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SYSTEMS CHANGE THROUGH COACHING. Project OUTCOMES. Build Capacity to educate s tudents with ASD in the LRE Improve Outcomes: Access to Higher Education Employment Independent Living Community Involvement. Feedback Loops . START Project MI-TOP MRS.

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  2. Project OUTCOMES • Build Capacity to educate students with ASD in the LRE • Improve Outcomes: • Access to Higher Education • Employment • Independent Living • Community Involvement

  3. Feedback Loops START Project MI-TOP MRS Providing feedback and dataon implementation efforts RCN District Team ISD/DISTRICT TEAM BUILDING TEAM Support Loops Providing supports for effective practices implemented with fidelity BUILDING STAFF & STUDENTS Adapted from Michigan Implementation Network (MIN) www. cenmi.org/min

  4. Training Foundation • Foundations in ASD and Effective Practices • Guiding Principles and the Teaming Process • Looking at Adults with ASD Differently • “Stop It” and Other Behavioral Strategies • Re-Thinking the Glass House Rule (Asperger’s) • Peer to Peer and Other Natural Supports • Discovery and the IEP

  5. Why Change? • We are agents of change or agents of the status quo. • Status quo doesn’t get us from here to where KIDS need to be. • Jacque Thompson, MAASE 2007

  6. The World is Flat: Educational Impact

  7. Why a Coaching Model? • Improve Capacity for ALL Staff to Educate / Prepare Students with ASD for their Future • Improve resource allocation / efficiency • Move from Crisis to Frontloading

  8. Multi-Tiered Model of Support Few Intensive TIER 3 Some Targeted TIER 2 UniversalTIER 1 All

  9. START’s Model for Coaching:The Structure for Systems Change Effective Practices Leadership Initiative (EPLI)

  10. EPLI is Designed to…. • BUILD local district CAPACITY to educate students with ASD • Improve IMPLEMENTATION of effective practices for students with ASD in order to improve OUTCOMES • Increase use of TEAM and PROBLEM-SOLVING processes • Increase EFFECTIVENESS of professional development opportunities

  11. HOW do we deliver EPLI? • Trainer/Coaches • Deliver content information through training • Recruit and train building coaches • Coach Leaders • Serve in a coach / consultant role • Coordinate district / ISD coaching activities • Work collaboratively with Trainer/Coaches • Building-Level Coaching Activities

  12. Comparison of the Models:Expert Consultant vs. Coaching:

  13. Coaching requires you toCHANGE YOUR FOCUS • from crisis to CAPACITY BUILDING • from an expert model to one of teaming / collaboration / problem solving • From old to NEW thinking about supporting students with ASD: • START Principles / Mantras / Data

  14. Patch Adams


  16. CONGRATUATIONS ! ! You’re in the CLUB YOU are Accountable for Coaching…..

  17. Initiation into EPLI: Finding Nemo

  18. Implementing a Coaching Model Organizational STRUCTURE / ACTIVITIES Coaching SKILLS

  19. Developing YOURCoaching Model Develop an ISD / District Map

  20. CCEC EEK TP EC L OV FST EE HS R Sch EK HW SJ MS Sct MS HS HS MS El El MS / HS EXAMPLE:CCRESA Model of Service: Building CapacitySupport Team and Building Coaches W GW

  21. Develop a Picture of YOUR District • Buildings • # students in the building • Current Implementation Tier

  22. Identifying Needs of the BuildingIMPLEMENTATION TIER Tier 3: Lack of information New Staff 1st Student with ASD Tier 2: Frequent flyers to PD Lack of implementation TIER 1: --Teaming structure in place --Team(s) trained --Teams meeting regularly --Implementation of effective practices --Ongoing PD

  23. Developing your COACHING MODEL Step 1: Develop an ASD Picture of your District / ISD Step 2: Develop Your Coach Leaders / Building Coaches

  24. Who are Coach Leaders? In multiple buildings Tends to be Ancillary Staff: School Psychologist School Social Worker Speech and Language Therapist ASD Teacher Consultants Occupational Therapist

  25. Who are Building Coaches? Primarily assigned to one building Tends to be: Special Education Teacher General Education Teacher Building Speech and Language Therapist School Counselor Principal

  26. How will YOUR Model Look?

  27. Addressing Barriers

  28. Control the Controllables ACTIVITY

  29. GETTING CRITICAL MASS • DESIGN BEHAVIOR: • Closest to the CUSTOMER • Advocate change when it benefits the customer • DEFAULT BEHAVIOR: • Protecting SELF • DEFIANT BEHAVIOR: • Furthest from the customer • Protecting STATUS QUO

  30. CELEBRATION OF PROGRESS • TEAM Award • Individual Award

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