combined with the inherent sensual concept of Chinese food, always quick to satisfy the taste buds, that is at the root of the sudden and phenomenal spread of Chinese food throughout the length and breadth of the Western World.” be part and parcel of:If sth is part and parcel of an experience, it is a necessary part of that experience and cannot be avoided. 重要部分;基本部分;不可缺少的一部分, ...的重要部分, ...的组成部分 正是西方这种与日俱增的感官享乐主义以及摆脱根深蒂固的生活习惯束缚的愿望,再加上中国饮食所固有的感知理念,即可满足人的味觉,才可使得中国饮食能够以快速遍布西方世界各个角落。 e.g. 超时工作是他工作的基本特征。 找一个好工作是年轻人重要的事情。 inherent:formal a quality that is inherent in sth is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it 固有的;内在的 inherent in e.g. 内在的气质性格、脾气 你提及的那些问题是这一制度本身存在的。 对自由的渴望存在于每个人心中。 Working overtime is part and parcel of his job. Finding good job is part and parcel of a young man. The problems you mention are inherent in the system. e.g. What lies at the root of his troubles is a sense of insecurity. 爱钱十万恶之源。 be/lie at the root of sth: be the cause of sth , usually sth bad 根源;起因 The desire for freedom is inherent in all people. inherent quality of character and temperament the length and breadth of the area/country/land etc: in or through every part of a large area (某大地区的) 各个地方; 到处;处处;各地 The love of money is the root of all evil. 他的一切忧虑源于一种不安全感。 e.g. 他们走遍了这个国家的每一个角落。 丰收喜讯传遍了全国。 他们搜遍了整个国家,但从没找到过他。 They searched the length and breadth of the country but never found him. They have traveled through the length and breadth of this nation. The news of a bumper harvest has spread over the length and breadth of the country.
Chinese Food P2 事实上,原材料的初加工、拼摆及搭配约占实际准备过程的90%,烹调本身只占10%。 6. There is no doubt that the traditional high-quality Chinese meal is a serious matter, fastidiously prepared and fastidiously enjoyed. Indeed, the bringing together and initial cutting up and organizing of the materials is about 90% of the actual preparation, the cooking itself being only about 10%. This 10% is not, however, a simple matter. There are many possibilities to choose from; Kenneth Lo, for example, lists forty methods available for the heating of food, from chu or the art of boiling to such others as ts’ang, a kind of stir-frying and braising, t’a, deep-frying in batter, and wei, burying food in hot solids such as charcoal, heated stones, sand, salt and lime. 7. The preparation is detailed, and the enjoyment must therefore match it. Thus a proper Chinese meal can last for hours and proceed almost like a religious ceremony. It is a shared experience for the participants, not a lonely chore, with its procession of planned and carefully contrived dishes, 从煮或者说煮沸的艺术到其他方法如酱,一种炒加炖的烹调方法;塌,将食物沾上面糊后在油里炸;还有煨,就是把食物埋在滚烫的木炭、或烧热的石块、沙子、盐和石灰里面煨熟。 它需要参与者共同分享,而非个人能为,因为有一系列经认真策划、精心设计的菜肴,
Chinese Food 其中一些成分是用于调味,另一些则用于衬托。肉类、鱼类、炒菜、汤菜、酸汤甜汁、脆生生滑溜溜之物、鲜菜和干菜——所有这些以及其他,他们各具特色,都在吊我们的胃口。 some elements designed to blend, others to contrast. Meat and fish, solids and soups, sweet and sour sauces, crisp and smooth textures, fresh and dried vegetables — all these and more challenge the palate with their appropriate charms. 8. In a Chinese meal that has not been altered to conform to Western ideas of eating, everything is presented as a kind of buffet, the guest eating a little of this, a little of that. Individual portions as such are not provided. A properly planned dinner will include at least one fowl, one fish and one meat dish, and their presentation with appropriate vegetables is not just a matter of taste but also a question of harmonious colours. The eye must be pleased as well as the palate; if not, then a certain essentially Chinese element is missing, an element that links this cuisine with that most typical and yet elusive concept Tao. Emly Hahn, an American who has lived and worked in China, has a great appreciation both of Chinese cooking and the “way” that leads to morality and harmony. e.g. 大多数人都愿意遵守社会习俗。 She left home to escape the pressure to conform to her family's way of life. conform:vi. a. to behave in the way that most other people in your group or society behave 顺从,顺 (多数人或社会);随潮流 conform to/with b. to obey a law, rule etc 遵守,遵从,服从(规则、法律等)conform to/with Most people willingly conform to the customs of society. e.g. The building does not conform to safety regulations. 她离家出走以求摆脱她家生活方式对她的束缚。 这座建筑物不符合安全条例。 an elusive idea or quality is difficult to describe or understand
