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IP PoP architecture evolution: next-generation routers and their interrelations with OBS/OPS nodes. Summary. Introduction IP/MPLS inner core network architecture: an example from the Telecom Italia backbone Today PoP architectures in IP core networks:
IP PoP architecture evolution: next-generation routers and their interrelationswith OBS/OPS nodes NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Summary • Introduction • IP/MPLS inner core network architecture: • an example from the Telecom Italia backbone • Today PoP architectures in IP core networks: • a general model + examples from Telecom Italia backbone • disadvantages of present core PoP architectures • Next-generation IP/MPLS core PoP architectures: • a general router/node scheme • advantages of next-generation IP/MPLS core PoP architectures • Today correspondence between IP PoPs and OTN nodes • Interrelation between OBS/OPS (edge) nodes and IP PoPs NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Introduction • Traffic flows crossing an IP core PoPs are generally: • coming from/routed towards access (or metro-access) IP segments; • routed towards/coming from the OTN (or metro-core) edge; • accordingly, an IP core PoP can often be even co-located with an OTN edge/(core) node: e.g., in national (IP/MPLS) OPB & OTN of Telecom Italia. • The full long-term introduction of OBS/OPS networks will probably follow de-layering process: • level 3 IP/MPLS traffic will be then the almost unique client (together with level 2 Ethernet channels, where convenient) of the new OBS/OPS transport layer. • When OTN nodes will be close to replacement by OBS/OPS nodes: the evolution of IP core PoPs architecture could have an impact on OBS/OPS edge/(core) nodesarchitecture to be used. NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
ITZ 1 ITZ 1 ITZ 2 ITZ 2 P1 P1 P2 P2 2xGBE 10G 2xGBE 10G CS 4 CS 4 CS 4 POS Stm POS Stm - - 16 (Stm 16 (Stm - - 64 in Q2 ‘04) 64 in Q2 ‘04) CS 1 CS 1 CS 1 Milano Bersaglio CS 3 CS 3 CS 3 CS 2 CS 2 CS 2 E2/T2 E2/T2 E2/T2 E1/T1 E1/T1 E1/T1 E1/T1 E1/T1 E1/T1 E2/T2 E2/T2 E2/T2 The lnner Core POS POS POS POS POS POS Stm Stm - - 64 64 POS POS Stm Stm - - 64 64 Stm Stm - - 64 64 Stm Stm - - 64 64 E2/T2 E2/T2 E2/T2 E1/T1 E1/T1 E1/T1 Stm Stm - - 16 16 E1/T1 E1/T1 E1/T1 E2/T2 E2/T2 E2/T2 Stm Stm - - 16 16 CS 3 CS 3 CS 3 CS 2 CS 2 CS 2 POS Stm POS Stm - - 16 (Stm 16 (Stm - - 64 in Q2 ‘04) 64 in Q2 ‘04) CS 1 CS 1 CS 1 CS 4 CS 4 CS 4 2xGBE 10G 2xGBE 10G ITZ 1 ITZ 1 P1 P1 P2 P2 ITZ 2 ITZ 2 An IP/MPLS inner core network architecture Node A Node B Node C Node D NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Inner Core Inner Core Access network IP/MPLS core POP POP (hub) POP (hub) Edge Edge GSR GSR GSR GSR GSR Core GSR Core ATM ATM ATM ATM ATM ATM ATM GE GE GE GE GE GSR GSR Edge Edge Edge Core Core Core GSR GSR NAS ADSL NAS ADSL NAS ADSL Cat6509 Cat 6509 Cat 6509 Cat6509 Cat6509 ADSL ADSL NAS NAS Stm Stm Stm Stm Stm - - - - - 16 16 16 16 16 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS ATM ATM ATM ATM ATM ATM ATM Stm Stm Stm Stm Stm - - - - - 16 16 16 16 16 GE GE GE GE GE GBE GBE GBE GBE GBE GBE GBE GE/FE GE/FE GE/FE GE/FE GE/FE Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge GE GE GE GE GE Executive Executive Executive Executive Executive Stm Stm Stm Stm Stm - - - - - 16 16 16 16 16 Stm Stm Stm Stm Stm - - - - - 16 16 16 16 16 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 FE FE FE FE FE CS CS CS CS CS Stm1 ATM e GE Stm1 ATM e GE Stm1 ATM e GE Stm1 ATM e GE Stm1 ATM e GE ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN POP POP POP NAS NAS NAS NAS NAS NAS dial dial dial dial dial dial - - - - - - up up up up up up nota nota nota : per : per : per semplicit semplicit semplicit à à à vengono vengono vengono mostrati mostrati mostrati 2 2 2 dei dei dei 4 link GE 4 link GE 4 link GE dei dei dei POP BBN CL4 verso OPB POP BBN CL4 verso OPB POP BBN CL4 verso OPB Voice gateway Voice gateway POP BBN CL4 POP BBN CL4 POP BBN CL4 (TDM lines) (TDM lines) Today IP core PoP architectures (1) Access network IP/MPLS core POP ATM ATM GE Cat 6509 ADSL NAS E2 E2 CS ATM ATM GBE GBE GE/FE Edge Executive E1 E1 Towards a ISDN NAS NAS dial dial - - up up NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Today IP core PoP architectures (2) NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Disadvantages of today IP core PoP architectures (1) • Today PoPs architectures (each consisting of a sub-networkofn = 4 ÷ 6 routers, as in previous diagrams) show very unfavourable management/cost implications. • More power required: with an increase trend roughly proportional to n; • More floorarea occupied (so-called footprint): also linearly growing with n; • Additionaloperationresources needed (including personnel for provisioning and repair functions): probably increasing at a sub-linear rate (< n); • fibredeployment: to be multipliedbyafactork, withnkn2 (the exact k value depends on the meshingdegreeofPoProuterssub-networks). NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Disadvantages of today IP core PoP architectures (2) • In general, the usual incrementalprocedure applied by operators/ service providers - i.e. the installationofanewrouterinIP/MPLSnetworkswheneverneeded - is becoming more and more critical for economicreasons: • this operation, in a sub-networkwithhighmeshingdegree (like core PoPs), makes architecturalcomplexityandthencapitalcostsforadditionalresources (interfaces to be added on old routers, newfibrelinks, etc.) togrowonanearlyexponentialbasis. NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Next-generationIP/MPLS core PoP architectures NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Advantages of next-generation IP/MPLS core PoP architectures • The compact unified structure of tera-routers, as shown before, provides a reduction of all operator’s cost items (in comparison with those previously evidenced for the case of today’s PoPs), in most of cases byafactorofn (even better as to fibredeployment): • the key guideline being that of using a singlerouter (though much more expensive than today simpler products) perPoP. • Multi-partitionedtera-routerschemes ensure of carriergradereliability, upto99.999% (as in the case of Chiaro’s new article). • ScalabilityofPoPs’ switchingcapacityatlowcost is provided by the multi-shelfarchitecture (e.g.: Cisco [5] and Chiaro). NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Today’s correspondencebetween IP/MPLS PoPs and OTN nodes NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
(towards other OBS/OPS nodes) (from other OBS/OPS nodes) De-packetisers/ /de-burstifiers Packetisers/ /burstifiers OPXC/OBXC (from other IP nodes) (towards other IP nodes) IP router OBS/OPS (edge) node versus IP PoP: towards apparatuses integration? NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005
Conclusions • Disadvantages of today IP/MPLS core PoP architectures solved with next-generation tera-routers: • only asingleapparatusperPoP, while maintaining all redundancies now achieved with complex sub-networks of routers (carriergradereliability, upto99.999%, as well as scalability of PoPs’ switching capacity at low cost can be ensured) • Interrelation with future OBS/OPS (edge) nodes, based on today one-to-one correspondence (e.g., inTelecom Italia IP/MPLS network) with OTN nodes: • possibility of integration for IP & OBS/OPS nodal structures? NOBEL Plenary Meeting Munich, June 13 ÷ 15, 2005