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Exploring Identity and Nationalism in Indonesia

Join Aditya Batara G. for a session on understanding identity and national identity, the historical overview of nationalism in Indonesia, and revitalizing nationalism in contemporary Indonesia.

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Exploring Identity and Nationalism in Indonesia

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  1. CITIZENSHIPSession IINational Identity Aditya Batara G, M.Litt

  2. What are we going to learn in this session? • What is identity and national identity? • What is INDONESIA as an identity? • The historical overview of nationalism in Indonesia • The revitalization of nationalism in contemporary Indonesia.

  3. Identity Who are you?

  4. Identity • Socially, identity refers to your social role in the society based on the socialization process experienced by different individuals. • Culturally, identity refers to your cultural attribute. In this case, which cultural groups is being attributed to yourself. • Politically, identity refers to the political source of your social role in the society.

  5. National Identity • Benedict Anderson (1991) nation is an imagined political community means that people who define themselves as members of a nation. • National identity refers to someone’s membership to a nation • National identity is socially, culturally and politically form of identity • National identity provides specific elements that makes it differs one anothers.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zMjzrWHuC0&feature=related

  7. Nationalism Definition • Lothrop Storddard Nationalism is a belief, head by a fairly large number of individual that they constitute a nationality; it is a sense of belonging together as a nation. • Ernest Gellner (1983) Nationalism is primarily a political principle which holds that the political and the national unit should be congruent. • ArifBudiman Nasionalismeadalahpersatuansecarakelompokdarisuatubangsa yang mempunyaisejarah yang sama, bahasa yang samadanpengalaman yang sama.

  8. What are we celebrate every May 20?

  9. Nationalism in IndonesiaA Historical Overview • The establishment of Budi Utomo movement as the first modern Indonesian anti-colonialism organization • The basic idea of BU is to create a more organized movement against the colonialists • The primary symbol of Indonesia’s nationalism is the Independence Proclamation in August 17, 1945.

  10. Current state of nationalism in Indonesia • Horizontal conflict between kampung, religious groups, political groups • Corruption • The natural resources exploitation by other countries

  11. Is this nationalism?

  12. What will you do to revitalize the sense of nationalism in Indonesia?

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