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Composite Risk Management Operational Level. Terminal Learning Objective. Task: Apply Composite Risk Management (CRM) to operations, training, and activities. Condition: In a classroom, given a practical exercise, and FM 5-19 and related publication
Terminal Learning Objective Task: Apply Composite Risk Management (CRM) to operations, training, and activities. Condition: In a classroom, given a practical exercise, and FM 5-19 and related publication Standards: IAW FM 5-19 and current CRM guidance from Chief of Staff, Army and Director, Army Safety/CG, US Army Combat Readiness Center
FY 2006 ARMY MILITARY FATALITIES *Other: Medical, Suicide, Criminal & Undetermined. Data Sources: USACRC RMIS, Preliminary Loss Reports, AFIP, and HRC Loss Total:1024
UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO SOURCE: DOD, DA, CENTCOM, http://casualties.org/oif/stats.aspx & http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf Combat Loss: Leading Causes OIF Coalition Forces—Jan 03-Apr 06
Soldier Fatalities due to Other CausesFebruary 2005 – June 2006
The Army’s purpose is enduring: fight and win the nation’s wars! Purpose is the same; methods change Traditional means of Safety, Risk Management, and Warfighting are not compatible with today’s demands The Need for Change
Transformation ofLoss Prevention • Legacy Army Safety was Accident-Centric and inadequate to solve the problem of Loss in the Army • Army fatalities result in loss to families, friends, and combat power • SECARMY and CSA “enlarged the problem” in order to solve it ARMY MILITARY FATALITIES As of 26 July 2006
Integrating CRM and Command Philosophy • Army Culture—no preventable loss is acceptable • Leaders are key to preventing loss—every commander, leader, and manager is responsible to integrate CRM into all missions and activities • CRM produces actionable knowledge, enabling smart decision making • Officers and NCOs are accountable for preserving our most precious resource: the Soldier
CRM expands traditional Risk Management to address ALL losses Views a loss as a loss, no matter where or how it occurs Assesses risk holistically Manages Risk 24/7 Focuses on readiness and preserving combat power Focuses on Soldiers Composite Risk Management(CRM)
Develop Controls & Make Risk Decision Implement Controls Supervise & Evaluate CRM Process Assess Hazards Identify Hazards “Assessment” “Management”
Purpose Sound individual and leader risk decisions Prevent unnecessary loss The premise of CRM is that it does not matter where or how a loss occurs, the result is the same: decreased combat power degraded mission effectiveness The scope of CRM encompasses the full spectrum of Army missions, functions, operations, and activities. CRM broadens the scope of Safety to prevent loss from combat, accident, and other causes CRMPurpose, Premise, & Scope
Integrate CRM into all phases of missions and operations Make risk decisions at the appropriate level Accept no unnecessary risk Apply the process cyclically and continuously Do not be risk averse Develop Controls & Make Risk Decision Implement Controls Supervise & Evaluate CRM Guiding Principles Assess Hazards “Assessment” Identify Hazards “Management”
Leadership Imperatives • G-1 Accountability • Army Readiness Assessment Program • Accountability for DAC Safety and Occupational Health • Accident Reporting • ASMIS-2 POV Risk Assessment Tool • Commander’s Safety Course • Additional Duty Safety Course • Army Traffic Safety Training Program
https://crc.army.mil CRM Tools and Resources • Assessment • Army Readiness Assessment Program (ARAP) • ASMIS-1 (Mission Risk Assessment Tool) • ASMIS-2 (POV Risk Assessment Tool) • Reporting • Information • Risk Management Information System (RMIS) • Preliminary Loss Reports (PLR) • Commander’s Corner • Training – Combat Readiness University
CRM and The Operations Process (FM 3-0) Identify Hazards-Assess Hazards-Develop Controls-Make Risk Decision- Implement Controls-Supervise & Evaluate
CONTROL MEASURES Commander’s Intent Planning guidance CCIR Delegation of authority Assignment of missions & tasks Plans and Orders Graphic control measures Unit SOP Information requirements Laws and regulations PLAN Military Decision Making Process Troop Leading Procedures The Operations Processexpanded (FMI 5-0.1) PREPARE • Revise and refine plan • Rehearsals • Task Organize • Train • Troop movements • Pre-operations checks • Logistics • Integrating new Soldiers and units • Subordinate confirmation back-briefs EXECUTE Rapid Decision Making and Synchronization Process • Focus assets on decisive operation • Adjust commander’s CCIR based on situation • Manage movement and positioning of supporting units • Adjust unit missions and tasks as necessary • Modify concept of operations as required • Position or relocate committed, supporting, and reserve units ASSESS • Monitor • Evaluate using commander’s visualization and running estimates WARFIGHTING FUNCTIONS C2,Intelligence, Maneuver, Sustainment, Fire Support, Protection INTEGRATING PROCESSES IPB, Targeting, Intelligence synchronization, Composite Risk Management CONTINUING ACTIVITIES ISR, Security, Protection, Liaison/Coordination, Terrain Mgt, Information Ops, A2C2
Plan • Commanders • CRM is an integral part of planning • Identify hazards and assess the probability and severity of their occurrence • Determine acceptable risk and convey same in planning guidance • Staff • Consider Commander’s risk guidance in developing COA’s • Evaluate acceptability (risk vs. benefit) of each COA
