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Results from the DIRAC Experiment at CERN DI meson R elativistic A tomic C omplex. L. Tauscher, for the DIRAC collaboration Frascati, June 10 , 2004. 16 Institutes Spokesman: Leonid Nemenov, Dubna. Lifetime linked to s-wave p p scattering lengths (a 2 -a 0 )
Results from the DIRAC Experiment at CERNDImeson Relativistic Atomic Complex L. Tauscher, for the DIRAC collaboration Frascati, June 10 , 2004 16 Institutes Spokesman: Leonid Nemenov, Dubna L. Tauscher, Basel
Lifetime linked to s-wave ppscattering lengths (a2-a0) Annihilation from higher l-states forbidden / strongly suppressed, in practice, absent The pp scattering length DIRAC measures the lifetime of the pp atom (of order 10-15 s) Lifetime due to decay of ppatom: strong pp pp(99.6%) el. magn. pp (0.4%) Method is independent of QCD models and constraints The aim of DIRAC is to measure t with an accuracy of 0.3 fs Physics motivation: elementary quantity in soft QCD (similar to mp) L. Tauscher, Basel
Strong interaction I = 0,2 • Annihilation, p+p-p0p0(a0-a2), t≈ 310-15 s The p+p- atom Produced in proton-nucleus collisions (Coulomb final state interaction) Atomic bound state (Eb≈ 2.9 KeV) Relativistic atom (g ≈17) migrates more than 10 mm in the target and encounters around 100’000 atoms L. Tauscher, Basel
Excitation and break-up In collisions atom becomes excited and/or breaks up Pions from break-up have very similar momenta and very small opening angle (small Q) At target exit this feature is smeared by multiple scattering, especially in QT L. Tauscher, Basel
Break-up probability Pbr is linked to the lifetime t (theory of relativistic atomic collisions) Principle of measuring the lifetime Excitation and break-up of produced atoms (NA) are competing with decay p+p-pairs from break-up provide measurable signal nA Pbr is linked to nA : Pbr = nA/NA The number of produced atoms NA is not directly measurable to be obtained otherwise (normalization using background) L. Tauscher, Basel
Background • Pairs of pions produced in high energy proton nucleus collisions are coherent, • if they originate directly from hadronisation or • involve short lived intermediate resonances. • Coherent pairs undergo Coulomb final state interaction and become “Coulomb-correlated” • They areincoherent, • if one of them originates from long lived intermediate resonances, e.g. h’s (non-correlated) • because they originate from different proton collisions (accidentals) L. Tauscher, Basel
Coulomb enhancement function (Sommerfeld, Gamov, Sacharov, etc): Coulomb correlated (C) background Coherentp+p-pairs undergo Coulomb final state interaction enhancement of low-Q event rate with respect to non-correlated events. • The same mechanism leads also to the formation of atoms • number of produced atoms NA and the Coulomb correlated background (NC) are in a calculable and fixed relation (normalization): NA = 0.615 * NC (Q ≤ 2 MeV/c) L. Tauscher, Basel
Pion pairs from atoms have very low Q C background is Coulomb enhanced at very low Q Multiple scattering in the target smears the signals and the cuts DIRAC uses the C background as normalization for produced atoms Signal and background summary Intrinsic difficulty: multiple scattering in MC measuring 2 tracks with opening angle of 0.3 mrad L. Tauscher, Basel
DIRAC spectrometer L. Tauscher, Basel
Timing L. Tauscher, Basel
Monte-Carlo Generators:tailored to the experiment Accidental background according to Nacc/Q Q2 with momentum distributions as measured with accidentals Non-correlated background according to NnC/Q Q2 with momentum distribution as measured for one pion and Fritjof momentum distribution for long-lived resonances for second pion C background according to NC/Q fCC(Q)*Q2 with momentum distribution as measured but corrected for long-lived incoherent pion pairs (Fritjof) Atomic pairs according to dynamics of atom-target collisions and atom momentum distribution for C background Geant4:full spectrometer simulation Detector simulation:full simulation of response, read-out, digitalization and noise Trigger simulation:full simulation of trigger processors Reconstruction:as for real data L. Tauscher, Basel
