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What is a G.D?

A discussion among participants who have an agreed topic or issue; to arrive at a consensus decision after due deliberations. What is a G.D?. Why GD’s.

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What is a G.D?

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  1. A discussion among participants who have an agreed topic or issue; to arrive at a consensus decision after due deliberations. What is a G.D?

  2. Why GD’s In corporate world of Trade & Industry, there are various departments and groups working in an organization each viewing a problem or issue from its special perspective. Therefore discussions have to be held to understand each other’s viewpoint and arrive at a well considered consensus solution or decision which the entire organization would follow as a TEAM.

  3. e.g; A product quality is termed unsatisfactory by marketing manager ; the production and design engineers may hold a view that the added features and quality can be built only at extra cost. Marketing manager may want to quote examples where a similar product of better quality and features is available at a lower cost – Designer may contest about the materials used & other missing features on the competing product to compensate for the cost. Such deliberations bring out all perspectives, point of views “pros & cons” and a consensus decision can be arrived at and every participant is better informed.


  5. G.D.- A Selection Tool For Entry Level Almost 100% of the companies selecting management students and 30% (+) companies selecting engineering and technology students use GD as a preliminary selection tool. • May consist of 5 to 20 candidates. • Seated in closed circle or U shape.

  6. No one is designated as leader, president, chairman or speaker. • The examiner / evaluator retires after announcing the subject topic for discussion. • Time limit could vary from 5 to 30 min. • An initial time of 2 to 3 minutes may be allowed for participants to think and prepare and organize their thoughts.

  7. Types of G.D.

  8. Why GD’s For Entry Level Selection Group Discussions gives companies information about some of the qualities of the candidate which can not be assessed by other means such as aptitude tests. Communication skills/Capabilities Social Skills Listening skills Personality Discussion Leadership Skills Situation handling ability

  9. What Selectors look for in a G.D? • How good your communication skills are. • How you behave with others in the group; as you assert your views or press for a point. • How open minded you are, in receiving, appreciating constructive views & suggestions. • Your listening skills. • Your attitude and confidence. • Problem solving and critical thinking skills-thinking as per the situation & trend of discussion. • Above all, content – your awareness about topics of general knowledge & interest.

  10. 10 simple rules of effective participation in a G.D • Be formally dressed- Boys in light colour shirts, preferably white or cream and dark trousers, ties, proper hair cut, clean shaved or trimmed beard, It creates an initial good impression. • Speak clearly; with emphasis and with an even and firm-voice neither too low nor too high.

  11. Maintain eye contact while speaking- Moving gaze slowly all round the group. • Speak sensibly; with coherent and relevant facts-no meaningless chatter. • Listen carefully to the views expressed by others. • Allow others to speak; take your share of time; but not overtly large.

  12. Keep Positive attitude-appreciate good views and inputs. Attack points and views-not participants. • Initiate a G.D; it adds immediately to your visibility. • If you have not been able to initiate play one of the other major roles. • Make sure to bring the discussion on track- if it is digressing from central topic. Provide other discussion leadership signs-encourage those to speak who are not able to speak.

  13. Cardinal sins in a G.D • Using slang like yaar, univ, princi, dear etc. • Using too often verbal ties such as Hmm, But, Yet, er…, arre… etc. • Unparliamentary language-Negative or derogatory words about anyone; you liar, you are foolish, “do not take us for a ride”, “what nonsense”. • Bluffing:- Never bluff as the panel will easily figure out that you are an accomplished liar. • Never leave a conclusion for the panel member. • Being late:- Never show up late.

  14. Contd. • Deliberate or frequent interruptions. • Irrational views or insistence:- Never get defensive or try to rationalize without reason. If a point is valid accept it, if you have reservations speak your views about it. • Irrelevant answers:- Never give an answer that does not answer the question asked or raised or is totally irrelevant and out of context. • Lack of focus:- Never allow yourself to lose focus after a string of disconnected comments. • Keeping mum or no participation.

  15. Who impresses most in a G.D • One whose content and ideas are good and relevant. • One who expresses his ideas well, clearly and confidently without aggression & shouting. • One who initiates the discussions, summarizes and elaborates through facts/figures/examples. • One who persuades and convinces the group about some very relevant aspects through constructive assertion. • One who provides discussion leadership by guiding discussion on track, appreciating good inputs and suggestions; inviting and encouraging those who have not spoken to participate.

  16. Different ways to initiate a G.D and create good impression • Quotes • Definitions • Questions • Shock statement • Facts, figures and statistics • Short story • General statement

  17. The important roles you can play in G.D • Initiator • Informer • Illustrator • Orienter • Concluder

  18. Positive Traits

  19. Negative traits Table 2 Negative Traits: (Which distract from performance & impression)

  20. Preparing for a G.D • Reading – read as much as you can- in fact you should make reading a regular habit. • Read national english news dailies like TOI, HT, IE and management students should read one of the pink dailies, ET, Business standard etc. • Prepare Fact files of important G.D. Topics.

  21. Mock G.D.s – create an informal G.D group and meet regularly, to discuss and hold GD’s and offer constructive feedback. • Hold mock GD’s in the presence of expert evaluator and get rated and watch if ratings are improving. • For overcoming weaknesses, get the entire session video-taped; play back the CD/DVD and discuss with the expert evaluator – identify weaknesses and repeat 2-3 times the process.

  22. FAQ’S about a G.D What is the normal duration of a G.D? A G.D is generally of 15-20 minutes duration.

  23. FAQ’s contd How many panel members for evaluation are there in a G.D? There are usually 1-4 panel members to evaluate.

  24. FAQ’s contd • Should one take a stand in favour or against the topic? • In a debate one has to speak either for or against it, but a group discussion is not a debate that you must take a stand- it is deliberation and you are free to take any stand. What is required is that you present your view with good content in a language which is correct, clear and convincing. If you are convinced, you can change your views in the middle of discussion.

  25. FAQ’s contd • How and when to join in the discussion? • There are four levels at which one can enter a G.D: • noise level- high or low • speaker’s exhaustion position. • speaker's confusion point. • soft-voiced speaker.

  26. FAQ’s contd • Should I address the evaluation panel or the group? • Do not ever make the mistake of addressing the panel members. You must avoid even looking at the panel members while the G.D is in progress. Just ignore their existence. You are talking to participants (group members) for a clear consensus or decision.

  27. FAQ’s contd • Suppose I have a lot to say on the topic, should I say all of it? • No, You would not be looked upon favorably if you kept speaking all the time and do not listen to anybody else, or allow others to speak. First you make out your important points then if time permits you can elaborate and explain.

  28. FAQ’s contd • If we do not understand the meaning of the topic, should we ask the moderator to explain it to us? • No, you cannot unless you are given an initial question-answer time. Instead of displaying your ignorance, it is far better to wait for some other participant to explain the meaning of the topic, during the course of the discussion and you can take off from there.

  29. Group Discussion Myths • One should be aggressive. • One should speak more. • One should speak in favour. • One should cut down the opponents. • One should be dominant and make others agree to his/her point. • One should be an individual speaker. • One should project oneself in style.

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