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Le Golf Club des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgois

Le Golf Club des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgois Organisateur du 1er Championnat de Golf Mondial des cheminots-golfeurs

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Le Golf Club des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgois

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  1. Le Golf Club des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgois Organisateur du 1er Championnat de Golf Mondial des cheminots-golfeurs C'est avec une certaine fierté que j'ai appris la nouvelle que le Golf Club des CFL a été sélectionné pour organiser le 1er Championnat de Golf Mondial des cheminots-golfeurs susceptible de se dérouler en juin 2007 sur le green du Golf de Clervaux situé au Nord du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. L'organisation d'un tel événement constitue pour les membres de ce Club à la fois un honneur et un défi. Un honneur dans la mesure que l'Union Sportive Internationale des Cheminots a confié cette première au membre issu du plus petit pays de l'Europe. Un défi que l'organisation de ce tournoi demande une préparation soignée et de longue haleine ainsi que la mise en place d'un dispositif sans faille en vue d'assurer un déroulement correct selon les normes prescrites pour une manifestation de ce genre. Toutes ces missions et tous ces travaux ainsi que l'accueil des équipes doivent être assurés par une poignée de fervents adeptes de ce sport, des cheminots et collaborateurs de notre entreprise. Je suis convaincu et rassuré que le Golf Club CFL et ses membres apporteront le savoir-faire requis ainsi que la motivation nécessaire pour satisfaire aux besoins et aux contraintes techniques de l'organisation de ce championnat. J'ai aucun doute qu'ils disposent tous de l'élan et du courage indispensables pour mener à bien cette tâche délicate. Je souhaite au nom de la Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois un plein succès à ce 1er Championnat de Golf Mondial des cheminots-golfeurs et que tous les acteurs cheminots gardent un souvenir inoubliable des jours passés au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Le Directeur Général des CFL Alex KREMER

  2. Union Sportive Internationale des Cheminots 1st USIC World Golf Championship for railway golfers 27-30 June 2007 GOLF of CLERVAUX GRAND-DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG

  3. The Golf-Club of the Luxembourgish Railways has been elected to organize the 1st USIC World Championship for Railway Golfers in the  Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Europe) scheduled to take place at the Golf of Clervaux from 27th to 30th June 2007. • According to the decision of the 2004 USIC congress held in Quiberon (France), attended by 22 nations, the First USIC World Golf Championship for railway golfers will be held in Luxembourg. • This world event is placed under the patronage of the "Association sportive des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois" offers the opportunity to sollicite the first title of a USIC Golf World Champion .

  4. The following 14 nations have confirmed their attendance in Luxembourg : Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany India Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Switzerland United Kingdom

  5. According to the USIC rules, these 14 teams will be composed of : 6 golf players ladies or men 1 Captain/Trainer 1 Chief delegate 1 Translator(if needed)

  6. The marvellous golf course of Clervaux will be welcoming the railway golfers who will compete and give their best to win the very First USIC World Championship for Railway Golfers. The First USIC World Championship for Railway Golfers will take place parallely to the official opening in June 2007 of the high-speed TGV Eastern European rail link between Luxembourg and Paris. The Golf-Club CFL is proud having been selected for this special task and is looking forward to welcome all of you to the First USIC World Championship for Railway Golfers. Welcome in Clervaux/Luxembourg

  7. As this world event involves high investment including the organization of the competition attended by high ranking golfers and the accomodation of all the participants during their stay with us, the Golf-Club des CFL is relying on support in cash and in kind. Any financial support to our world event is highly welcome and appreciated. Please find hereafter the banking accounts of the Organizing Committee of the Golf-Club des CFL: Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat : No du compte IBAN : LU88 0019 2155 3175 7000 BIC : BCEELULL DEXIA-Banque Internationale à Luxembourg : No du compte IBAN : LU28 0028 1823 3151 0400 BIC : BILLLULL Banque Générale du Luxembourg : No du compte IBAN : LU21 0030 6496 7407 1000 BIC : BGLLLULL

  8. La Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Golf: • tient à exprimer ses félicitations au Golf-Club des CFL qui est chargé par l’USIC d’organiser le 1er Championnat USIC Mondial des Cheminots-golfeurs en 2007, • appuie le Golf-Club des CFL dans l’exécution de cette mission particulière . Jean-Marie THOMAPrésident FLG

  9. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUXMecherweeL-9748 ESELBORN/CLERVAUXTel:    +352-929395   Fax:   +352-929451    e-mail: gcclerv@pt.luwww.golfclervaux.luThe Golf-Club of Clervaux is located in the vicinity of ESELBORN, close to the City of CLERVAUX, and is situated in the northern part of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

  10. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX The Golf course of Clervaux arises in a quiet environment in the middle of the natural beauty of the Luxembourgish Ardennes.It includes an 18-hole golf course (PAR 72), a 3-hole compact course, a putting green and a driving range with target greens and bunkers.The panoramic clubhouse offers the following amenities: • golfers' office desk for reservations and informations • four-star Hotel**** with panoramic room views • gastronomic restaurant called "Le Panoramique" • cosy bar for golfers and visitors • southbound terrace • sauna • pro-shop for golfers equipment, buggy and trolley rent • caddy-room • dressing rooms (ladies/men) with showers and toilets  • large parking areas around the clubhouse

  11. The GOLF Course of CLERVAUX 18 holes Par 72

  12. The score-card of the golf course of CLERVAUX

  13. Programme de la cérémonie d’ouverture du 27.6.2007 • 18h15: Accueil à l'Hôtel du Golf de Clervaux verre de bienvenue et encadrement musical Harmonie Municipale de Clervaux The Luxembourg Pipe Band • 18h45: Discours d'ouverture du Golf-Club Club Mme Karin Cornaro, Secrétaire du Golf Club CFL • 18h50: Discours de bienvenue de M. Jean-Marie Thoma, Président du Golf Club CFL et de la FLG • 19h00: Présentation des 14 nations participantes au 1er Championnat Mondial de Golf USIC • 19h10: Discours de bienvenue de Mme Josiane Pauly, Ministère des Transports.

