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Harry Coumnas, space researcher is promoting space orbits and vacations to planets like Mars. With the progression and expediting of research in all major official and non official organizations in the world about the future of space travel, this concept of interplanetary vacations is no longer just something in sci-fi books.
Despite speculation and disagreement amongst members of the scientific community regarding the subject of space colonization, Harry Coumnas, space researcher is promoting space orbits and vacations to planets like Mars. With the progression and expediting of research in all major official and non official organizations in the world about the future of space travel.
Harry is among the small group of people who believe that things will be taking off in the very near future. He has his eyes set on space tourism, and hopes to be one of the first to capitalize of this venture. He is already inviting investments from the richest people around the world, and they hope live to those days when going to Mars will be like driving to the next city.
Harry Coumnas has conducted extensive research on the subject for close to 25 years, and only when he was convinced, did he actually bring up the concept. However, he realizes that this venture requires a lot of funds, and a pre constructed infrastructure before he can offer people vacations.
He has pitched his idea to many technology companies, and is receiving a positive response from almost everyone. They are nudging him to go in that direction and have promised funds. Harry intends to build a hotel which will have all the technological equipment and manpower needed to sustain a livable, breathable base.
Parts of the structure will be constructed on Earth, and they will be shipped to the moon. A team of experts will then travel there, and assemble the structure together. Far-fetched as it might seem to the lay person, Harry Coumnas has many companies on board for his plan. After the structure is intact, Harry will then begin organizing trips and sending tourists to the moon for one week trips.
Tourists will go through one month training sessions which will simulate their trip to the moon. They will be taught everything they need to know during these sessions. Once trained, they will receive a certification ensuring they are physically and mentally fit to be in outer space. Currently, Harry Coumnas is writing a 500 page proposal outlining the entire space tourism program which he is set to present in 6 months.