1. Particle Filters for Localization & Abnormality Detection Dan Bryce
Markoviana Reading Group
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
2. Problems Position Tracking
Global Localization
Kidnapped Robot (Failure Recovery)
Multi Robot Localization
3. Solution Technique MCL – Monte Carlo Localization
Particle Filter + Model of Sensors + Model of Effectors
Bel(x0) : Prior or initial belief --- x is position, heading
p(xt|xt-1,ut-1): effector model, u is control (e.g. turn, drive)
p(yt|xt): sensor model, y is sensor’s estimate of distance (e.g. laser range finder)
q: sampling distribution
4. p(xt|xt-1,ut-1) Effector model is the convolution of 3 distributions
Robot kinematics model
Rotation noise
Translation Noise
5. Digression: the “action” input Notice that the transition function now is p(xt|xt-1,ut-1)—it is dependent both on the previous state xt-1 and the action done- ut-1
The actions are presumably chosen by the robot during a policy computation phase
If we are _tracking_ the robot (as against robot localizing itself), then we won’t have access to Ut-1 input..
So, our filtering problem is really a “plan monitoring problem”
This brings up interesting questions about how to combine planning and filtering/monitoring. For example, if the Robot loses its bearings, it may want to shift from the policy it is executing to a “find-your-bearings” policy (such as try going to the nearest wall)
6. p(yt|xt) Convolution of two distributions (Fig 19.2)
Ideal noise free model of laser range finder
Mixture of noise variables
P(correct reading) convolved with Gaussian noise
P(max reading)
Random noise following exponential distribution
7. p(yt|xt)
8. Menkes’ question Menkes asked why the distribution of particles in the top figure of 19.4 does not look as if particles are uniformly distributed.
One explanation is that even if the robot starts with a uniform prior, within one iteration (of transitioning the particles through transfer function, and weighting/resampling w.r.t sensor model, they may already start to die out in regions that are completely inconsistent with sensor readings
9. q q = p(xt|xt-1, ut-1)Bel(xt-1) (19.2.4)
Sampling from effector model and prior
Good if sensors are bad, bad if sensors are good
Approximates 19.2.5
True posterior that reflects sensors
Assigned weights are proportional to p(yt|xt) (19.2.6)
Adjust sample to reflect sensor model
10. q’ Previous q assumed sensors were very noisy and gave them less influence on samples
(19.3.7) samples from p(yt|xt)
Rely more on senors and less on prior belief and last control
Several variations on setting weights …
11. Digression: getting particles at the right place There are two issues with the particles—getting them in the right place (e.g. right robot pose), and getting their weights.
If all the particles are in the wrong parts of the pose space (all of which are inconsistent with the current sensor information), they all will get 0 weights and become all useless
If at least some particles are in the right pose-space, they can get non-zero weight and prosper (as happens in the MCL-random-particle idea)
The best would be to make all the particles be in the part of the space where the posterior probability is high
Since we don’t know the posterior distribution, we have to either sample them from the prior and transition function
OR sample from the sensor model (i.e. find the poses that have high P(y|x) value for the y value that the sensors are giving us.
12. Variation 1 For each sample, draw a pair of samples, one from prior, one from sensor model (19.3.9)
Importance factor is proportional to (xit|ut-1,xit-1)
No need to transform sample sets into densities
Importance factor may be zero for many poses
13. Kd-trees A kd-tree is a tree with the following properties
Each node represents a rectilinear region (faces aligned with axes)
Each node is associated with an axis aligned plane that cuts its region into two, and it has a child for each sub-region
The directions of the cutting planes alternate with depth
First cut perpendicular to x-axis, then perpendicular to y, then z and then back to x (some variations apparently ignore this rule)
Kd-trees generalize octrees by allowing splitting planes at variable positions
Note that cut planes in different sub-trees at the same level do not have to be the same
14. Kd-tree Example
15. Another kd-tree
16. Variation 2 Forward Sampling + kd-trees (Fig. 19.16) to approximate q’ = p(xt|d0…t-1, ut-1)
Sample a set from Bel(xjt-1), then p(xjt|ut-1,xjt-1) to get p(xjt|d0…t-1, ut-1)
Turn set into kd-tree (generalize poses)
Weight is proportional to xit probability in kd-tree
Weight is proportional to p(xit|d0…t-1, ut-1)
17. Variation 3 Best of 1 and 3: large weights, no forward sampling
Turn Bel(xt-1) into kd-tree.
Sample xit from P(yt|xt)
Sample xit-1 from P(xit|ut-1, xt-1)
Set weight to the probability of xit-1 in kd-tree
Weight is proportional to ?(xit|ut-1)Bel(xit-1)
18. Mixture proposal q: fails if sensors are accurate
q’: fails when sensors are not accurate
When in doubt use ?
(1- ? )q + ? q’
They used ? = 0.1, and second method to compute weight for q’ (Fig 19.11)
19. Kidnapped Robot MCL > MCL w/noise > Mixture MCL
20. Learning and Inferring Transportation Routines Engineering feat including many technologies
Abstract Hierarchical Markov Model
Represented as DBN
Inference with Rao-Blackwellised particle filter
Error/Abnormality detection
Plan Recognition
21. H-HMM
23. RB-Filter
24. Tracking Posterior
Sample high level discrete variables to get:
Then, predict gaussian filter of position with:
25. Tracking (cont’d) Correction:
26. Goal and segment estimates Do filtering as previously described (for nodes below line in graph), but allow lower nodes to be conditioned on upper nodes
For each filtered particle use exact inference to update gik and tik
27. Learning Learn Structural (Flat) Model
Goals: EM for edge duration, then cluster
transfer points – count transitions in F/B pass
Learn Hierarchical transition probabilities
between goals, segments given goal, streets given segment
28. Detecting Errors Can’t add all possible unknown goals and transfers to model
Instead use two trackers (combined with Bayes Factors)
First uses hierarchical model (fewer, costly particles)
Second uses flat model (more, cheap particles)
29. Comparison to Flat and 2MM
30. Qns.. In what sense is an AHMM a HMM rather than just a general DBN?
The issue of converting the agent plans into a compact AHMM—seems to make assumptions about the compactness of the set of behaviors the agent is likely to exhibit.
It seems as if the plan recognition problem at hand would have been quite easy in deterministic domains (since the agent is involved in only a few plans at most)
31. Combining plan synthesis and plan monitoring We discussed about the possibility of hooking up the MCL style plan monitoring engine to a plan synthesis algorithm
Dan/Will said their simulator for Chitta’s class last year was a non-deterministic simulator (which doesn’t take likelihoods into account).
Would be nice to extend it
It would then be nice to interleave monitoring and replanning (when monitoring says that things are seriously afoul).