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AHA’s Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Regional Policy Boards June 2005

AHA’s Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Regional Policy Boards June 2005. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy. Our Challenge. Develop a new strategic direction for AHA Position AHA as an active leader in quality improvement and patient safety

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AHA’s Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Regional Policy Boards June 2005

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  1. AHA’s Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Regional Policy Boards June 2005

  2. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Our Challenge • Develop a new strategic direction for AHA • Position AHA as an active leader in quality improvement and patient safety • Effectively help members improve quality of care and patient safety

  3. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Our Goals • Build awareness • Create a policy environment that facilitates improvement • Develop recommended priorities and staging for quality improvement efforts • Promote expectations – measures – of field performance • Provide the best clearinghouse of strategies and solutions

  4. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Our Strengths • Leader • Convener • Importer/Exporter • Assembler

  5. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy New Concept: “The Center” Centralize AHA quality and patient safety activities in a single focal point that is distinct and easily accessible to members

  6. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy “The Center” • Be a collaborative resource • Harvest and share the leading edge knowledge of others • Help members navigate the avalanche of products, services and initiatives • Recommend top priorities for the field • Create the best clearinghouse of strategies and solutions • Organize strategies and solutions for a wide range of member users • Share successful practices among leaders in the field

  7. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Action Plan • The member “case for action” • Strategic framework • Interview strategy • Environmental scan • Products and services inventory • National Advisory Board

  8. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Interview Strategy • AHA Board • Members • Large/mid-sized/small • Systems • Premier/VHA members • Non-Premier/VHA members • IHI,Premier,VHA • State Associations • Outside Experts (e.g., Berwick, Batalden, James, Nash) • Outside Consultants • AHA Staff Leadership

  9. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy Environmental Scan • IHI • Premier • VHA • JCAHO • State Hospital Associations • Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) • Leadership Institute • Greeley Company • AHA

  10. AHA Quality and Patient Safety Leadership Strategy National Advisory Board • Provide AHA with respected and nationally recognized leaders in the area of quality and patient safety • Process that informs key content and organization of The Center • Opportunity to link and coordinate with other key groups

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