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Jesus Lover of My Soul Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high. Hide me, O my Savior, hide, until life’s storm is past; Safe into the haven guide; receive my soul at last. Other refuge have I none,
Jesus Lover of My Soul Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high. Hide me, O my Savior, hide, until life’s storm is past; Safe into the haven guide; receive my soul at last.
Other refuge have I none, I helpless, hang on Thee; Leave, oh leave me not alone, support and comfort me. All my trust on Thee is stayed, all help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenseless head in the shadow of Thy wing.
Thou, O Christ, are all I want, Much more than all I find; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy Name, I am unrighteousness; False and full of sin I am; Thou art full of truth and grace.
Plenteous grace with Thee is found, grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart; for all eternity.
I Am “One of Those…” I am one of those, at the table not invited, And, to all here at the feast, it’s very plain; I cannot hide in etiquette or conversation, But Christ himself sent word to me and so I came.
I am one of those who was dead and fully buried, And I still bear every stigma of decay; There is no way I can cover what I’ve been through, ‘Cause when Jesus called, I came fresh from the grave.
Though the world may number me among the foolish, I think Jesus Christ is all they need to know, Jesus suffered and paid blood to buy the lowest of the low. Hallelujah! Amen! That’s me! Yes, I am one of those!
I am one of those, who was a leper and contagious, The deformities and scars I have today; Yet while I was vile with sickness, Jesus loved me, And he healed, restored, and, through and through, remade.
I am one of those who was doomed to death in prison, And I’ve done more evil things than I could say; Jesus broke inside and there unlocked my shackles, And, to set me free, he died and took my place.
The world may number me among the foolish, ‘cause I think Jesus Christ is all they need to know, Jesus suffered and paid blood to buy the lowest of the low. Hallelujah! Amen! That’s me! Yes, I am one of those!
I am one of those, who is hard to love and ugly, Self-righteous critical religion was my stain. So I ran Christ to wash and be discovered; Jesus came to me and covered up my shame.
The world may number me among the foolish, I think Jesus Christ is all they need to know, Jesus suffered and paid blood to buy the lowest of the low. Hallelujah! Amen! That’s me! Yes, I am one of those!
Man of Sorrows Man of Sorrows! what a name For the Son of God, Who came Ruined sinners to reclaim. Hallelujah… Hallelujah! Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned He stood; Sealed my pardon with His blood. Hallelujah… Hallelujah! Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Guilty, vile, and helpless we; Spotless Lamb of God was He; “Full atonement!” can it be? Hallelujah… Hallelujah! Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Isaiah 53 He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief… …because He poured out His soul unto death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet He bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors.
Lifted up was He to die; “It is finished!” was His cry; Now in heav’n exalted high. Hallelujah… Hallelujah! Hallelujah! What a Savior!
When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring, Then anew His song we’ll sing:
Hallelujah, Hallelujah… Hallelujah, What a Savior!
Jesus Paid it All I hear the Savior say, “Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all.”
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim, I’ll wash my garments white In the blood of Calvary’s Lamb.
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
Lord, now indeed I find Thy power and Thine alone, Can change the leper’s spots And melt the heart of stone.
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I’ll lay my trophies down All down at Jesus’ feet.
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
Oh, praise the One Who paid my debt And raises life up from the dead!
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
We Come to You As you came to us so we come to You Fragile as a baby hopeful and new But learning fast that to walk is to fall Soon we’ve done it all
We come broken and we come undone We come trying hard to love everyone But we come up short in all that we do Because we do so we come to you
As You came to us so we come to you Dirty and hurting then dead in the tomb But raised redeemed to show off the scars ‘cause You’ve brought us this far
We come broken and we come undone We come trying hard to love everyone But we come up short in all that we do Because we do so we come to you
As you came to us so we come to You Fragile as a baby hopeful and new But learning fast that to walk is to fall Soon we’ve done it all
We come broken and we come undone We come trying hard to love everyone But we come up short in all that we do Because we do so we come to you
You came to show the way not around but through. So through it, all we come to You.
You First Loved Me Oh my Lord I love You, and I thank You for my life I want to tell You that I trust You, for all You do is right
Lord above the heavens, I love that You love me, And that these eyes of mine once blinded Are healed and now I see.
And I love You, for Your infinite kindness I love you, for Your sovereignty I love You for Your conquering greatness I love You for You first loved me.
Oh my Lord I love You, and I thank You for my life I want to tell You that I trust You, for all You do is right
Lord above the heavens, I love that You love me, And that these eyes of mine once blinded Are healed and now I see.
I love You more than my father and mother, I love you for Your sufficiency I love You more than my goals or ambitions I love You for you first loved me.
1 John 4:7-12 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.