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http://bit.ly/Z2Chzk In today's post I go over some of the basics and fundamentals when it comes to marketing through social media. Having personally spent over $50,000 in learning it myself, I picked up a few tips and tricks along the way. For more resources and advice on marketing through social media, visit my blog at http://KevinKLau.com http://youtu.be/HhXKQjuqFcM
My Challenge - Day 13 3 Of The Best Ways In Marketing Through Social Media
Today we’re going to talk about something I’m really passionate about. We’ll cover some tips and tactics that have really helped grow my awareness and transformed my idea of how much I can help other people. It’s social media marketing.
A lot of people and businesses reach out to me to find out how they can be more influential on social media and reach more of their targeted audience. I think what happens is we tend to think that social media is just something we should be doing because everyone else is too.
But, I’m telling you from personal experience that it’s something that can literally transform how you relate to people, and how you get sales.
So, it’s really not so much of a mystery if you think about it. It’s all about human evolution, and how we communicate or interact. Ultimately, it’s how we can transfer our knowledge and information to a much larger audience and share with them what we’re currently doing.
Social media marketing shouldn’t be a mystery because it’s very simple to do. It comes down to relationships and developing new friends or contacts. If you were to go out to a mixer or event, you go around and pass out your business cards to meet new people. That’s how you essentially build new associations.
The nice thing about the internet is that you can develop a following or niche. A good example is Pintrest and the way they were able to build their brand presence over a short period of time.
They’ve reached out to 300 bloggers and in the home décor niche. They would have a chance to basically showcase and interact with other people and a new way share information.
So when you think about social media, you want to think about copy writing. You have to write a message or some type of text that’s compelling so that people take action.
How can you make your messages compelling? Well, as I’ve been saying over these past couple days, it really comes down to how transparent you are. How well can people relate to you?
In my case, I’m really passionate about the things I’m doing with my friends and family. I love to showcase some of the places I go out to for dates and dinners, and I’m a foodie at heart. I love to travel and go to different places. I pretty much document what I’m doing. Some people don’t like to do this. That’s just my personal nature.
At the same time I share these posts that I’m making. I want to let people know that I’m a real person. At the end of the day, social media is a vehicle for letting people know who you are.
I make connections with people across the world. I was able to connect with my first mentor through Facebook just by letting her know that I was interested in getting involved in this platform. I wanted to be as helpful as I possibly could.
I’ve learned these steps by simply following other people that have been successful. Just like any other business, you follow and model after other people. It’s almost like success has clues. Overtime you’re able to duplicate and grow that success.
I’m always asked about return on with social media. Most people think that takes too much time. I can tell you that from personal experience that it does because it’s a nurturing relationship. You wouldn’t really go up to a friend and pitch them an idea, or ask a complete stranger to join your business. Some people think that’s how you do it.
Ultimately if you want to have real success and you want to make huge waves in the industry, you have to have value.
If you realise that you’re on a very fast road to accomplishing whatever you want, the fastest way to do it is by sharing as much value day in and day out, and being consistent; be transparent with everything that you share.
I’m doing it through videos, but some people do it through blogs, tweeting or Facebook. The key with all of this is to be consistent in whatever avenue that you’re in.
You have to be able to do it on a consistent basis in order for you to build up that credibility to even ask people for a sale or partner with you. If you a build a relationship overtime, you will have more influence.
Everyone eventually starts out 0. On twitter I had 0 followers and the same thing on Facebook. I had to develop that trust and like factor to even ask for their permission to share something for them to buy.
Always try to think about the 80/20 rule. It’s basically 80% content and value to 20% sales or any type of offer. If you follow that golden rule, you will be more successful. You’ll find that you’re able to have more impact on more people. You’ll be able to convert people because they can know, like and trust you.
Follow any of the great social media advisers out there on the web and you’ll notice that’s exactly what they do. Maybe their message or tone is a little bit different, but ultimately, that’s how they are able to get results.
If you mix this with the larger internet marketing campaigns, you’ll find that over time you build a power house of influence. You can attract so many people who are going to be excited to join you; they feel like they know you and can relate to you.
Some people think it’s going too slow, or it’s going to take too much time, but the reality is you’re going to find better quality people once you develop that strong and deep relationship. They can see the results that you’re having and that you’re really just a normal person.
On the internet all you can really do is make a blog post, and only connect with them through written word, audio or video, so they don’t necessarily get to see you on a one-on-one basis.
So remember, always be as realistic and as transparent as you possibly can. Hopefully these tips have been helpful for you today. I look forward to seeing you for the next post!