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HTML Basics. HTML: The Language of the Web. Web pages are text files, written in a language called Hypertext Markup Language or HTML . HTML allows Web authors to create documents that can be displayed across different operating systems.
HTML Basics Instructor: A. Burns
HTML: The Language of the Web • Web pages are text files, written in a language called Hypertext Markup Language or HTML. • HTML allows Web authors to create documents that can be displayed across different operating systems. • HTML code is easy to use, that even nonprogrammers can learn to use it. • HTML describes the format of Web pages through the use of tags. • Web browser interprets html tags and render the text accordingly • Different Web browsers might display the pages differently! Instructor: A. Burns
Creating Web pages In order to create your own web page you need: • A text editor. You may not use an HTML editor for this class. (ex: Notepad is in, FrontPage is out!) • An HTTP browser for testing the pages(Internet Explorer >= 5.5 will be our standard) • A Web server on which to store your files and make them available for viewing. Instructor: A. Burns
Extensions • HTML files must be saved with a .html or .htm • extension. • HTML editors do this automatically. • You must do it manually when using a text • editor such as Notepad. Instructor: A. Burns
HTML Syntax • Document content is what the users sees on the page, such as headings and images. • Tags are the HTML codes ‘underneath’ the document. • Tags control the appearance of the document content. • tag is the name of the HTML tag • attributes are properties of the tag <tag attrib=“attribute value”> text </tag> • Tags are not case sensitive. • You can see the HTML of most web pages by clicking View/Source on the menu bar. Instructor: A. Burns
HTML tag syntax • Generally tags come in two parts <html>….</html> • Opening tag:<html> • Closing tag:</html> The two parts mark off a part of the text and specify its format • Appearance of the web page depends also on the specific browser settings, and the user’s system and monitor. Instructor: A. Burns
Basic tag types • Document tags: identify the various parts of the document (Head, Body) • Text structure tags: determine the layout of the text (lists, paragraphs) • Style tags: tell the browser how to display the text • Image tags: to incorporate images • Anchor tags: to create hyperlinks Instructor: A. Burns
Document tags • <html> … </html> Mark the beginning and end of the html file • <head> … </head> Text in this part of the document is NOT displayed in the browser’s window. It includes other tags like <title> and <meta> • <title> … </title> Displayed in the browser’s title bar. It is used as the default bookmark description. • <body> … </body> The contents displayed in the browser’s window. Instructor: A. Burns
The bare minimum <html> <head> <title>Home Page for Alan Burns </title> </head> <body>Hello world </body> </html> In FrontPage, create a new page and view the HTML by choosing the Split tab. It will look very similar to the above.
HTML Comments • The comment feature provides you with a way to document your HTML files and make notes to yourself • Basic form • <!-- + Comments + --> • <!-- This is a comment -->
Text structure tags • Headings: <h1> … </h1> Boldest and largest <h2> …. </h2> <h3> … </h3> <h4> …. </h4> <h5> … </h5> <h6> …. </h6> Lightest and smallest • Paragraph: <p> … </p>A blank line is inserted before the paragraph. • Line Break: <br> • Ordered lists: <ol> … </ol> • Unordered lists: <ul> … </ul>
<HTML> Begins every HTML document <HEAD> Begins the head section <TITLE>DePaul University </TITLE> Title that appears on browser title bar </HEAD> Ends the head section <BODY> Begins the body section This is the first line.<BR> Text followed by line Break <P>Start a new paragraph.</P> Begins a new paragraph <H1>First Heading</H1> Level 1 heading (biggest) <H2>A second level heading</H2> Level 2 heading (little smaller) <HR> Inserts a horizontal rule (straight line) <B>This line is bold.</B><BR> Bold text <I>This line is italicized</I><BR> Italicized text <IMG SRC=“\images\banner.gif”> Insert an image here <A HREF=“http://www.cs.depaul.edu”> DePaul CS Page</A> Link to another web page </BODY> Close the body section </HTML> Ends every HTML document
Example <hmtl> <head> <title> HCI 201: Multimedia and the Web </title> </head> <body> <h1>Important! (This is an H1)</h1> <p>Notice that we finally have some text in this paragraph.</p> <h3>Spacing test (this is an H3)</h3> <p>Here I am spacing things widely. It does not make a difference. I just left two lines blank, but I am still here! </p> <br> <p>Another paragraph!</p> </body> </html> Instructor: A. Burns
JavaScript • JavaScript is THE scripting language of the Web. • JavaScript is used in millions of Web pages to add functionality, validate forms, detect browsers, and much more. • JavaScript is easy to learn! You will enjoy it! • http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp