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Biennial Conference 18th & 19th September 2009. Substance over form.
BiennialConference 18th & 19th September 2009 Substance over form Enron’s creative accountants in Houston put a cosmetic veneer over economic reality, observing the letter, not the spirit of the law. Now, more than ever before, "substance over form” requires auditors to pass professional judgment on how far a company’s accounts reflect economic reality. We have arranged a prestigious panel of speakers: Norman Murray, Chairman of Cairn EnergyPLC and former President of ICAS John Crowley UNESCO Mark Davies Betfair Antoinette Gutierrez E & Y Fraud & Investigations The venue isthe Conference centre at Hotel du Lac, Enghien-les-Bains, offering a splendidlakesideview close to Paris. The centre includes a wonderful spa centre whichcanbeused by guests. The cost of the conferenceissubsidised by ABAF to encourage you to attend. The conference brochure withbookingformwillbe sent out in April. Please note thereis adiscountedpriceoffered to thosewhoreserveand paybefore31st May and for the first time thisincludes free entrance to the Spa. ConferenceFeeBase PriceBefore31/5 Delegatewithout accommodation 180€ 140€ Delegate in single accommodation 240€ 190€ Delegate & partner, sharing accomodation 300€ 240€ Spa daily rate 15€ Free Entrance to casino Free Free Your Council highlyrecommendsthisbiennialtechnical and networkingevent. Please note itnow in yourdiaries. Nick Rolt – Secretary to ABAF Email: nrolt@deloitte.fr