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Useful dandruff treatment tips

The scalp has unique texture and has follicles that are essential for hair growth along with specific gland types to keep intact the surface moisture.

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Useful dandruff treatment tips

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  1. Useful dandruff treatment tips Have you developed dandruff on your hair? Worried about falling hair! Want some remedy that is completely safe for your hair & scalp! Go through http://ketomac.co.in/ and find out the best available remedy!!

  2. What does the scalp comprise of? The scalp has unique texture and has follicles that are essential for hair growth along with specific gland types to keep intact the surface moisture. These days, people of all ages are suffering from dandruff issues. This can be really annoying as it develops further. Constant itching is likely to make you feel embarrassed when attending parties.

  3. What is dandruff all about? Dandruff exactly is not a disease. No particular theory is still found about its occurrence. Basically, it can be termed to be fungus overgrowth on the scalp region. Besides affecting dry scalp, it also affects oily scalp. Dry weather, oily skin, psoriasis or eczema is stated to be the cause behind its formation. Otherwise, it is never a deadly or life threatening condition at any point of time. With simple care and treatments, it is possible to manage the problem.

  4. Use anti dandruff shampoo coloured hair to reduce excess dead cell build-up as directed in the label. If suffering from some allergic issues consult specialist and get prescription to use a good and reliable shampoo. Leave shampoo on scalp for approximately 5 minutes. Then wash it properly and then rinse it well.

  5. Careful evaluation Dandruff flakes when examined are yellow and greasy. This can be seborrheic dermatitis signs occurring in the hair. Inflammatory skin condition might occur if there is sufficient amount of oil glands. Such areas are the scalp and facial spots. They are related mainly to fungal infections, hormones and other problems.

  6. Treatment It will be wise to use dandruff shampoo for coloured hair from reputed companies like Ketomac. Consult a good specialist if you suffer from some allergic condition to ensure there is no occurrence of side effects. Severe cases might need antifungal medicine or prescription steroid to be effective enough to derive solution.

  7. Home remedies You can also avail few home remedies to treat your dandruff problems in hair and get to enjoy some visible differences. Some home remedies are cost effective and also simple to avail. There are plenty of organic ingredients in your kitchen, which you can use as an effective solution. These home remedies are being used for ages to treat various types of ailments and are completely safe for everyone.

  8. Neem leaves It can help treat baldness effectively and offers immense benefits. Its natural properties also help to soothe the skin and also provide relief to scalp from itching problems. It inhibits dandruff growth and acts as antifungal.

  9. Aloe vera This is a lush green herb found easily in any garden and can cure dandruff and minor burns.

  10. For more home & Ayurveda based remedies, check out the website Ketomac!!

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