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Verb Usage: tenses

Verb Usage: tenses. The following PowerPoint contains bell-ringers, announcements, notes and class activities (class work grades) for the unit on verb usage. Bell-ringer: identifying verb tenses 2/18.

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Verb Usage: tenses

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  1. Verb Usage: tenses The following PowerPoint contains bell-ringers, announcements, notes and class activities (class work grades) for the unit on verb usage

  2. Bell-ringer: identifying verb tenses 2/18 • Instructions: copy the following sentences and underline the verb/verb phrase. Identify if the verb tense is basic (present, past or future) or progressive (present progressive, past progressive, or future progressive) • My aunt and uncle are running a financial planning business. • Bob walks to the grocery store every Friday. • My sister was struggling to build the snowman, so I helped her. • Shelby wrote a five page story for her English class.

  3. Announcements & Agenda 2/22 • Announcements • 1. request to re-test forms for the dramatic techniques test need to be turned in tomorrow. (you will get your test back at the end of class) • If you have been absent, get your make up work done! Those grades exist as zeroes until the work has been completed. • Agenda • note-taking on basic and progressive verb tenses • Paired activity: creating sentences using the progressive tense.

  4. Why is it important to have a strong command of the English language?

  5. Verb Tenses: the basic tense • A tense is a form of a verb that shows the time of an action or condition. • In other words, a tense tells us when things happen. • Fill in the chart of simple tenses below and conjugate the verb to bring

  6. Practice with Basic Verb Tenses • Complete the following sentences and supply the correct tense of the verb provided. • Key : PRS T: Present tense Past T: Past tense FT: Future tense • George________________( to plan/FT) nothing for New Year’s Eve because he never________(to have/PRS T) a date. • When the dog ___________ (to bark/Past T), we all jumped. • The helicopter ____________( to fly/Past T) the stadium. • The coach ___________(to speak/FT) Johnny about his performance during practice. • The rollercoaster ________(to be/PRS T) the fastest ride in the park.

  7. The Four Principal Parts of Verbs • Tenses are formed from principal parts and helping verbs. • A verb has four principal parts: the present, the present participle, the past, and the past participle.

  8. The Four Principal Verb Parts

  9. Verb tenses: the progressive tense • Progressive tense shows actions or a state of being in progress. • Present Progressive • Thepresent progressiveform of a verb expresses action or a condition that is continuing in the present. • Althea is finishingher song. • Thepresent progressiveform consists of the helping verb am, are, orisand the present participle of the main verb.

  10. Present Progressive Forms • Instructions: conjugate the verb ‘to watch’ in the present progressive tense

  11. Past Progressive Form • The past progressive form of a verb expresses action or a condition that was continuing at some time in the past. • Example: We were watching a scary show. • The past progressive form consists of the helping verb wasor were and the present participle.

  12. Past Progressive Forms • Instructions: conjugate the verb ‘to speak’ in the past progressive tense

  13. Bell-ringer activity: review of verb tenses 2/18 • Instructions: copy the following sentences and change the basic tense to progressive tense. Use context clues in the sentence to infer if it should be in the present progressive, past progressive or future progressive. 1. Sean plays computer games. 2. The horses trotted around the track. 3. This machine worked yesterday. 4. Serena hurried to her dance class. 5. Harry and Sally take piano lessons.

  14. Announcements & Agenda 2/18 • Announcements • 1. bring interactive notebooks Monday • 2. Make up work! Get it done! • 3. Remaining presentations? Agenda • Completing packet on progressive tenses: classwork grade. • Group activity on progressive tenses • Note-taking on perfect tenses

  15. Future Progressive Form 8. The FUTURE PROGRESSIVE TENSE indicates continuing action, something that will be happening, going on, at some point in the future. • This tense is formed with "will" plus "be," plus the present participle of the verb (with an -ing ending) • Example: • I will be runningin next year's Boston Marathon. • Our campaign plans suggest that the President will be winning the southern vote by November.

  16. Future Progressive Forms Instructions: conjugate the verb ‘to hike’ in the future progressive form

  17. Practice Exercises: activity one • With your assigned partner, read through the passage and underline any simple or progressive verbs with the colored pencils as directed on the worksheet.

  18. Practice Exercise: activity two • write an example of • three basic tenses • three progressive tenses on strips of poster board paper • present them to the class explaining why they are in either the basic or progressive tense.

  19. Present Perfect Tense (the tricky stuff..) • perfect means complete • Present perfect tense expresses action • completed at the present time • Or • begun in the past and continuing into the present. • This tense uses the helping verbs has and haveand the past participle of the verb. • Examples: • He has writtena letter to his uncle. (completed action) • The Waltonshave livedhere for seven years. (continuing)

  20. Verb Forms: Present Perfect Tense • Instructions: conjugate the verb ‘to bake’ in the present perfect tense

  21. Past Perfect Tense • Past perfect tense expresses action completed before certain time in the past. • It uses the helping verb hadand the past participle of the verb. • Example: She had written the letter before I saw her

  22. Verb Forms: Past Perfect Tense • Instructions: conjugate the verb ‘to build’ in the past perfect tense

  23. Future Perfect Tense • Future perfect tense expresses action which will be completed before a certain time in the future. • It uses the helping verbs will have or shall haveand the past participle of the verb. • Example: He will have finished the paper before next Friday.

  24. Verb Forms: Future Perfect Tense • Instructions: conjugate the word ‘to pay’ in future perfect tense.

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