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BRAZIL: politics. LULA DA SILVA. DILMA ROUSSEFF. Brazilian politics (2) Lula : difficult balancing between promoting business and making progress on social issues .
Brazilian politics (2) Lula: difficult balancing between promoting business and making progress on social issues. Programade Aceleraçãodo Crescimento, or PAC (“Growth acceleration programme”) of public investment PAC manager: Dilma Rousseff Tight fiscal policies. Export promotion is a main component in plans to generate growth and reduce vulnerability to international financial market fluctuations Access to foreign markets through trade negotiations and increased export promotion as well as government financing for exports. Control of corruption improving but is still an ongoing concern increased transparency and willingness to prosecute various corruption scandals by his PT and allies.
Brazilian politics (1) Relations are generally difficult between the executive and the legislature + federal and state governments. Brazil is a federal republic with 26 states and a federal district Tradition of switching parties Workers' Party (PT-center-left) Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB-center-left) Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB-center) Democrats (DEM-center-right) Green Party (PV-left) Socialism and Freedom Party (Psol-left) Brazilian Labor Party (PTB-center-right) Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB-left) Democratic Labor Party (PDT-left) Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB-left)
http://www.webcastr.com/videos/news/shes-no-lula-brazils-next-best-thing.htmlhttp://www.webcastr.com/videos/news/shes-no-lula-brazils-next-best-thing.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-12103317 Dilma Rousseff Vanguarda Armada Revolucionária Palmares (VAR Palmares)
Violence in Brazil is criminal rather than political?Favelas: Rocinha
MEDIA: Dying for Land in Brazil: Sam Eifling at TEDxTerryTalks 2012 http://www.survivalinternational.org/about/funai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bb7JPE02VU Before the Party - a documentary from Rio de Janeiro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxHI4jushGQ http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/
Brazil Economy & Oil Digital Story Opinions, Obama, Dilma. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAkooCUxqGg Left: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgLrO3YWyck Brazil - An Inconvenient History http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKjHktSEDxY http://brazilianbubble.com/
http://www.forbes.com/sites/andersonantunes/2013/04/05/can-marina-silva-revamp-brazilian-politics/http://www.forbes.com/sites/andersonantunes/2013/04/05/can-marina-silva-revamp-brazilian-politics/ Brazil's outrage over 'racist' evangelical politician http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-22005901