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Expanding Horizons: Navigating the Shift from Print to Digital in Media Landscape

Explore growth strategies and competencies for transitioning from print to digital media while embracing smartphone trends. Learn how to enhance digital advertising, target audiences effectively, and adapt to changing consumer behaviors. Gain insights on new product development and establish a strong online presence in a competitive market.

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Expanding Horizons: Navigating the Shift from Print to Digital in Media Landscape

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  1. What’s next? Opportunities in print New product development strategy Core competencies Learning rulebook for digital advertising Preparing for smartphone boom

  2. WHAT’S NEXT? Your crossover point If print advertising is declining, what must digital growth rate be to run a growing business? Digital First Media: digital growth of 50%

  3. WHAT’S NEXT? Digital First Media Products Web site banners Yahoo inventory Facebook contextual ads Directory package Solutions Geo-target audience Target behaviours based on customer mix Facebook “likes” Improve search engine positioning

  4. WHAT’S NEXT? 1 + 1 = 3? What do these revenue solutions add up to? How do we structure industry re-training? Is this 100%/80%/60% print replacement?

  5. What’s next? Opportunities in print New product development strategy Core competencies Learning rulebook for digital advertising Preparing for smartphone boom

  6. iPhone’s impact on mobile pageviews +1,700%

  7. Putting mobile in perspective Phase 1: connecting people (86% penetration) Phase 2: connecting people to Internet (33%) Phase 3: connecting everything (5%) Source: Otto Sjöberg

  8. Economics of smartphones Processing power improving Access speed faster Smaller and thinner Cheaper device + time

  9. Economics of newsprint Demand will weaken Paper mills: consolidate Suppliers: contract Prices will rise Targeted opportunities

  10. When platform economics collide Cheaper to give away $50 tablet than printing/delivering Tipping point? Price? Speed? Device volume?

  11. Conclusion

  12. Marketing newspapers No longer destination purchase (producing and distributing important) Now highly discretionary purchase (selling and marketing important) Re-create demand for products

  13. What companies sell P&G: shampoo shine to confident and sexy Disney entertain to make dreams come true Apple: makeproducts that people will love

  14. What newspapers sell Not content but convenience and delight Not the news, we help improve people’s lives Transport hearts, minds to world of discovery

  15. Marketing focus What makes brand unique Who you are as a brand What makes you different How to stay newly relevant

  16. “We are losing readers not because we don’t write for them, but because we don’t speak to them and we don’t invest in understanding them.” – Jim Chisholm, Consultant, France

  17. Summary • Culture change foundation for multi-media model • Embryonic stage, yet clear culture change models to follow • What we market changes with multi-media • New business models, value propositions • What’s next: print, new product development, core competencies, digital advertising, closing smartphone gap • What is your shared vision moving forward? Why “newspapers”

  18. Engage with us at www.INMA.org New Oxygen New Growth Earl J. Wilkinson Executive Director and CEO INMA @earljwilkinson

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