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The age of Exploration & Isolation

Discover the European exploration during the age of discovery for God, glory, and gold. Learn about trade routes, new technology, Portugal's leadership, Spanish voyages, trading empires, and China's isolation policies. Explore Ming and Qing Dynasties, and Japan's return to isolationism with feudalism and the closed country policy.

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The age of Exploration & Isolation

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  1. Chapter 3 The age of Exploration & Isolation

  2. 3.1 Europeans Explore the East

  3. God, Glory & Gold • Europeans Seek new trade routes • Nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon and pepper • Was extremely expensive to send from Asia to Europe • Reason to find a sea trade route • Also wanted to spread Christianity

  4. New Technology • Early ships could not sail against the wind • Caravel could cross 3,000 miles of ocean • Navigation - Astrolabe & magnetic compass

  5. Portugal • Took the lead in exploration • Big push from the Prince • Made a series of trade ports along Africa • Bartolomeu Dias • Rounded the tip of Africa • Vasco da Gama • First sailor to India • 27,000 miles • Cargo was worth 60x's the cost of the trip

  6. Spain • Christopher Columbus • Convinced the Spanish Monarch to finance a trip • Find a route to India by going West • Mistook an island in the Caribbean for the Indies

  7. Rivalry • Portugal believed Spain was claiming their lands • Pope drew an imaginary line through the Atlantic • Treaty o Tordesilla to honor agreement

  8. Trading Empire • Tried building large trading empire • Took spice trade from Muslims • Able to defeat Muslim ships by use of cannon • Began building forts • Successfully stopped the Italian/Muslim trade

  9. Other nations • Dutch & English began to challenge Portugal • By 1600 the Dutch owned the largest fleet • 20,000 vessels • Created the Dutch East India Trading Company • Increased its influence over the Indian Ocean

  10. 3.2 China Limits European Contact

  11. Ming Dynasty • Peasant's son commands a rebel army • Drives out Mongols • Pushes Agriculture Production & Erasing Mongols • Merit based civil service examinations • Problems causes him to be ruthless • Purges government - Kills thousands

  12. Voyages • Zheng He commands all voyages • Large ships, large measurements, distances • 40-300 ships each voyage each over 400 feet long • After 7th voyage they withdraw to isolation

  13. Foreign Relations • Only government was allowed to conduct foreign trade • Did not become industrialized • Money "Supporting foreigners and robbery" • Chinese favored agriculture - taxes were low

  14. Qing Dynasty • 1600 Ming Dynasty became weak • Rebellion follows weak government • Manchus - Northeast of Great Wall • Invades China & becomes new dynasty

  15. Qing Dynasty • Reduces government & lowered taxes • Opens up to science, math & medicine

  16. Isolation • If country's wanted to trade had to follow rules • Trade only at certain ports • Pay tribute • Dutch accepts rules but England did not

  17. Life in Ming & Qing • Women • Sons were favored over girls • Only sons allowed to do religious rituals • Many female infants were killed • Most women were forced to remain inside the home

  18. 3.3 Pg. 108 Japan Returns to Isolation

  19. Feudalism • Security comes from a group of powerful warlords • Built forts & castles • Created small armies of samurai on horses • Created disorder

  20. New Leaders • Several leaders wanted to rule entire country • Oda Nobunagaa - seized capital • "Rule the empire by force" • Not able to unify Japan • Committed seppuku

  21. Tokugawa Ieyasu • Unifies Japan • To keep from rebellions • Requires local leaders to spend every other year in the capital. • On the off years they had to leave their families as hostage

  22. Society in Japan • Emperor had top rank but just figure head • Shogun - supreme military commander held power • Next diamyo - powerful Samurai

  23. Closed Country Policy • Persecutes Christians • Keep out Merchants & missionaries • Japanese were forbidden to leave Japan

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