1. Bioterrorism and Disaster Preparedness Dr. Jimmy Henning
Kentucky Cooperative Extension Professional Development Conference
February 8 – 10, 2005
2. Agenda Agroterrorism & Disaster Preparedness Goals
StormReady Supporter Certification
Kentucky Emergency Management
Media Relations Training
Extension’s Response to Hurricane Disasters in Florida – What We Learned
3. Agroterrorism Committee Team Members Tom Priddy – Meteorology
Melissa Newman – Emergency Response
Patty Scharko and Ed Hall – Animal Health
Glyn Caldwell – Bioterrorism & Public Health
Kim Henken – Family & Consumer Sciences
Paul Vincelli – Plant Pathology
Haven Miller – Communications
Ron Hustedde – Conflict Resolution
Martha Welch – 4-H
Mark Schneider – Information Technology
Julia Costich – Injury Prevention
4. Agroterrorism and Disaster Preparedness Goals General Preparedness
Communication Issues
Natural Disasters/Severe Weather
Bio- and Agro-Terrorism
Farm Security Issues
Plant Issues
Animal Issues
5. General Preparedness Disaster Preparedness Manuals
Basics of Emergency Management
Components of a Disaster
Being Prepared at Extension Sponsored Events
Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)
6. Communications Issues Media Relations Training
Conflict Resolution
7. Natural Disasters/Severe Weather StormReady Certification for CES Offices
Individual Events (flood, tornado, earthquake, etc.)
8. Bioterrorism Motives
Types of Weapons
Planning and Preparedness
Disaster Response
Possible Biological Agents
9. Plant Issues National Plant Diagnostic Network
Digital Assisted Diagnostics
Possible Weapons
Possible Reasons
10. Animal Issues Pet and Livestock Care during a Disaster
Fallen Stock/Dead Animals
Animal ID
Possible Weapons
Possible Reasons
11. SART/CART Based on System developed by North Carolina Department of Agriculture in response to hurricanes.
North Carolina is available to develop system within states.
12. SART: (State Agriculture Response Team) Provide structure and resources to implement I.C.S. (Incident Command System) in response to emergency.
Ensure that trained, accountable personnel are immediately available.
Targets KY Dept. of Agriculture (KDA) staff, both field and office.
13. CART: (County Agriculture Response Team) Provide training and structure to local responders.
KDA has trained 25 veterinarians across the state in emergency management and ICS
Goal is to integrate into local CERT’s (County Emergency Response Teams) to provide agriculture presence and expertise.
Extension involvement is vital link for training and accountability
14. StormReady Supporter Certification:
A National Weather Service Preparedness and Response Project for Offices
15. How can CES better prepare to respond to natural disasters?
First prepare ourselves and our families
Then prepare Extension Staff/Offices
Build Partnerships
16. StormReady “Supporter” Program has been created by NWS for:
Cooperative Extension Offices & Staff
17. Six main criteria to become StormReady Supporter Certified: Communications
Local Emergency Manager
Office Warning Point
NWS Information Reception
NOAA Weather Radio
TV, Radio, Internet, Pagers, Cell Phone
18. Six main criteria to become StormReady Supporter Certified: Hydrometeorological Monitoring
Access to radar data via internet, tv, etc.
Office Warning Dissemination
Office Warning Point communicates to agents and staff, including those at special events, to “take cover”
19. Six main criteria to become StormReady Supporter Certified: Office and Staff Preparedness
Proper response to weather threats
Severe weather training every 3 years
Action Plan
Office Warning Point procedures
Severe weather training records
Communications Plan
20. Incentive Program Free S.A.M.E. NOAA Weather Radio to the first CES Office in each district to attend a Spotter Class
EDEN website lists available classes
When signing up for a Spotter Class, be sure to tell them you are with CES and they will give us an attendance list
22. Contact Information about StormReady Certification Tom Priddy
Email: priddy@uky.edu
Phone: (859) 257-3000 ext. 245
National Weather Service
See Spotter Class web pages for the contact person in your area
23. Let’s make Kentucky the first state in the nation to have all CES offices StormReady Supporter Certified!
This Year!