Data from Ni taken in 2001 Best coherent data taking with full trigger and set-up • Typical cuts: • QT < 4 MeV/c • QL < 22 MeV/c • No of reconstructed events in prompt window : 570‘000 • For analysis the accidental background in the prompt window is obtained by proper scaling and kept fixed. L. Tauscher, Basel
Experimental Q and Ql distributions (Ni2001) • Fit MonteCarlo C and nC background • outside the A2p signal region (Q > 4 MeV, QL > 2 MeV) • simultaneously to Q and QL L. Tauscher, Basel
Residuals in Q and Ql • Comments: • Q and QL provide same number of events background consistent • Signal shapes well reproduced L. Tauscher, Basel
nA(Qrec ≤ Qcut) _______________________________________________________________________ e0.615kNC (Qrec ≤ Qcut) PBr = Normalization PBr = nA / NA Fraction of atomic pairs with Qrec ≤ Qcut: e = nA(Qrec ≤ Qcut)/nA (from MonteCarlo) Number of atomic pairs: nA = nA(Qrec ≤ Qcut) /e Fraction of C background with Qinit ≤ 2 MeV contained in the measured C background with Qrec ≤ Qcut k= NC(Qinit ≤ 2 MeV ) / NC (Qrec ≤ Qcut) (from MonteCarlo) Number of produced atoms NA = 0.615kNC (Qrec ≤ Qcut) L. Tauscher, Basel
Result: nA = 6560 ± 295 (4.5%) NC = 374282 ± 3561 (1.0%) NC (Q<4 MeV/c) = 106114 e0.615k = 0.1383 PBr = 0.447 ± 0.023stat(5.1%) Break-up from Ni2001 • Strategy: • Use MC shapes for background from Monte Carlo • Use MC shapes for the atomic signal • Fit in Q and QL simultaneously • Require that background composition in Q and QL are the same L. Tauscher, Basel
PBr = 0.447 ± 0.023stat • + 0.44stat t = 2.85 [fs] - 0.38stat Lifetime L. Tauscher, Basel
Systematics • Systematics from: • Normalization (C vs. nC determination) • Cut (Qcut) for PBr determination • Multiple scattering simulation • Signal shape simulation • Many others L. Tauscher, Basel
Lifetime with systematics • + 0.48 t = 2.85 [fs] - 0.41 L. Tauscher, Basel
Dual target technique Method to get rid of uncertainties from normalization, multiple scattering and shape • Two targets: • standard single layer Ni-target • multi-layer Ni-target with the same thickness as the standard target, but • segmented into 12 equally thick layers at distances of 1.0 mm. • Both targets have the same properties in terms of: • production of secondary particles by the beam, • correlated and uncorrelated backgrounds (Nback), • produced atoms (NA), • integral multiple scattering, • Measuring conditions But: break up Pbrm is smaller than Pbrs because of enhanced annihilation. L. Tauscher, Basel
Normalization-free determination oft Nm(Q) = Pbrm NASA(Q) + Nback(Q)Ns(Q) = Pbrs NASA(Q) + Nback(Q) SA(Q) : normalized Monte Carlo shape function for the atomic break up signal Signal shape: Ns(Q) - Nm(Q) = (Pbrs - Pbrm)NASA(Q) Background shape: Ns(Q) - r Nm(Q) = (1-r) Nback(Q) = (1-r) B(Q) r = Pbrs / Pbrm B(Q) = w BC(Q) + (1-w) BnC(Q) B: Monte Carlo shape function for the background, normalized to the no. of background-events t from r (independent of normalization) L. Tauscher, Basel
Rate combination for signal (2002) (preliminary) Ns(Q) - Nm(Q) = (Pbrs-Pbrm)NA = 825 ± 140 events signal shape well reproduced L. Tauscher, Basel
Rate combination for background (2002) (preliminary) r = 1.86 ± 0.20stat Background shape from MonteCarlo is consistent also at low Q L. Tauscher, Basel
Lifetime single/multilayer (2002) (preliminary) Result: = 2.5 + 1.1- 0.9 [fs] L. Tauscher, Basel
outlook Full statistic probably sufficient to reach the goal of 10% accuracy L. Tauscher, Basel
Conclusion Using a subset of data DIRAC has achieved a lifetime measurement with 16% accuracy • Systematic errors have been studied • Normalization consistency in Q, QL • Cut uncertainties • Multiple scattering • Shape uncertainties • Many others • Systematic errors < statistical errors • Full statistics sufficient to reach 10% accuracy (st = 0.3 fs) L. Tauscher, Basel