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Chapter 4 Personnel Planning and Recruiting

Chapter 4 Personnel Planning and Recruiting. Kong Haiyan. Business School. Recruit the best people and make them happy. 聘请一流人才并使他们快乐(安居乐业). Class Activities. Introduction Role play Evaluation (Brainstorming). Instructional Objectives. By the end of class today, you will be able to:

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Chapter 4 Personnel Planning and Recruiting

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  1. Chapter 4Personnel Planning and Recruiting Kong Haiyan Business School

  2. Recruit the best people and make them happy. • 聘请一流人才并使他们快乐(安居乐业)

  3. Class Activities • Introduction • Role play • Evaluation (Brainstorming)

  4. Instructional Objectives By the end of class today, you willbe able to: • Explain the main techniques used in employment planning • List and discuss the main outside sources of candidates • Effectively recruit job candidates • Name and describe the sources of internal candidates • Explain how to recruit a more diverse workforce

  5. Introduction Outline • Key terms • The recruitment and selection process • Tools for planning and forecasting • Effective Recruiting • Internal and outside sources of candidates

  6. Key Terms • Employment or personnel planning • Trend analysis • Ratio analysis • Scatter plot • Computerized forecast • Qualifications `inventories • Personnel replacement charts • Position replacement card

  7. Key Terms • Employee recruiting • Recruiting yield pyramid • Job posting • Succession planning • Applicant tracking systems • Alternative staffing • On demand recruiting services • Application form

  8. 1.The Recruitment and Selection Process • Decide what positions to fill via personnel planning and forecasting • Build a pool of candidates, by recruiting internal or external candidates • Have candidates complete application forms • Use selection tools, e.g., background investigations, physical exams • Decide who to make an offer to

  9. 2. Tools for Planning and Forecasting • Trend analysis • Ratio analysis • The scatter plot 4. Computerized forecast

  10. 2. Tools for Planning and Forecasting • Trend analysis Study of a firm’s past employment needs over a period of years to predict future needs. 2. Ratio analysis A forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using ratios between, for example, sales volume and number of employees needs (hotel’s salesmen)

  11. 2. Tools for Planning and Forecasting 3. The scatter plot A graphical method used to help identify the relationship between two variables. 4. Computerized forecast determination of future staff needs by projecting sales, volume of production, and personnel required to maintain this volume of output, using software packages.

  12. 3. Effective Recruiting 3.1. Employee recruiting: Finding and/or attracting applicants for the employer’s open positions. • Effective recruiting is important and complex

  13. 3. Effective Recruiting 3.2. Measuring recruiting effectiveness • What to measure • How to measure

  14. 3. Effective Recruiting 3.2. What to measure • “How many applicants did we generate through each of our recruitment sources?” • If more applicants are generated than there are positions to fill, the firm can be more selective.

  15. 3.2. The Recruiting Yield Pyramid New hires Offers made (2:1) Candidates interviewed (3:2) Candidates invited (4:3) Leads generated (6:1)

  16. 3. Effective Recruiting 3.2. How to measure • To assess applicants from each source using simple prescreening • selection devices

  17. 3. How to measure 3.2. Questions once conditional offer is made • Do you have any responsibilities that conflict with the job vacancy? • How long have you lived at your present address • Do you have any relatives working for this company • Do you have any physical defects that would prevent you from performing certain jobs where, to your knowledge vacancies exist/

  18. 3.2 How to measure 5. Do you have adequate means of transportation to get to work/ 6. Have you had any major illness in the past 10 years? 7. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or do you have a history of being a violent person? 8. What is your education background?

  19. Role play • HR hotel manager:1-2 • Job applicants: for hotel salesmen • Time: Morning • Venue: hotel lobby coffee bar

  20. Role play Situation: • HR manager try to explore more of the applicants • Job applicants try their best to be recruited

  21. Role play Requirement: • HR manager: use knowledge of the selection devices and questions for conditional offer • Applicants: apply the skills and techniques to apply for a job

  22. 4. Internal sources of candidates 4.1 Pros and cons, advantages • It’s easy to know the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses • Current employees may also be committed to the company • Inside candidate require less orientation and training than outsiders

  23. 4. Internal sources of candidates 4.1 Pros and cons, Disadvantages • Employees who apply for jobs and don’t get them may become discontented • Inbreeding is another potential drawback.

  24. 4. Internal sources of candidates 4.2 Methods developing internal candidates • Job posting • Rehiring • Succession planning

  25. 4. Internal sources of candidates 4.2 Methods developing internal candidates • Job posting publicizing the open job to employees • Rehiring rehire someone who left the company • Succession planning

  26. 4. Internal sources of candidates 4.2 Methods developing internal candidates • Succession planning The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance.

  27. 5. Outside sources of candidates(9) 1) Recruiting via the internet 2) Advertising 3) Employment agencies 4) Temp agencies and alternative staffing 5)Outsourcing white-collar and other jobs 6)Executive recruiters 7)On demand recruiting services (ODRS) 8) College recruiting 9) Referrals and walk-ins

  28. Thank YouQ & A

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