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Discover the essence of research design through a master plan that guides the research process from start to finish. Explore the various methods, strategies, and frameworks essential for conducting successful research. Unleash your creativity and innovative thinking as you delve into the depths of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Learn how to select the most appropriate research design instrument and data capturing techniques to achieve your research objectives effectively. This overview aims to inspire, educate, and empower aspiring researchers to create impactful studies that contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what your doing” W.E. Deming “A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.” H. Stanley Judd quotes
Research Design Research objective Research outcome Research Design instrument, information, target, helmet,
What is Research Design? • Master plan • Framework for action (Research Operational Framework) • Specifies methods and procedures • Can be thought of as the structure of the research that describes and holds together all the elements in a research from start to end. INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
What is Research Design? • Is the strategy for a study and the plan by which the strategy is to be carried out. • Issues relating to purpose of study (exploratory, descriptive, hypothesis testing), its location (setting), type of investigation, time horizon, unit of analysis. • It specifies the methods and procedures for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
What is Research Design? • Covers many variations, some descriptors: • Exploratory vs formalized • Descriptive vs causal • Cross-sectional vs longitudinal • Field vs laboratory (experimental) vs simulation INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Research Methods in Computer Science • implementation driven research.This approach progresses by iteratively building better and better systems. • mathematical proof techniques.This approach uses formal proofs to reason about the validity of a hypothesis given some evidence. For example, mathematical reasoning can be used to demonstrate that an algorithm can cover all possible input cases. • empiricism.This approach follows a clearly laid out sequence of steps: hypothesis; methods; results and conclusion. Statistical measures are often use to determine whether an experiment actually supports a hypothesis. • observational studies.This approach removes many of the constraints associated with empiricism by analysing the utility of a system in its eventual context of use. For example, the success or failure of a new programming language can only be assessed in this view if real programmers are trained to use the system on a real project. INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Qualitative vs Quantitative Research • Qualitative Research • *An array of interpretive techniques which seek to describe, decode, translate in terms of meaning not the frequency. • *Aims to achieve an in-depth understanding of a situation. • Quantitative Research • *Attempts precise measurement of some behavior, knowledge, opinion or attitude. • *Operationalization of variables • Mixed Method Research • * A combination of Qualitative and Quantitative INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Qualitative vs Quantitative Research INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Group Interviews Focus Groups Observation Case Studies Action Research Grounded Theory Qualitative Research Data Collection Techniques INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Source of Data • Literature • Data source often mentioned in bibliography • Authors can be contacted to share data • Commercial databases • Companies collect/store/purchase data from literature, experiments, etc. eg ID Alert, MDDR, WDI, CCDC databases • Non-profit organizations, government agencies • Eg. National Cancer Institute (NCI) databases,Chemical Abstract Service, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) scientific and technical databases, hospitals, PERPUN • Benchmark data, standard collection • Eg. Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) test collections, Cranfield Collection • In house data – eg. time table, web logs • Data published on the web, user interest groups • Interviews, surveys, observation, documentations, screenshots - INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Data Capturing Instruments • Hardware – eg. Scanners, digital cameras, digitizers, screenshots. • Software – eg . transcription software (Transcriber, Express Scribe), Qualitative Data Analysis - QDA software (ATLAS.ti 5, Ethnograph 5.08, QSR Nud*ist 6, QSR NVivo 2, MaxQDA, HyperResearch 2.6 ), digitizing software such as Engauge to convert image file into numbers, descriptor generator such as Molconn-Z, Unity, BCI, Daylight • Questionaires, interview template INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Mix Method • Triangulation: Term to describe the combining of several qualitative methods or combining qualitative and quantitative methods. • Forward thinkers believe that the methodologies complement each other. • Many researchers recognize that qualitative compensates for the weakness of each methods. INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Criteria for Selecting Methodology in Developing Systems INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
System Development Life Cycle Waterfall Development-based Methodology INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Adaptation of the Unified Process Phased Development Methodology: Example of RAD INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS
Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques • Major object-oriented modeling techniques include: • Use Case diagrams • Class diagrams • Sequence diagrams • Statechart diagrams INSPIRING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE MINDS