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This study examines the phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) using strong coupling lattice QCD. The effects of baryons at finite temperature and chemical potential are considered, with a focus on the extension of the hadron phase at low temperatures. The study also explores the zero diquark case and suggests further investigation of the diquark effect.
Phase diagram at finite temperature andquark density in the strong coupling limitof lattice QCD for color SU(3) Kohtaroh MiuraNoboru KawamotoAkira Ohnishi Toshihiko Ohnuma @ Hokkaido Univ. Eprint: hep-lat/0512023 K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031
T QGP Hadron CS Short Summary 170 MeV Experimental development Perfect liquid of partons (RHIC) Jet-Quenching (RHIC) surpression Experimental Frontier QGP at high denity (AGS, J-PARC) Color superconductivity (Neutron star observation by SK, SNO) Monte-Carlo simulations Tc is around 170 MeV at low density Well-known “Sign Problem” makes MC cal. difficult at high density. Strong Coupling Lattice QCD K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031
History of Strong Coupling Lattice QCD Refs. Nc Nf Baryon CSC T Damgaard-Kawamoto-Shigemoto(‘84) Damgaard-Hochberg-Kawamoto(‘85) Bilic-Karsch-Redlich(‘92) Azcionti-Di Carlo-Galante-Laliena(‘03) Nishida-Hatsuda-Fukushima(‘04) Nishida(‘04) Our Study(‘05) 1 1 1-3 1 1 1-2 1 U(Nc) SU(3) SU(3) SU(3) SU(2) SU(3) SU(3) K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031
Strong Coupling Lattice QCD Outline of Analysis Strong Coupling Limit Gluon dynamics Mesonic Composite Baryonic Composite Chemical Potential (P.Hasenfratz et.al.) T= 1/(temporal lattice cite #) Temperature Polyakov Gauge K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031
Fermion Integral 4-fermi 6-fermi Auxiliary Fields Physical: Introduction of order parameter Math.: Bi-linearization of fermions for Gaussian Path Integral Ex. MFA Chiral Condensate = Order Parameter of Hadron Phase
Foumulation Chiral Condensate Baryon Potential Auxiliary Fields Diquark Condensate Variational Conditions for Justification of MFA Stationary Conditions Azcoiti et al, hep-lat/0307019 Zero Diquark Ansatz K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031
Effective Free Energy Total Effective Action = Coupling const From Quark Path Integral c.f. Nishida (2004) Quark Excitation Energy From Baryon Path Integral Coupling Constant Remarks Baryonic Effect is our original Phase diagram is obtained from minimum search of K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031
Phase Diagram C Chiral limit C B B A A K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031
Discussions Strong Coupling Lattice QCD Present Work (With Baryon) Nishida (2004) (No Baryon) Xiao-Lu, et al (2005) (No Baryon) Monte-Carlo Fodor-Katz, Bielefeld, de Forcrand-Philipsen. etc. Expected Value K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031
We study the thermodynamical phase structure of QCD by strong coupling lattice QCD. We consider the baryonic effect at finite temperature and chemical potential. Baryon has effects to extend the hadron phase to a larger direction at low temperatures. We have studied zero diquak case, hence investigating the diquark effect is future works. Summary and Future Works K. MIURA, Talk at Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 2006, 061031