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Why Desi Ghee Is The Best Choice For Complete Diet? And Gir Cow Ghee Benefits For Kids

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Why Desi Ghee Is The Best Choice For Complete Diet? And Gir Cow Ghee Benefits For Kids

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  1. Why Desi Ghee Is The Best Choice For Complete Diet? And Gir Cow Ghee Benefits For Kids Ghee is the healthy fat, much needed by the body, needed to prevent brain disorders, help in memory and motor skills, maintain hormonal balance and repair and regenerate damaged cell membranes. Ghee is also called, “nectar for the brain.” It fuels all the neurological functions that create our conscious and subconscious movements and decisions, the immune system that protects us from Alzheimer’s and dementia as well as the cell growth and repair. So though people are afraid of ghee in their food with the mere thought of an ungainly, blobs of lard, that latches onto your tummy, waist and hips. It is full of all the good important fatty acids, Omega3 and Omega 6 as well as significant amount of vitamins A,D, E and K. There is always a debate as to why Ghee is not included in the list of healthy fats such as eggs, olive oil, avocado, salmon, nuts and coconut oil. Ghee was not included merely because it was thought to be bad for people that were lacto intolerant. However, there has been no such known instance and for its best benefits, it is important that ghee be consumed without being heated to its smoking point. Our Indian cuisine always has combined ghee on rotis, in our rice, on top of porridges made of bajra and wheat, to be mixed with khichidi, to give a tadka on dals. In all these forms, the ghee is served in its best form for digestion and perhaps the tastiest too. Infact in many of the Indian cultures, ghee is given with the first food to a child. Known to line the stomach, it helps in neutralizing the stomach acid before the food moves to the small intestine. Ghee is also given in case of an inflammation of the stomach, though in very small quantities as it is also antibacterial. It is also known to raise levels of HDL, thereby ensuring good cardiovascular health. The West is gradually opening up to the various benefits of ghee that have been written about in our Ayurveda, centuries ago. Fats are food for the brain, which you cannot delete it from your diet. It is also essential for healthy hair and skin, hormonal balance, a healthy reproductive system and strong bones and immunity. Very often we will see that thinner people have dryer skin, get specs slightly earlier, sometimes also suffer painful or irregular periods, and have lower immunity to cold, coughs and flu. A dash of ghee goes a long way to promote good health as you can see. As goes for all fats, quantity should be small and limited. So do yourself a favour and enjoy the desi flavor of ghee. Gir Cow Ghee Benefits For Kids

  2. Ghee Fat is an important part of our diet if we and our children are not able to obtain the right type of fat in it. So it is harmful to us, but it is more harmful to our children because it affects both their mental and physical development. There are many Gir Cow Ghee Benefits for Kids. Physical Development: It gives children better soundness to develop their sound and bone, teeth, muscles, mind, and further advancement. Because it contains the right amount of fat, It helps in proper processing of fat-sol-sully nutrients, improves eyesight and helps prevent bones from breaking. Improve metabolism: CLA found in Gir cow’s ghee and related products go as a unique type of fat and have oxidant properties which improve the metabolic activity. Improve memory Power: Desi Gir Cow Ghee removes mental problems in the children and develops their memory power. Stay Fit: Desi Gir Cow Ghee contains the right amount of fat. Which Helps Runs away laziness of children and keeps them Fit and Healthy. Boost Energy: Children need more energy than other age groups; Desi Gir cow ghee provides instant energy, it meets their energy requirement well. Increase Immunity: It enhances immunity in the body of the children and helps fight diseases. Bone health: Due to being a good source of vitamin D, it keeps the children’s bones healthy and strong. Lactose intolerance is favorable: Ghee is a by-product of milk but lactic acid is not present in it and hence it can be easily given to lactose intolerant infants as well. Helps in the congestion of chests: Ghee is also useful in relieving chest conjunction in infants. Just heat the ghee and wait until cool. Once it cools down, it will massage the baby,

  3. It will give relief immediately from the congestion in the infant’s chest. These are main and Basic Gir Cow Ghee Benefits for Kids. Visit https://www.kesariyafarm.com/ for Farm fresh Organic A2 ghee, Buy Gir Cow A2 ghee Online, Organic A2 ghee, Vedic A2 ghee producers, Desi A2 ghee India, A2 ghee at best price India, Handchurned A2 ghee in India, Buy A2 ghee Online India, Organic A2 ghee brand in India, Organic A2 cow ghee suppliers India, A2 ghee in India, Grassfed A2 ghee in India, A2 ghee in India, Gir Cow Desi A2 Ghee Mumbai, Buy Handchurned A2 ghee Online.

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