CRM is fully integrated and supportive of the MDMP and TLP CRM provides a process by which hazards may be identified and considered in the decision making, problem solving, and troop leading MDMP, TLP, and CRM
FM5-0Army Problem Solving (Screening Criteria) • Suitability—solves the problem and is legal and ethical • Feasibility—fits within available resources • Acceptability—worth the cost or risk • Distinguishability—differs significantly from other solutions • Completeness—contains the critical aspects of solving the problem from start to finish
Develop Controls to counter the risks associated with relevant hazards Mission Rehearsals Brief-backs Equipment Checks SOP Reviews Load Plan Verification Reassess Risk—determine residual risk levels and overall mission risk Make Risk Decisions Acceptable level of risk Decision made at the right level of command Prepare
…I am heartily tired of hearing about what Lee is going to do. Some of you always seem to think he is suddenly going to turn a double somersault and land in our rear and on both flanks at the same time. Go back to your command and try to think what we are going to do ourselves, instead of what Lee is going to do. Lieutenant General U.S. Grant Battle of the Wilderness, 1864 Execute • Taking action • Creating and exploiting opportunities • Continuously assessing the situation, integrating CRM and RDSP, and taking calculated risks • Applying sound tactics • Employing joint capabilities
Be bold, decisive, and violent. At the same time, understand when and where to take risks Do not hesitate to execute your plan Dispel uncertainty through action; create a response. Seize the initiative, press the fight, overcome adversity Informs Bold Decision-Making
Informed decisions to control hazards or accept risks, made at the appropriate level of authority Risk reduction commensurate with the commander’s intent Risk issues elevated to the next higher command when resources to control high risk are not available Desired End State
Commanders Continuously assess Direct adjustments Evaluation Tools Inspections Key Leaders at critical nodes Measures of Effectiveness Measures of Performance Running estimates SITREPS Brief Backs Reports AARs Supervise and Evaluate(Assess)
Leaders are Responsible for Training Actions and decisions are critical to prevent loss Enforce safety and manage risks Train as You Operate Risk is inherent to Army training. Safety and CRM must be integrated throughout training. CRM is not risk aversion Train to Standard Train to Sustain FM 7-0Training the Force
AR 385-10 Army Safety Program FM 5-19 Composite Risk Management FM 3-100.12 Risk Management (Multi-service) FM 3-0 Operations FM 5-0 Army Planning and Orders Production FMI 5-0.1 The Operations Process FM 7-0 Training the Force Integrate CRM as specified by Doctrine
Leadership Imperatives • G-1 Accountability • Army Readiness Assessment Program • Accountability for DAC Safety and Occupational Health • Accident Reporting • ASMIS-2 POV Risk Assessment Tool • Commander’s Safety Course • Additional Duty Safety Course • Army Traffic Safety Training Program
Additional Duty Safety Officer Per AR 385-10, Commanders must appoint additional duty safety personnel to perform required safety and accident prevention functions in units not staffed with full-time safety personnel. In troop units, this includes company level or equivalent organizational component. These unit safety personnel will— • Be appointed in writing on orders • Be a commissioned officer at battalion and higher unit levels • Be in the rank of staff sergeant or higher at company level • Have completed, or will complete, a local unit safety officer course • Have 1 year or more retainability in the unit upon duty appointment • Give their safety officer duties proper priority • Report directly to the commander on safety-related matters
Report Losses • Damage to Army property, including government-furnished equipment, property, or material • Injury (fatal or nonfatal) to on-duty or off-duty military personnel • Injury (fatal or nonfatal) to on-duty Army civilian personnel • Occupational injury or illness (fatal or nonfatal) • Any injury (fatal or nonfatal) or illness to non-Army personnel, or damage to non-Army property, as a result of Army operations • Class E Aviation incidents • FOD incidents (Class F)
Reporting Loss: How are we doing? • 94% of Army accidents/ incidents were not reported to USACRC • AR 385-40 requires reporting, analysis, and investigation in order to • Identify cause factors and deficiencies • Develop countermeasures to prevent recurrent loss • Identify trends that may have potential impact beyond your formations (share lessons learned) Accidents/Incidents, 2003-2006
Favorable Conditions Challenging Conditions DOTMLPF matches Mission Tough Decisions Risk Management Where’s the Edge? Where the 1st-line Leader draws it! Lead on the Edge! Conditions exceed capabilities Beyond reasonable expectations Consequence Management
Oak Tree Counseling • Personal Leader Engagement • Leader to Soldier • Supervisor to Employee • Directly address high-risk individual behavior traits on and off duty • Special focus areas • Alcohol or substance abuse • Suicide potential • Recently redeployed from combat • Overconfidence • New freedom • Feelings of invincibility • Leaders assist troops and employees in Owning the Edge “With all the techniques available, preventing loss always boils down to personal leader engagement.” General B. B. Bell