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FAST FOOD REDO!. Moderation is Key☺. Current Events- Grades will be entered for this grading period. If you forgot on your date a 0 will be entered. 9 weeks of school remaining☺. REMEMBER! . An estimated 17.5 million people died in 2005. It is the number one cause of death globally!

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  1. FAST FOOD REDO! Moderation is Key☺

  2. Current Events- Grades will be entered for this grading period. If you forgot on your date a 0 will be entered. 9 weeks of school remaining☺ REMEMBER!

  3. An estimated 17.5 million people died in 2005. It is the number one cause of death globally! By 2015, almost 20 million people will die from CVD’s, mainly from heart disease and stroke. These are projected to remain the single leading cause of death Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)

  4. Many Americans turn to fast food as a quick solution for a meal. The problem is you must be aware of how this fits into your daily consumption of fats, saturated fats, calories and cholesterol. IT ADDS UP QUICKLY! Reality

  5. SCENARIO: 17 year old who eats a lot of fast food.  PROBLEM: Ryan’s family has a history of heart disease, therefore; Ryan's doctor wants him to limit his calories to 500-600 per meal; reduce his intake of fat especially saturated fats; and reduce his cholesterol intake.  SOLUTION: Help Ryan's make his favorite fast food meal more nutritious to help him meet his doctor's request. Ryan

  6. McDonalds:   Ryan’s menu:  Premium Crispy Chicken Classic Sandwich, large French Fries, and a large Coca-Cola classic                          Ryan’s Favorite Meal

  7. With your partner, click the link below and find a meal from McDonalds that meets the requirement of Ryan’s doctor (Lower saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and less than 500 calories) http://www.mcdonalds.com/usa/eat/nutrition_info.html Fast Food Redo

  8. What strategies did you use to decrease total calories, fat, saturated fat and cholesterol from Ryan’s meals? If you chose not to change your fast food meal; what are some other things you could do throughout the day to watch your intake? FAST FOOD REDO

  9. Find your favorite meal and give it a facelift! Your Turn

  10. What do the experts say: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/healthy-eating-tips/tips-for-eating-out.html http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/DiningOut/Tips-by-Cuisine_UCM_308333_Article.jsp Resources

  11. Based on your two-day diet and exercise journal (via supertracker or an app shown in class) answer the following reflection questions: THIS IS POSTED ON MY WEBPAGE! 1. What are the top 3 concerns you found about your diet? 2. What are 2 things you found out you were doing well in terms of your diet? 3. Did you meet the guidelines for daily physical activity? 4. How can you improve your activity level? If adequate, where the activities lifetime (activities you can do and have access to for your lifetime) oriented? 5. What are some things you can do to improve (if needed) or maintain your diet and exercise regimen. Homework

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