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Learn about pseudorandom generators (PRGs) in cryptography, their applications, limitations, and security theorems. Explore how PRGs are used in stream ciphers and the pseudo one-time pad scheme.
Cryptography Lecture 5
Pseudorandom generators(PRGs) • Let G be an efficient, deterministic algorithm that expands a short seedinto a longer output • Specifically, let |G(x)| = p(|x|) • G is a PRG if: when the distribution of x is uniform, the distribution of G(x) is “indistinguishable from uniform” • Useful whenever you have a “small” number of true random bits, and want lots of “random-looking” bits • Note that G(x) is very far from uniform
PRGs • I.e., for all efficient distinguishers A, there is a negligible function such that| Prx Un[A(G(x))=1] - Pry Up(n)[A(y)=1] | ≤ (n) • I.e., no efficient A can distinguish whether it is given G(x) (for uniform x) or a uniform string y!
Example (insecure PRG) • Let G(x) = 0….0 • Distinguisher? • Analysis?
Example (insecure PRG) • Let G(x) = x | OR(bits of x) • Distinguisher? • Analysis?
Stream ciphers • As defined, PRGs are limited • They have fixed-length output • They produce the entire output in “one shot” • In practice, PRGs are based on stream ciphers • Can be viewed as producing an “unbounded” stream of pseudorandom bits, on demand • More flexible, more efficient • See book for details; will revisit later
Do PRGs/stream ciphers exist? • We don’t know… • Would imply P NP • We will assume certain algorithms are PRGs • Recall the 3 principles of modern crypto… • This is what is done in practice • We will return to this later in the course • Can construct PRGs from weaker assumptions • For details, see Chapter 7
Where things stand • We saw that there are some inherent limitations if we want perfect secrecy • In particular, key must be as long as the message • We defined computational secrecy, a relaxed notion of security • Can we overcome prior limitations?
Recall: one-time pad pbits key pbits pbits message ciphertext
“Pseudo” one-time pad n bits key pbits G “pseudo” key pbits pbits message ciphertext
Pseudo one-time pad • Let G be a deterministic algorithm, with |G(k)| = p(|k|) • Gen(1n): output uniform n-bit key k • Security parameter n message space {0,1}p(n) • Enck(m): output G(k) m • Deck(c): output G(k) c • Correctness is obvious…
Security of pseudo-OTP? • Would like to be able to prove security • Based on the assumption that G is a PRG
Definitions, proofs, and assumptions • We’ve defined computational secrecy • Our goal is to prove that the pseudo OTP meets that definition • We are unable to prove this unconditionally • Beyond our current techniques… • Anyway, security clearly depends on G • Can hope to prove security basedon the assumption that G is a pseudorandom generator
D PRGs, revisited k Un • Let G be an efficient, deterministic function with |G(k)| = p(|k|) y Up(n) G y b For any efficient D, the probabilities that Doutputs 1 in each case must be close
Proof by reduction • Assume G is a pseudorandom generator • Assume toward a contradiction that there is an efficient attacker A who “breaks” the pseudo-OTP scheme (as per the definition) • Use A as a subroutine to build an efficient D that “breaks” pseudorandomness of G • By assumption, no such D exists! No such A can exist
Alternately… • Assume G is a pseudorandom generator • Fix some arbitrary, efficient A attacking the pseudo-OTP scheme • Use A as a subroutine to build an efficient D attacking G • Relate the distinguishing probability of D to the success probability of A • By assumption, the distinguishing probability of D must be negligible Bound the success probability of A
Security theorem • If G is a pseudorandom generator, then the pseudo one-time pad Π is EAV-secure (i.e., computationally indistinguishable)
m0, m1 b’ mb c D The reduction y b←{0,1} A if (b=b’)output 1
Analysis • If A runs in polynomial time, then so does D
Analysis • Let µ(n) = Pr[PrivKA,Π(n) = 1] • Claim: if distribution of y is pseudorandom, then the view of A is exactly as in PrivKA,Π(n) Prx← Un[D(G(x))=1] = µ(n)
m0, m1 b’ The reduction k Un y G b←{0,1} mb -Enc c A if (b=b’)output 1 D
Analysis • Let µ(n) = Pr[PrivKA,Π(n) = 1] • If distribution of y is pseudorandom, then the view of A is exactly as in PrivKA,Π(n) Prx← Un[D(G(x))=1] = µ(n) • If distribution of y is uniform, then A succeeds with probability exactly ½ Pry ← Up(n)[D(y)=1] = ½
m0, m1 b’ The reduction y Up(n) y b←{0,1} mb OTP-Enc c A if (b=b’)output 1 D
Analysis • Let µ(n) = Pr[PrivKA,Π(n) = 1] • If distribution of y is pseudorandom, then the view of A is exactly as in PrivKA,Π(n) Prx← Un[D(G(x))=1] = µ(n) • If distribution of y is uniform, then A succeeds with probability exactly ½ Pry ← Up(n)[D(y)=1] = ½ • Since G is pseudorandom: | µ(n) – ½ | ≤ negl(n) • Pr[PrivKA,Π(n) = 1] ≤ ½ + negl(n)
Stepping back… • Proof that the pseudo OTP is secure… • We have a provably secure scheme, rather than a heuristic construction!
Stepping back… • Proof that the pseudo OTP is secure… • …with some caveats • Assuming G is a pseudorandom generator • Relative to our definition • The only way the scheme can be broken is: • If a weakness is found in G • If the definition isn’t sufficiently strong…
Have we gained anything? • YES: the pseudo-OTP has a key shorter than the message • n bits vs. p(n) bits • The fact that the parties internally generate a p(n)-bit temporary string to encrypt/decrypt is irrelevant • The key is what the parties share in advance • In real-world implementation, could avoid storing entire p(n)-bit temporary value
Recall… • Perfect secrecy has two limitations/drawbacks • Key as long as the message • Key can only be used once • We have seen how to circumvent the first • The pseudo OTP still has the second limitation(for the same reason as the OTP) • How can we circumvent the second?
But first… • Develop an appropriate security definition • Recall that security definitions have two parts • Security goal • Threat model • We will keep the security goal the same, but strengthen the threat model
Single-message secrecy c k k m cEnck(m)
Multiple-message secrecy c1, …, ct k k m1, …, mt c1Enck(m1)…ctEnck(mt)
A formal definition • Fix , A • Define a randomized exp’tPrivKmultA,(n): • A(1n) outputs two vectors (m0,1, …, m0,t) and(m1,1, …, m1,t) • Required that |m0,i| = |m1,i| for all i • k Gen(1n), b {0,1}, for all i: ci Enck(mb,i) • b’ A(c1, …, ct); A succeeds if b = b’, and experiment evaluates to 1 in this case
A formal definition • is multiple-messageindistinguishable if for all PPT attackers A, there is a negligible function such that Pr[PrivKmultA,(n) = 1] ≤ ½ + (n) • Exercise: show that the pseudo-OTP is not multiple-message indistinguishable
Multiple-message secrecy • No deterministic, stateless encryption scheme is multiple-message indistinguishable • Proof?
Multiple-message secrecy • We are not going to work with multiple-message secrecy • Instead, define something stronger: security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA-security) • Nowadays, this is the minimal notion of security an encryption scheme should satisfy
CPA-security c c2 c1 k k m cEnck(m) m2 m1 c1Enck(m1) c2Enck(m2)
Is the threat model too strong? • In practice, there are many ways an attacker can influence what gets encrypted • Not clear how best to model • Chosen-plaintext attacks encompass any such influence • Moreover, in some cases an attacker may have significant control over what gets encrypted