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CARBOHYDRATE - (bread, rice, pasta)These are broken down to glucose to provide fast-release energy. PROTEIN - (fish, lean meat, chicken)Provides the fabric for most of the soft tissues. A good protein intake is essential for growth and repair.WATER As most of the body is water ( 70%! ) we nee
1. Factors Affecting Fitness There are three reasons why we need food:
A balanced diet is a very important factor in maintaining good health.
There are seven important components in a balanced diet.
2. CARBOHYDRATE - (bread, rice, pasta)
These are broken down to glucose to provide fast-release energy.
PROTEIN - (fish, lean meat, chicken)
Provides the fabric for most of the soft tissues. A good protein intake is essential for growth and repair.
As most of the body is water ( 70%! ) we need to constantly replace that which is lost in urine, sweating and breathing, by taking in fluids. This will aid in avoiding dehydration.
3. FIBRE - (fresh fruit and vegetables)
Fibre/roughage is indigestible plant material which gives the gut something to push on, helping to avoid constipation. Aids water retention.
MINERALS - (greens vegetables, milk and cheese)
Iron from the liver and green vegetables prevents thyroid problems.
Calcium from milk and cheese produces strong teeth and bones.
Sodium to regulate body fluids.
Iodine, used in hormone formation.
4. VITAMINS - ( milk, butter, citrus fruits and vegetables)
Aid growth / Increase resistance to infection / Aids metabolism / Assist in avoiding deficiencies.
Vitamins are chemical compounds found in the food we eat and they occur in two main groups:
fat soluble vitamins - vitamins A, D, E and K
water soluble vitamins - vitamins B and C
FATS - (olive oil, butter, margarine)
These contain lots of energy. Up to 70% of our energy is supplied by fats, these can be stored for slow-release energy.