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About us. SAT Algaida Productores was born in 2004, when two families decided to work together in the search of excellence by placing their products in a niche market with the highest standards of quality .
Aboutus SAT Algaida Productores wasborn in 2004, whentwofamiliesdecidedtoworktogether in thesearch of excellencebyplacingtheirproducts in a niche marketwiththehigheststandards of quality. In ourconstantinterestforgrowth and development, webuiltourown industrial facilities, withthemoststate of the art machinery and technologies. SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
Aboutus • Nowadays, weown 100 hectareas of land, 75% of them are Strawberriesand 25% Raspberries. SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
Aboutus • Wehandleallfruitfromourfields in a central warehouse of 2.500 m2, withthemaximumcareforfood safety and qualitycontrols. SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
OurPolicy • A real comittmentwithourservice, takingspecialcare in theentiresupplychain, fromthefieldtothecustomerstable. • A detailedplanning of ourproduction, togetherwith a fluentinternalcommunication, toachievethatevery single workerknow and carryoutourpolicy. • Ourmain target istosecureour position in themarket, with a flexible attitudetowardscustomer, and withthecompliance of themostdemandingrequirements. SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
Ourpackaging K37 F250N K60S F500 K60N FRESMIEL 1 & 2 KG RASPBERRIES FRESMIEL JUNIOR 1 & 2 KG SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
OurProduction- Raspberry SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
OurProduction - Strawberry SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
OurQuality SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
OurFuture • OuraimistosecureourbrandFresmiel and link itto a premiumqualityimage. How? with a demanding control of theharvest in ourfields and of thehandling in ourPackingHouse. • Improvement of facilities and technologies - In thefield (I): • Wehaverecentlyintroduced a new antifrostsystem in theraspberryplantation. • Wehaveacquired a new land of 25 hectareas, thatwill be dedicatedtoincreaseourraspberryplantation. SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
OurFuture • Improvement of facilities and technologies - In thefield (II) • WecooperatewiththeUniversity of Cordoba in theinvestigation of efficiency in the use of waterforagriculture. • We are studyingtheviabilityto complete ourcoolingchain, withthe use of a coldroom in ourfields and thepurchase of a fleet of refrigeratedtruckstokeepunbrokenthecoolingchainfromtheharvesttothePackingHouse. SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
OurFuture • Improvement of facilities and technologies - In thefield (III) • We are continuoslyinvesting in theresearch of a highstandardproduct, withnew varieties. • We are planningtoincreaseourfamily, in October 2014, with 8-10 hectareas of blueberriesand blackberries. SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es
OurFuture • Improvement of facilities and technologies - In thePackingHouse • We are constructing a new ColdRoomforexpedition of fruit of 250 m2. • We are planningtoenlargeourhandlingroom, increasingfrom 2 to 6 thenumber of handlinglines. SAT ALGAIDA PRODUCTORES P.I. Matalagrana, nave 56. 21730 Almonte (Huelva) España. Tel +34 959 406 944 Email: comercialalgaida@fresmiel.es