  14. Programme de la cérémonie d’ouverture du 27.6.2007 • 19h20: Discours de bienvenue de M. Jeannot Krecke, Ministre des Sports • 19h30: Discours de bienvenue de M. Alex Kremer, Directeur Général des CFL • 19h40: Ouverture officielle du 1er Championnat Mondial de Golf USIC par M. Martin WESTERBEEK, Commissaire USIC Présentation de l’Hymne international USIC Décollage des montgolfières LUXGSM & DEXIA-BIL • 20h30: Fin du programme.

  15. Transports publics Une navette par bus CFL assurera gratuitement le transfert des intéressés entre la gare ferroviaire de Clervaux et le site du Golf de Clervaux entre 17H30 et 21H00 et vice-versa. Horaires trains Aller/Retour Luxembourg départ: 16.36 / 17.15 Clervaux arrivée: 17.32 / 18.07 Clervaux départ: 18.54 / 19.54 / 20.54 Luxembourg arrivée: 19.45 / 20.45 / 21.45

  16. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Programme of the USIC World Championship 1st day (27 june 2007) • Arrival of the delegations • Training (Golf of Clervaux) 08 :00-16:00 • Opening ceremony (Clubhouse) 18 :00 • Welcome cocktail (Clubhouse) 19 :00 • Captain’s meeting (Hotel International) 21 :00

  17. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Programme of the USIC World Championship 2nd day (28 june 2007) 1st day of the competition                                                     10:00 • Formula : Foursome strokeplay 3 teams of 2 players per nationTeam photos & reception by the Mayor of Clervaux

  18. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Programme of the USIC World Championship 3rd day (29 june 2007) • 2nd day of competition Formula : Single strokeplay6 players per nation 09 :00 • Prizegiving ceremony (Clubhouse) 19 :00 • Farewell dinner  (Hotel International) 20 :00

  19. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Programme of the USIC World Championship 4th day (30 june 2007) • Departure of the delegations

  20. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Technical part Competition • A team of 6 players per country is admitted to the 1st World Championship for Railway Golfers. The players’ inscription draft, certified by the participating country, cannot be modified during the event. Rules • The 1st World Championship will be held according to the "Rules of Golf and of Amateur Status as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the United States Golf Association", the official rules of the Luxembourgish Golf Federation and the local rules of the Golf Club of Clervaux. The specific club rules concerning the dress code (correct dress for golf players during the competition rounds on the course & formal dress during the official ceremonies) must be respected.

  21. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Competition formulas • Teams (28 June 2007) Foursome (strokeplay brut) over 18 holes (3 flights per nation) • Singles (29 June 2007) Single (strokeplay brut) over 18 holes (6 players per nation) Championship – tee-offs Ladies =Blue tees Men = White tees • The tee-off order will be scheduled according to the inscription lists. The first flight will be composed of the players enlisted in first by their coach. The second flight will be composed by players N° 2 and so on.

  22. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Categories • One unique category Men-Ladies • There will be no separated classification in teams and singles, even if a foursome flight might be of mixed composition.

  23. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX CLASSIFICATION a) Teams • The 2 best scores of the 1st round (teams) and the 5 best individual scores of the second round will be taken into account for the classification of each national delegation. • In the case of a tie, the best non-counting foursome score will prevail over the best non-counting individual score . If there is a further tie, a play-off will occur. Every team will designate a representative flight from the first round for the play-off. It will be played according to the sudden death modus. b) Singles • Score of the second round . In case of a tie, the clauses of point a) occur.

  24. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Referee • The referee signs responsible for the application of the competition rules. He will be designated by the organizer. Any dispute during the competition will be settled by the referee, or by the Championship committee in case of a litigation filed by the referee. The decisions of the referee or the Championship committee are final and irrevocable.

  25. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Championship Committee • The Championship is supervised by the Championship Committee. It will be composed by a representative of the organizing country and 4 other representatives of the attending countries. It will be implemented the preceding day of the competition by occasion of the captain’s meeting. The chairmanship will be assumed by the organizing country. • The Championship Committee is competent for the right and correct development of the championship. As a consequence, it will have to settle any disputes. Any dispute during the competition will be settled by the referee, or by the Championship committee in case of a litigation filed by the referee. The decisions of the referee or the Championship committee are final and irrevocable.

  26. GOLF-CLUB CLERVAUX Awards Teams The winning team will obtain the USIC challenge-award. The 3 best teams will be awarded diplomas and medals (gold, silver and bronze). Singles The 3 best players will be awarded diplomas and medals (gold, silver and bronze).


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