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GLOBAL RISKS AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: CAN THE U.S. DEAL WITH DOMESTIC GRIDLOCK & MEET ITS FOREIGN POLICY CHALLENGES?. SPEAKER: Marvin Zonis , Professor Emeritus, the Graduate School of Business, the University of Chicago.
SPEAKER: Marvin Zonis, Professor Emeritus, the Graduate School of Business, the University of Chicago. GLOBAL RISKS AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: CAN THE U.S. DEAL WITH DOMESTIC GRIDLOCK& MEET ITS FOREIGN POLICY CHALLENGES?
Global Political Challenges in 2012 Take Aways: How Does the World Work? *Nationalism *Current Account Deficits/Surpluses *Deleveraging The Great Global Challenges of 2012:
Global Political Challenges in 2012 Take Aways *“It’s Not As Bad As It Sounds” (Mark Twain) BUT the really good news is 3 to 5 years off *New presidents in 2012 *Globalization disseminates everything – not just goods but ideas, people, drugs, services, revolution, disease, emotions, finance, and supply chains *The Middle East in Turmoil – and the turn to Islam *Pakistan and Afghanistan – not on “our” planet? *The eurozone, as we know it, is doomed *China-more instability, slower growth, stuck in middle income *Russia living off oil while the Russians strike back *Major oil price shock in 2012? *Major transformations are in the works – booming developing economies and technological marvels. Africa and Mexico big beneficiaries
Global Political Challenges in 2012 The Global Context in 2012 Economic Slowdown Global Rebalancing Deleveraging New Presidents
International Air Travel: 02/08 – 01/12 (Passenger & Freight) International Air Travel Association
Global Deleveraging https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Working_out_of_debt_2914
Global Deleveraging McKinsey Global Institute, Federal Reserve, Bea, Financial Times, March 13, 2012
New Presidents in 2012? World Bank, World Development Indicators
Global Political Challenges in 2012 The United States
An Election Campaign in This Context http://pewresearch.org/pubs/2167/rich-poor-social-conflict-class
How important Do You Think It Is For The Government In Washington To http://www.gallup.com/poll/151568/americans-prioritize-growing-economy-reducing-wealth-gap.aspx
And U.S. Deleveraging McKinsey Global Institute, Federal Reserve, Bea, Financial Times, March 13, 2012
Proportion of Output Employers Spend on Labor http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/08
Whose Incomes Increased? iTulip.com
Concentration of Wealth http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-post-fed-housing-and-stocks-chimera-middle-class-assets
Income Inequality Growing The New York Times, March 26, 2011
Budget Threats http://www.fms.treas.gov/fr/11frusg/11guide.pdf
But It’s The Interest Payments http://www.fms.treas.gov/fr/11frusg/11guide.pdf
Global Political Challenges in 2012 The Middle East
Still Smiling? “The priority today is the return of security, which cannot be achieved unless terrorism is hit with an iron fist.”
Still Smiling? “The priority today is the return of security, which cannot be achieved unless terrorism is hit with an iron fist.”
An Alawite Redoubt? A Turkish Border Refuge Zone? http://geocurrents.info/geopolitics/confusion-about-syrias-alawites
Libya Struggles to Create a Government Spiegel Online, March 21 2011
The Winners of 21 Percent of the Vote “Even if we can’t provide economic renewal, it’s enough if we can lift the non-believers up and show them monotheism.” Said Abdul-Azzim Ali. The leader of Nour in Alexandria Financial Times, November 16, 2011
Bad (Economic) Times Ahead http://www.economist.com/node/21546018
Iraq - Feb. 22, ‘12: 26 Attacks, 13 Bombs: 55 Dead, 100s Injured
Saudi Budget Squeeze Water Subsidies: $20 billion Electricity Subsidies: $15 billion Abdullah’s New Promises: $130 billion Saudi Gas: $.48 per gallon
If “Islam is the Answer” Is Turkey the Question? http://www.talkturkey.us/images/mrandmrserdogan.gif
If “Islam is the Answer” Is Turkey the Question? http://www.talkturkey.us/images/mrandmrserdogan.gif
Ayatollah Khamene’iFebruary 3, 2012 This "truly cancerous tumor, Israel, must disappear from this region, and this undoubtedly will take place." http://www.leader.ir/langs/fa/index.php?p=contentShow&id=9093
New Iranian Nuclear Site http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-10362358-264.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20
Iranian Missile Program Iran’s Developing Nuclear and Missile Program, CSIS, 2-15-07
Before: Iranian Missile Development Base http://isis-online.org/isis-reports/detail/satellite-image-showing-damage-from-november-12-2011-blast-at-military-base/
Before: Iranian Missile Development Base http://isis-online.org/isis-reports/detail/satellite-image-showing-damage-from-november-12-2011-blast-at-military-base/
Before: Iranian Missile Development Base http://isis-online.org/isis-reports/detail/satellite-image-showing-damage-from-november-12-2011-blast-at-military-base/
After- Missile Base Outside Bid Khaneh http://isis-online.org/isis-reports/detail/satellite-image-showing-damage-from-november-12-2011-blast-at-military-base/
Global Political Challenges in 2012 Pakistan - Afghanistan
Sirajuddin Haqqani "The Haqqani network... acts as a veritable arm of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency." Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, September 26, 2011.