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Planned Development Rezoning Cases June 18, 2007 - Aerial & Zoning Maps

View aerial and zoning maps with concept plans for Planned Developments in rezoning cases scheduled for the June 18, 2007 Public Hearing. Includes details of various properties, existing zoning, requested zoning, acreage, and more.

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Planned Development Rezoning Cases June 18, 2007 - Aerial & Zoning Maps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The following is a Power Point Presentation including aerial and zoning maps and concept plans for Planned Developments for rezoning cases scheduled for the June 18, 2007 Public Hearing. To advance through the show use the arrow keys or the mouse. You may close the show at anytime by closing this window.

  2. CZ-2007-34 APPLICANT: Eric M. Bedingfield for Mark Ellis and Hayward Rhoden PROPERTY LOCATION: Fairview Road PIN: 0567010102300 (Portion) EXISTING ZONING: S-1 Services and R-S Residential Suburban REQUESTED ZONING: S-1, Services ACREAGE: 14.4 CC: 28

  3. CZ-2007-34

  4. CZ-2007-34

  5. CZ-2007-35 APPLICANT: David B. Ward for the Brookshire Family Trust PROPERTY LOCATION: Hwy. 290 and W. McElhaney Road PIN: 0632010103200, 0632010103300 and 0632010103301 EXISTING ZONING: R-S, Residential Suburban and NC, Neighborhood Commercial REQUESTED ZONING: C-3, Commercial ACREAGE: 5.24 CC: 18

  6. CZ-2007-35

  7. CZ-2007-35

  8. CZ-2007-36 APPLICANT: Sammy Dubose for Jo Mar Liquors, Inc. PROPERTY LOCATION: North Harrison Bridge Road PIN: 0575020100200 (Portion) EXISTING ZONING: R-S, Residential Suburban REQUESTED ZONING: R-15, Single-Family Residential ACREAGE: 10 CC: 28

  9. CZ-2007-36

  10. CZ-2007-36

  11. CZ-2007-37 APPLICANT: Alisa Malinski for Cherrydale Ventures PROPERTY LOCATION: N. Pleasantburg Drive and Furman Hall Road PIN: 0174010101300, 0174010101400, 0174010101500, 0174020600600, 0174020600700 and 0174020601700 EXISTING ZONING: R-12, Single-Family Residential and C-2, Commercial to PD, Planned Development REQUESTED ZONING: PD, Planned Development ACREAGE: 5.98 CC: 23

  12. CZ-2007-37

  13. CZ-2007-37

  14. CZ-2007-39 APPLICANT: Matt Trent for Vulcan Lands, LLC PROPERTY LOCATION: Brown Road PIN: WG07000200300, WG07000200504 (portion) and WG07000100100 (portion) EXISTING ZONING: R-S, Residential Suburban and I-1, Industrial REQUESTED ZONING: I-1, Industrial ACREAGE: 106.2 CC: 26

  15. CZ-2007-39

  16. CZ-2007-39

  17. CZ-2007-40 APPLICANT: Robert Cook for Torch Enterprises, LLC PROPERTY LOCATION: Pate Drive PIN: 0174030100202 EXISTING ZONING: C-3, Commercial REQUESTED ZONING: I-1, Industrial ACREAGE: 8 CC: 23

  18. City Limits of Greenville CZ-2007-40

  19. CZ-2007-40

  20. CZ-2007-42 APPLICANT: Alisa Malinski for Simpsonville Woodruff, LLC PROPERTY LOCATION: Batesville Road near the intersection of Woodruff Road PIN: 0531030103800 (Portion) EXISTING ZONING: POD, Planned Office District REQUESTED ZONING: PD, Planned Development ACREAGE: 2.47 CC: 21

  21. CZ-2007-42

  22. CZ-2007-42

  23. Subject Site

  24. Subject Site

  25. CP-2007-1 APPLICANT: Greenville County Department of Planning CC: 17, 18 and 20 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the Highway 290 Area

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