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INTEGRATION OF VOICE SERVICES IN INTERNET APPLICATIONS. By E duardo Carrillo (lecturer) , J. J Samper, J.J. Martínez-Durá. Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga Universidad de Valencia Colombia-Spain. Agenda. Overview Developed Trials (our prototype)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INTEGRATION OF VOICE SERVICESIN INTERNET APPLICATIONS By Eduardo Carrillo (lecturer), J. J Samper, J.J. Martínez-Durá Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga Universidad de Valencia Colombia-Spain

  2. Agenda • Overview • Developed Trials (our prototype) • Arquitecture of Voice Internet Application • Server Side Technologies and XML • VoiceXML • VoiceXML and our tests • Conclusions

  3. Overview • Main concepts related to accessing the internet contents by speech • via a telephone

  4. OverView (cont) Weather Entertainment Financial, Banking Reservation, Billing, Others Parking Pharmacies Hospitals

  5. Overview (cont)

  6. Developed trials Our prototype presents weather information of some european cities Phone number (34) 90188412 ID: 61 21 21 21 Pin: 1234 The <<dynamic>> information is available via a normal telephone

  7. Developed Trials (cont.) • Web Server:Apache • Server Side Scripting Technology: PHP/Xalan • Voice Markup Language: VoiceXML

  8. Developed Trials (cont.)

  9. Developed trials (cont.)

  10. Arquitecture of Voice Internet Application

  11. Arquitecture of Voice Internet Application (cont.)

  12. Server Side Technologiesand XML

  13. Server Side Technologies and XML (cont.)

  14. Server Side Technologies andXML (cont.)

  15. VoiceXML “VoiceXML is designed for creating audio dialogs that feature synthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition of spoken and DTMF key input, recording of spoken input, telephony, and mixed-initiative conversations” W3C Consortium (Voice Extensible Markup Language, VoiceXML Version 2.0)

  16. VoiceXML (cont.) VoiceXML is only used to describe the conversation between the voice portal and the caller (the user interface of the voice application)

  17. VoiceXML and our tests Our prototype presents weather information of some european cities The <<dynamic>> information is available via a normal telephone Phone number (34) 90188412

  18. VoiceXML and our tests (cont.) • <?xml version="1.0" ?> • <!DOCTYPE vxml PUBLIC '-//Voxpilot/DTD VoiceXML 1.0//EN' 'http://dtd.voxpilot.com/voice/1.0/voxpilot_voicexml-1.0.dtd'> • <vxml version="1.0" > • <form> • <block>Welcome to the European meteorological information service. • <goto next="meteo.vxml" /> • < - - This is a comment : goto is the hyperlink to the next document - - > • </block> • </form> • </vxml>

  19. VoiceXML and our tests (cont.) • Meteo.vxml • <?xml version="1.0"?> • <!DOCTYPE vxml PUBLIC '-//Voxpilot/DTD VoiceXML 1.0//EN' 'http://dtd.voxpilot.com/voice/1.0/voxpilot_voicexml-1.0.dtd'>

  20. VoiceXML and our tests (cont.) <form> <field name="city"> <prompt> Please select the city: Paris, Rome, London or Madrid. </prompt> <grammar> [paris rome london madrid] </grammar> <noinput>please choose one of the following cities: Paris, Rome, London or Madrid</noinput> <nomatch>please say Paris, Rome, London or Madrid</nomatch> </field>

  21. VoiceXML and our tests (cont.) <filled> <submit namelist="city" next="meteo.php" method="get" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" /> </filled> </form> </vxml>

  22. ABC #$% Conclusions In this article a process to carry out a voice interaction with an application that generates dynamic content based on VoiceXML, has been described. With this structure, it is possible to access the server contents from a telephone, both fixed and mobile

  23. ABC ABC Conclusions (cont.) The voice portalsinherit the advantages and disadvantages of technologies like the voice synthesis and voice recognition. The quality of the recognition, the background noise and the difficulty to maintainance of user's attention of must be considered with special attention.

  24. ABC ABC Conclusions (cont.) Also in the process of text-to-speech conversion it is important to simulate human-to-human conversation as best as possible.

  25. xxx xxx ABC Conclusions (cont.) It has been possible to identify different lines of research such as the development of platforms for the detection of different accents, multilingual applications, natural language processing integrated in voice portals and the development of systems to integrates voice speech with other devices in multimodal applications.

  26. Colombia-Spain Eduardo Carrillo: ecarrill@bumanga.unab.edu.co Tel: +(34) 963983551 The end…. Thank you!

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