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Stream Flow Measurement: Gauging Methods and Instrumentation

This article provides an introduction to stream flow measurement, including the concepts of gauging and stream flow. It covers the common terms and methods used for measuring river or stream flow, including water level measurement, discharge measurement, and velocity-area methods. The use of control structures such as weirs and flumes, as well as the dilution gauging method, are also discussed. Additionally, the article explains the stage-discharge relationship and the measurement of sediment discharge.

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Stream Flow Measurement: Gauging Methods and Instrumentation

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  1. Dr. G. O. Oluwasanya and Mr. J.O. Adejuwon WMA 413: Hydromet Instrumentation I

  2. 1.1 Introduction What is gauging? What is stream flow? What constitute stream flow? Stream flow measurement The common terms in stream flow measurement River or stream gauging; Hydrometry Water level/stage Discharge measurement Water level measurement Measurement of stream velocity Computation of discharge Stream gauging stations Site selection criteria River Gauging

  3. 1.2 Stage measurement Water levels of rivers, lakes and reservoirs Stage measuring instruments Staff gauges Manually operated weight/electric sensors Float operated stage gauges Depth sensors Procedures for stage measurement Frequency of stage measurements 1.3 Discharge measurement Velocity – Area method Control structures Dilution gauging River Gauging

  4. 1.3.1 Velocity – Area method Determination of cross-sectional area of stream Measuring velocity of flow Surface floats Current meters Types of meters Operational procedure Discharge computation Mean-section method Mid-section method Empirical equations Manning's’ formula Chezy’s formula River Gauging

  5. 1.3.2 The use of control structures Weirs ---Sharp crested ---Broad crested Flumes 1.3.3 Dilution gauging or tracer method Types of dilution gauging Constant rate injection method Integration or gulp method Characteristics of chemicals/tracers Examples of chemical used as tracers Condition for use of dilution gauging River Gauging

  6. 1.4 The use of control structures Weirs ---Sharp crested ---Broad crested Flumes 1.5 Stage –Discharge relationship Flow rating curve The rating equation Rating table River Gauging

  7. Measurement of sediment discharge • Suspended sediment discharge • Bed sediment discharge Sediment Discharge

  8. Collection and observation procedures • Transmission of hydrological and meteorological observations • Quality control • Storage and cataloguing • Special data collection requirements • ‘Bucket surveys’ of storm rainfall • Weather radar data • Extreme stages and discharges Collection, processing and publication of data

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