P2 Chinese Food 她坚持认为好的烹饪融汇了道德的精髓。她还说,对于中国人来说,传统上,行为、生活以及所有的知识都是一个整体。 She insists that “there is moral excellence in good cooking”, and adds that to the Chinese, traditionally, all life, all action and all knowledge are one. They may be chopped up and given parts with labels, such as “Cooking”, “Health”, “Character” and the like, but none is in reality separate from the other. The smooth harmonies and piquant contrasts in Chinese food are more than just the products of recipes and personal enterprise. They are an expression of basic assumptions about life itself. 中国饮食中的这种水乳交融和令人垂涎的相互映衬并不只是烹调食谱和个人生意的产物。他们是对生活基本学说的一种诠释。
Dictation Grammar Translation P3Extended Activities D G T H
Dictation There may come a time when you feel you want to give a dinner-party. It is a pleasant way of offering hospitality to friends or business associates. Operate within your capabilities and allow time to prepare. You don't have to clean the house first, but be sure it is tidy and welcoming with no heaps of newspapers in the comers or dead flowers in vases. Strangers don't usually notice details, so ignore them yourself and relax once your guests have arrived. There are several vital ingredients in a successful dinner-party: the food and drinks are important, your house should be warm and delightful and, if possible, bedecked with flowers. You should be in command of yourself, your family, and for the time being, your guests. P3
Read more 1 Running for Your Life A Harvard study links exercise with longevity horde: [c] a large crowd moving in a noisy uncontrolled way 一大群人 e.g. There were hordes of people inside the station. Hordes of fans had thronged on the concert hall. add up to:推到幕后;置于次要的地位 go over sth: to repeat sth in order to explain it or make sure it is correct 重温;重做;仔细检查 e.g. She went over her lines before the first night of the play. Go over your work carefully before you hand it in. reassure:vt. to make someone feel calmer and less worried or frightened about a problem or situation使安心;打消…的疑虑 reassure sb (that); reassure sb (about sth) P3
Grammar work 1 • 在下列情况下,即可用不定式的被动式也可用其主动式,而意义无甚区别: • e.g. The house is to be let (to let). • There’s no time to lose (to be lost). • Give me the names of the people to contact (to be contacted). • It’s too hot to eat (to be eaten). • It’s a calamity hard to be borne (to bear). • 请注意,有些句子虽表被动,但习惯上都是主动: • e.g. She’s to blame for this. • The reason is not far to seek. • What’s to pay? 被动式似较多用,to let多用在广告中。 口语中多用主动 也可说 She is to be blamed for this. P3
Grammar work2 • 间接疑问句:在间接引语中,我们可以在疑问词who, what, where等(但通常不用why)后用动词不定式。这种结构表示必要性和可能性之类的概念。 • e.g. I would who to invite. • Show me what to do. • Can you tell me how to get to station? • Tell me when to pay. • I don’t know where to put the car. • I can’t decide whether to answer her letter. = how I can... P3
Translations for reference P3 • The landlady told me that the rent must be paid in advance. • Although this company boasts that its products are superior to those of other companies, they are actually inferior in quality. • What lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest. • The police interviewed several witnesses, but none of them could tell how the accident came about. • The new building of the department store does not conform to the safety regulations. • She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection. • Colorful balloons and flags added to the festive atmosphere of the small town. • Money is very important, but happiness is not always associated with wealth.
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