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Library Research Strategies

Library Research Strategies. HS937: Seminar in Modern European History Prof. Peter Weiler. Michelle Baildon baildon@bc.edu http://www2.bc.edu/~baildon/. Tell Me, Please:. How do I get the library information I need . . . . . . at O’Neill? . . . at BC? . . . in Boston?

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Library Research Strategies

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  1. Library Research Strategies HS937: Seminar in Modern European History Prof. Peter Weiler Michelle Baildon baildon@bc.edu http://www2.bc.edu/~baildon/

  2. Tell Me, Please: • How do I get the library information I need . . . . . . at O’Neill? . . . at BC? . . . in Boston? . . . in the world (online and otherwise)? • How do I get primary and secondary sources? • You’ll need the right tools

  3. First Things First: Some Important Web Sites • Remember: Michelle’s Home Page (okay, not technically part of the BC Libraries site) • URL: <http://www2.bc.edu/~baildon/> • It has: • This presentation • History database listing by type • Plus general skills guides

  4. Let’s Get to Know the BC Libraries’ Web Site • Library home page: http://www.bc.edu/libraries/ • Make it your starting point for research • Quick Searches • Quest Quick Search: Remember: this is a “Keyword Anywhere,” not Title search!! • CrossSearch (formerly known as MetaQuest)

  5. More on the BC Libraries’ Web Site • Library home page: http://www.bc.edu/libraries/ • Research Help • Subject specialists<http://www.bc.edu/libraries/research/> List of contacts in all disciplines • Research Guides<http://www.bc.edu/libraries/research/guides/> Comprehensive lists of print and electronic resources in different subjects • How do I . . . ? <http://www.bc.edu/libraries/research/howdoi> Frequently asked questions in library research • Tutorials<http://www.bc.edu/libraries/research/tutorials/> [CHECK OUT THE QUEST TUTORIAL]

  6. Still More About the BC Libraries’ Web Site • Library home page: http://www.bc.edu/libraries/ • Resources • Online Databases<http://www.bc.edu/databases/> Listing of BC’s 200+ electronic resources in all subjects • Electronic Journals<http://www.bc.edu/libraries/resources/ejournals/> Find e-journals by title or subject • WorldCat A “union catalog”

  7. Different Tools Find Different Things • Some definitions to remember: • Catalogs: Everything a library holds • Union catalogs: Everything that many libraries hold (see WorldCat) • Indexes: Show you where to find specific articles • Take you down another level of specificity • Finding aids: Manuscripts and archival records • These and other tools all go by the alias “database”

  8. Using Quest<http://www.bc.edu/quest/> • Quest is a library catalog • Use Quest for primary and secondary sources Keyword Searching vs. Subject Searching • Keywords: • Words normal people would think of • Can appear ANYWHERE in the record (title, author, subject, publisher, notes, blah blah blah) • Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): • “Officially sanctioned” by the Library of Congress, you will never guess them on your own • Only appear in the “Subject” section

  9. Using Quest (cont.) • Basic search: Good for title, author, keyword • Advanced search: • Combine searches with AND, OR, NOT • Limit by language, format, library • Other catalogs: Journal Titles; Course Reserves • Remember . . . Use these strategies with other catalogs and databases!

  10. Using Quest (cont.) • Requesting checked-out books, in-process books, and on-order books • “My Account”: • You can view loans and renew books • Request books from the Law School • Make Interlibrary Loan Requests • Need more info? • Check Quest Help! • Again, check out the Quest tutorial: http://www.bc.edu/libraries/research/tutorials/s-quest1/

  11. Secondary Sources:Scholarly Journal Articles • What is a scholarly journal? • Contains articles by academics • Peer-reviewed • They’re digital and print (and microfilm . . .) • They’re kept in many places in the BC Libraries (mostly this depends on how old it is)

  12. Finding Journal Articles: Tell Me How The Old-Fashioned Way: • Step 1: Use an index or database (from the Online Databases Pagehttp://www.bc.edu/databases/) to find an article title • A key index: • Historical Abstracts • Step 2: Find the journal in Quest

  13. Some Shortcuts to Make Life Easier Shortcut #1: • Use full-text journal databases • Some key full-text databases: • JSTOR • Project Muse

  14. Some Shortcuts to Make Life Easier Shortcut #2: • Look for the Find It Icon • You’re in a database and have found an article you want. How do you get it? • Easiest way? Click on Find It. • Find It will tell you: • Does BC have the article in full text online? • . . . Or is it in print in the libraries? • . . . Or can you get it through interlibrary loan? More on FindIt:http://www.bc.edu/libraries/research/tools/s-findit/

  15. Some Shortcuts to Make Life Easier Shortcut #3: • If you know exactly what you’re looking for, use Citation Linkeron the E-Journals Page • http://www.bc.edu/libraries/resources/ejournals/s-cilinker/

  16. Finding Primary Sources • See the guide toFinding Primary Sources • Print sources • Use Quest and WorldCat • Digitized sources • See Research Guides, Online Databases Page, Quest • Think critically about free Internet sources • Microfilm • Use Quest Advanced Search and limit to microfilm • Newspapers: See Newspapers Research Guide and Newspapers Collection page • Archival sources • Archival Resources, ArchivesUSA

  17. Finding Stuff Outside of BC • Use WorldCat • Try Interlibrary loan (ILL) • Use your Boston Library Consortium (BLC) card

  18. Some General Tips • Get leads from footnotes and bibliographies in books and articles • Use call numbers to browse the stacks for similar books

  19. Want help from a real person? • Contact Michelle Baildon or other subject specialists • Visit or call (2-4472) the Reference Desk during these hours • Email or online chat (Ask 24/7) reference help

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