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Top ten stories of

2012. Top ten stories of. 1. Whitney Houston’s death. August 9, 1963 to February 11, 2012 Whitney was an American recording artist, actress, producer, and model She was one of the world's best-selling music artists, having sold over 170 million albums, singles and videos worldwide

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Top ten stories of

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  1. 2012 Top ten stories of

  2. 1. Whitney Houston’s death • August 9, 1963 to February 11, 2012 • Whitney was an American recording artist, actress, producer, and model • She was one of the world's best-selling music artists, having sold over 170 million albums, singles and videos worldwide • She was a great hit in the music and film industries, as well as being a great role model • She died on February 11, 2012 in her guest room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel , in Beverly Hills, California.

  3. November 27 1996 to October 10th 2012 • Amanda was in grade 10 at CABE Secondary in Coquitlam when the bullying started to happen • Amanda used video chat to meet new people over the Internet and received compliments on her looks • The stranger blackmailed her with threats to expose the topless photo to her friends unless she gave a ‘show.’ • She then was facing depression, anxiety, and panic disorder • She slept with another girl boyfriend and got to the point of getting shouting insults and having her punched to the ground • On October 10, 2012 at about 6:00 PM Amanda Todd was found hanged in her home. 2. Amanda Michelle Todd

  4. A Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut reported that there was a shooting around 9:35 a.m. • A 20 year old man had shot 20 children and 6 adults, as well as his own mother. • Once he had killed the children and the adults, he had decided to shoot himself. 3.Elementary school shooting

  5. Hurricane Sandy crashed into the Eastern Seaboard on Oct. 29 • Killing at least 128 people  • Leaving more than $71 billion worth of destruction in its wake • The torrential wind and rain knocked out power to some parts of New York City • leaving homes and businesses in the dark for days and blacking out half the nighttime skyline of Manhattan. 4. Hurricane Sandy

  6. Lance Armstrong, seven-time Tour de France winner, was stripped of his titles and dropped from millions of dollars in endorsement deals after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency released an extensive report accusing the cyclist of doping throughout his career • Cycling would appear to have bigger issues than Armstrong • All seven runners-up to Armstrong's Tour de France wins are embroiled in their own doping scandals. 5. Lance Armstrong’s Doping Scandal 2012

  7. August 05, 1930 to August 25, 2012 • After serving in the Korean War and then finishing college, he joined the organization that would become NASA • He joined the astronaut program in 1962 and was command pilot for his first mission, Gemini VIII, in 1966 • He was spacecraft commander for Apollo 11, the first manned lunar mission, and the first man to walk on the moon. 6. Neil Armstrong

  8. On Tuesday, Nov 6, 2012, President Barak Obama had won the elections • Obama had 284 votes and Romney had 200 votes • The president sealed his victory in Ohio, Iowa, New Hampshire and Colorado, four of the nine battleground states where the two rivals and their allies spent nearly $1 billion on dueling television commercials. 7. 2012 Elections

  9. Psy’s Gangnam Style was the most-watched video in Canada in 2012 8. Gagnam Style goes viral

  10. Extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner made history with his amazing space jump on Oct. 14 • After floating to the edge of Earth's atmosphere in a balloon-lifted capsule, Baumgartner performed a free-fall jump • covering 23 miles at 834 mph before opening his parachute and dropping safely to terra firma. 9. Space Jump

  11. The minimal organic design of the Samsung GALAXY S III is reflected in its smooth and gentle curves • It lets you do two things at once: watch HD videos as you email or text • It is 4.8 inches of high-definition display; true and perfect color with ultrafast response time • It responds to you: you can tell the phone to wake up, answer an incoming call, or even take a photo • It lets you share with everyone: access documents and multimedia even when you're away from your computer • The phone will wait till you’re asleep: the screen maintains a bright display as long as you’re looking at it • If you’re sending a message but to call instead, you only have to lift the phone to your ear and it will dial your friend’s number automatically 10. The GALAXY 3s III

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