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Measurement of the Temple and Worshipers. Revelation 11:1-19. Outline of Revelation. Publication of the Prophecy: Its Future Expectation (4:1 – 22:5) Opening of the Seven-Sealed Scroll (4:1 – 8:1) The Source of the Scroll (4:1-5:14)
Measurement of the Temple and Worshipers Revelation 11:1-19
Outline of Revelation • Publication of the Prophecy: Its Future Expectation (4:1 – 22:5) • Opening of the Seven-Sealed Scroll (4:1 – 8:1) • The Source of the Scroll (4:1-5:14) • The First Six Seals, “The Beginning of Birth Pangs” (6:1-17) • The Slaves of God (7:1-17) • The Seventh Seal: The Seven Trumpets Awaited (8:1) • The Sounding of the Seven Trumpets (8:2 – 11:19) • The First Four Trumpets (8:2-13) • The Fifth and Sixth Trumpet (9:1-21) • The Announcement of the End of Delay (10:1-11) • Measurement of the Temple and Worshipers (11:1-14) • The Seventh Trumpet: the Seven Bowls Awaited (11:15-19)
Measurement of the Temple (11:1-2) • This is not a physical measuring, as when Ezekiel was commanded to measure the temple; there are no dimensions forthcoming here. • This measuring is a mark of God’s favor. • “…John’s future prophecies will distinguish between God’s favor toward the sanctuary, the altar, and their worshipers and His disapproval of all that is of Gentile orientation because of their profanation of the holy city for half of the future seventieth week. This distinction shows in the case of the two witnesses who in association with the sanctuary and the altar enjoy God’s favor (11:5-6, 11-12) and their Gentile foes who oppose them, kill them, and eventually experience a devastating earthquake because of God’s disfavor (11:13). The two witnesses enjoy God’s favor, but not His protection and preservation from all enemies. So the measuring is an object lesson of how entities favored by God will fare during the period of Gentile oppression that lies ahead” (Thomas, Rev 8-22, pp. 80-81).
The Temple Court of the Gentiles Court of the Men Court of the Women
The Two Witnesses (11:3-14) • During this same 42 month period, God will grant authority and protection to 2 witnesses who will proclaim His Word. • The prophets’ clothing of sackcloth emphasizes the need for repentance and impending judgment. • John is drawing upon language from Zechariah 4. Just as Joshua and Zerubbabel sought to turn Israel back to God in their day, so these 2 witnesses will do the same thing.
The Two Witnesses (11:3-14) • Because these 2 witnesses will face severe persecution, they will have a strong weapon for defense: fire from their mouth to devour their enemies. • While the 2 witnesses are not explicitly identified, their ministries are very similar to the ministries of Moses and Elijah in the OT. • Power to prevent rain from falling, as Elijah did (1 Kings 17:1; 18:1). • Power to turn water into blood and smite the earth with plagues, as Moses did (Exo 7 - 11). • Recall that these 2 men were the ones who appeared with Christ in His Transfiguration, indicating their connection with Christ’s future return in power and glory. • Right after the Transfiguration, Christ predicted that “Elijah is coming and will restore all things” (Matt 17:11).
The Two Witnesses (11:3-14) • In verse 7 is the first mention of the beast. This anticipates the events that are described in Rev 13 and 17. This beast is the false christ, who will slay the two witnesses after their witness is completed. • The bodies of the two witnesses will lay in the streets of a very morally depraved Jerusalem for 3 ½ days. • All the world will celebrate the death of these two prophets of God, because they served to bring suffering and death to many and to torment the consciences of those who are opposing God. • After the 3 ½ days are over, God raises these 2 witnesses from the dead and catches them up to heaven, creating fear in all those who have rejoiced over their death. • As a climax to this episode, God sends a great earthquake that kills 7000 people in the city but that also appears to bring genuine repentance to those who remain. (“Giving glory to God” is connected with genuine worship elsewhere in Rev at 4:9; 16:9; 19:7).
The Seventh Trumpet: the Seven Bowls Awaited (11:15-19) • The 7th trumpet is sounded. • Before the judgments included in the trumpet are revealed, a dramatic announcement about a change in the rulership of the world is announced. • Jesus will return to earth and occupy the throne of His father David, at which time He will replace the satanically energized sovereignty of all earlier world rulers. Unlike previous world rulers, the kingdom of Christ will never end.
The Seventh Trumpet: the Seven Bowls Awaited (11:15-19) • The announcement prompts worship of the One who sits upon the throne by the 24 elders, who fall prostrate before God and give thanks, emphasizing God’s eternal nature. • They also describe the response of the nations, the execution of God’s wrath, and His judgment of the dead, both the righteous and the unrighteous. • “Those who destroy the earth” must include Babylon, the beast, the false prophet, and Satan…all of which are on the earth immediately prior to Christ’s return.
The Seventh Trumpet: the Seven Bowls Awaited (11:15-19) • John now sees the Temple in heaven opened and the ark of the covenant in the Temple. • The ark was extremely important in the OT, symbolizing God’s presence among His people and the place of atonement (Lev 16:2ff; Heb 9:3ff; 10:20). • At some point during OT times the ark disappeared. • Its appearance to John here served as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His covenant people Israel. • Just as with the breaking of the 7th seal, the sounding of the 7th trumpet also receives the response of a storm theophany.
In the Fall:The Woman, The Male Child, and the Dragon (Rev 12:1-18)