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Accuracy, Precision, Percent Error, Significant Figures and Scientific Notation Review

Accuracy, Precision, Percent Error, Significant Figures and Scientific Notation Review. The accepted value of the density of water is 0.989 g/ mL. Looking at the sets of data in the charts below, which one is the most accurate ?. Table 1 Table 2 They both are accurate Neither are accurate.

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Accuracy, Precision, Percent Error, Significant Figures and Scientific Notation Review

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  1. Accuracy, Precision, Percent Error, Significant Figures and Scientific Notation Review

  2. The accepted value of the density of water is 0.989 g/mL. Looking at the sets of data in the charts below, which one is the most accurate? • Table 1 • Table 2 • They both are accurate • Neither are accurate

  3. The accepted value of the density of water is 0.989 g/mL. Looking at the sets of data in the charts below, which data set is the most precise? • Table 1 • Table 2 • They both are precise • Neither are precise

  4. Which following statements would characterize the darts on the dart board? • They are accurate but not precise • They are precise but not accurate • They are both accurate and precise • They are neither accurate or precise

  5. Clyde was asked to weigh a 500 g mass on the digital balance. He quickly weighed the object and reported 458 g. What was his percent error? • - 8.4 % • 8.4 % • 0.084 % • 804 %

  6. Which of the following would be considered quantitative data? • Copper gives off a green color when burned. • It is very humid and hot outside. • It is 97⁰ F outside with 78% humidity • That chemical gives off a fowl odor

  7. How many significant figures are in the following number? 200.2 • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4

  8. How many significant figures are in the following number? 0.00034 • 2 • 4 • 5 • 6

  9. How many significant figures are in the following number? 67,000,000 • 1 • 2 • 7 • 8

  10. How many significant figures are in the following number? 10.020 • 2 • 4 • 5 • 3

  11. Solve the following. Be sure to round to the correct number of decimal places. (4.30 + 56.22 + 2.223) A. 62.743 B. 62.7 C. 63 D. 62.74

  12. Solve the following. Be sure to round to the correct number of significant figures. (2.10 x 2.4 x 1.51) A. 8 B. 7.6104 C. 7.6 D. 7.61

  13. Round the following number to 3 significant figures. 102,321,000 A. 1.02 x 10-8 B. 1.023 x 108 C. 102 D. 1.02 x 108

  14. Convert the following from standard notation to scientific notation: 0.00000302 A. 3.02 x 106 B. 30.2 x 10-6 C. 3.02 x 10-6 D. 302.0 x 10-8

  15. Convert the following from scientific notation to standard notation. 8.70 x 105 A. 870,000 B. 8,700,000 C. 0.0000870 D. 87,000

  16. Convert the following from scientific notation to standard notation. 5.62 x 10-3 A. 5,620 B. 0005.62 C. 0.00562 D. 0.000562

  17. Solve the following. Round to the correct number of significant figures. (2.04 x 107) (4.11 x 10-4) (5.2 x 1018) A. 1.6123846 x 10-15 B. 1.61 x 1015 C. 1.6 x 10-15 D. 1.61 x 10-15

  18. Joey wanted to see which fan base was smarter, Auburn or Alabama fans. In his experiment, he had 5 Bama fans and 5 Auburn fans take the same math test to see which group’s average score was higher. What is the dependent variable in his experiment? A. Joey B. math test C. average test scores D. Auburn and Alabama fans

  19. Joey wanted to see which fan base was smarter, Auburn or Alabama fans. In his experiment, he had 5 Bama fans and 5 Auburn fans take the same math test to see which group’s average score was higher. What is the independent variable in his experiment? A. Joey B. math test C. average test scores D. Auburn and Alabama fans

  20. How many significant figures are in the following? 20.1 x 102 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2

  21. Convert the following to scientific notation: 12,000 A. 1.2 x 104 B. 1.2 x 10-4 C. 12 D. 0.12 x 105

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