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Erectile Dysfunction. User Satisfaction Survey July 2012. Erectile Dysfunction. User Satisfaction Survey July 2012. Introduction.
Erectile Dysfunction User Satisfaction Survey July 2012
Erectile Dysfunction User Satisfaction Survey July 2012
Introduction Liberating the NHS (Department of Health, 2010) places patients and the public at the heart of what it does. To encourage services to be more responsive to their users, the Government would like to see more widespread use of patient experience surveys and real-time feedback regarding the quality of the care they received. The vision for the City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP CIC) is to provide patient-centred, high quality services. The Hull and East Riding Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Partnership value statement places the needs of its users as their focus. It aims to create an environment which supports, commits to and encourages engagement which reflects best practice. To fulfil its commitment to engaging with and responding to users, the Partnership undertakes annual surveys within each of the services it provides. They form part of the evidence submitted for the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) targets; locally agreed targets for improving quality. The Partnership receives payment if these targets are met (DH, 2008). In addition, these surveys also fulfil the requirement of Standard 9of the BASHH guidance; to gather and act upon user feedback (BASHH, 2010). This years’ user survey has been updated to reflect the Validated Patient Experience Survey for Attendees of Sexual Health Clinics (Weston, Hopwood, Harding, Sizmur and Ross, 2010). Between 8th May 2012 and 31st May 2012 the Partnership undertook a user experience survey in the Erectile Dysfunction service. This report details the findings of this survey.
Erectile Dysfunction Service • Theservice: • Is aimed at all men across Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. • It offers: • Advice • Treatment • Support • Active lifestyle referrals
The Survey • Aims • Establish the views of our Erectile Dysfunction (ED) service users. • Provide information from which an action plan can be created to develop the service. • Objectives • Basic demographic information. • Reason for attendance. • Waiting times. • Experiences when attending the Partnership’s ED clinics. • Experience of the care received. • Areas of satisfaction/dissatisfaction. • Methodology • Feedback was gathered using a questionnaire given to service users attending the ED clinics at Castle Hill Hospital and Park Health Centre. • Feedback was collected between 8th May and 31st May 2012.
Is this your first visit to an Erectile Dysfunction clinic? Type of visit/ Day of attendance
Have you chosen to use an ED clinic rather than a GP surgery or pharmacy?
How did you find out about the ED clinic? Did anyone tell you to come here specifically?
How long did you wait to be seen? How long do you feel is an acceptable time to wait?
The reception staff were friendly and approachable I was given as much time as I needed
I am confident the clinic will keep my information confidential I found out everything that I wanted to know
I was made to feel comfortable answering personal questions No matter how long you wait, it is worth it
Was the main reason you went to the clinic today dealt with to your satisfaction? Overall, how would you rate the care you received today?
Would you attend the clinic again if you needed to? Would you recommend this clinic to a friend?
Please tell us how we could improve our services: ED repeat prescription maintenance could be replaced with an annual consultant appointment and postal repeat prescriptions for medication throughout the year. This system was in place in the Leeds Teaching Trust I used before moving to East Yorkshire and has to be more economical for both myself and consultant. Perhaps greater/better liaison with GP in order to get blood test results quicker, although I appreciate that this issue may be at the GP end rather than the clinic. Results Repeat prescriptions Timescale It seems to be (in my case perhaps it was necessary) a long process, otherwise OK.