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PRESENTATION ON INITIATIVES OF HARYANA GOVT. IN THE FIELD OF ENERGY CONSERVATION 23.8.10 Lucknow Sumita Misra,IAS Director Deptt. Of Renewable Energy, Haryana & HAREDA. THE DEPARTMENT. The Department of Renewable Energy, Haryana was created in March,1995. Mandate of the Department:
THE DEPARTMENT • The Department of Renewable Energy, Haryana was created in March,1995. • Mandate of the Department: • Promotion & implementation of RE Programme / Schemes • Promotion of Generation of Power from Renewable Energy • Energy Conservation including implementation of ECA-2001. • Demand Side Management • HAREDA was created in May,1997 to assist the Department in implementation of its programmes. • The DRE/HAREDA is the SNA for RE programmes and the SDA for EC programmes and implements the projects of the MNRE, GoI and BEE, MOP, GoI.
ENERGY • Energy is the most critical requirement for development. • Energy consumption increases with development. • Indian Economy is growing @ about 9% & the demand for energy is growing @ 14%. • India’s total primary energy supply is growing at an average annual rate of 5.19%. The share of commercial energy has increased from 41% in 1970 to 68.23% in 2001. • Coal contributes to nearly 55% of the primary fuel demand in the country while oil contributes 34%. • India has installed power generation capacity of about 1,60,000 MW. • Thermal power contributes to about 68%, Hydro 25%, Nuclear 3% & Renewable Energy about 10%.
WHY ENERGY CONSERVATION ? • To save one MW of Electricity, we need an investment of Rs. one crore whereas to generate 1 MW of energy through new power plant, we need about Rs. 4.50 Crore. • Efficient use of Energy would lead better utilisation of existing energy sources and therefore would provide energy security for the country • It would help in improving local environment and reduction in global warming • India has potential to save 25,000 MW of electricity, through energy conservation with an expenditure of Rs. 25,000 crores & in time span of just two years. Otherwise this capacity addition would need approx. Rs. 1,12,500 crores investment and it will also come up after 5 years time gap.
ENERGY CONSERVATION ACT, 2001 • The Government of India has enacted Energy Conservation Act, 2001 with the objective to provide a regulatory framework for formulation and implementation of energy conservation strategies in the country, to bring efficiency in energy consumption. • The Act provides mainly for efficient use of energy and its conservation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. • Under the Act, powers have been provided to the Central & State Government to enforce the various provisions of the Act in the area falling under its jurisdiction. • At Government of India, the implementation of the said Act shall be coordinated and supervised by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). The said Act has commenced w.e.f 1st March, 2002.
POWERS OF THE STATE GOVT. IN EC ACT 2001 (CHAPTER-VI) 15. The State Government may, by notification, in consultation with the Bureau - (a) amend the energy conservation building codes (b) direct every owner or occupier of a building or building complex being a designated consumer to comply with the provisions of the ECBC. (c) designate any agency as designated agency (d) take all measures necessary to create awareness and disseminate information for EE & EC; (e) take steps to encourage preferential treatment for use of EE equipments or appliances; 16. The State Government shall constitute a Fund to be called the State Energy Conservation Fund for the purposes of promotion of efficient use of energy and its conservation within the State.
POWERS OF THE STATE GOVT. IN EC ACT 2001 (CHAPTER-VI) 17.(1) The designated agency may appoint, after the expiry of five years from the date of commencement of this Act, as many inspecting officers as may be necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance under the Act. (2)An inspecting officer shall have power to inspect any operation carried on or in connection with the equipment or appliance specified under the Act and enter any place of designated consumer at which the energy is used for any activity. 18. The Central Government or the State Government may, issue such directions in writingas it deems fit for the purposes of this Act to any person, officer, authority or any designated consumer and such person, officer or authority or any designated consumer shall be bound to comply with such directions
DESIGNATED CONSUMERS • Commercial buildings having connected load of 500 KW or contract demand of 600 kVA or more will be under the purview of Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC) for efficient use of energy and its conservation. • Energy intensive industries, namely i) Thermal Power Station – 30000 metric tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE) per year and above. ii) Fertilizer – 30000 MTOE per year and above. iii) Cement - 30000 MTOE per year and above iv) Iron & steel - 30000 MTOE per year and above v) Chlor-Alkali-12000 MTOE per year and above. vi) Aluminum - 7500 MTOE per year and above vii) Railways workshop - 30000 MTOE per year and above viii) Textile - 3000 MTOE per year and above ix) Pulp & paper - 30000 MTOE per year and above x) Transport xii) Chemicals xi) Sugar Industry
Sr. No. Sector Total consumption (million units) Saving potential ( million units) In MW Saving potential in % 1. Agriculture 7168 2150 352 30 2. Domestic 3772 754 123.5 20 3. Industrial 5440 1360 222.9 25 4. Commercial 1181 236 38.6 20 5. Others 1709 256 41.9 15 Total 19290 4756 779.5 (Source: Haryana Statistical Abstract 2008-09) HARYANA – ENERGY SAVING POTENTIAL
ROLE OF SDA • A Development Agency: for database, Policy formulation, Awareness creation, Capacity building, annual reports • A Facilitator: for Demo projects, PPP • A Regulatory Agency: Notify various mandatory requirements for designated consumers, Star & Labeling Porgrammes etc. • A coordinator: with various stakeholders
APPROACH Multi-pronged approach: • Inter-sectoral strategies • Regulatory strategies • Promotional & incentivising energy efficiency to various users • Dovetailing of renewable energy and energy conservation programmes • Mainstreaming energy efficiency and DSM • Lighting-Easiest with greatest visibility & societal impact was taken up first • Govt. to play the leaders role EFFICIENCY BEGINS AT HOME !
REGULATORY INITIATIVES FOR EC • Haryana is the first State in the country to issue a comprehensive notification dated 29.07.2005 on Energy Conservation Measures. It makes:- • Solar Water Heating Systemsmandatory for water heating application. • CFLs and T-5 tube lights in Govt. buildings made mandatory. Use of conventional bulbs in govt. buildings banned. • Use of ISI marked pump sets and accessories for new tube-well connections made mandatory. • Incorporation of energy efficient building design and RE technologies for new Govt. buildings made mandatory. • This initiative has been appreciated by the MOP, GOI
COORDINATION & MONITORING A State Level Monitoring Committee under the Chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary, Haryana has been constituted with the administrative secretaries of the Revenue, Agriculture, Public Works & Architecture, Cooperation, Health, Urban Development , Power , Education, Renewable Energy, Panchayats & Rural Dev., Industries, Town & Country Planning, Public Relations, Environment Departments as its members and the Director, Renewable Energy/HAREDA as its Member-Secretary to monitor the implementation of the energy conservation measures and the Energy Conservation Act, 2001.
NOTIFICATION 25.6.08 The use of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and/or T-5 (28 watt) energy efficient tube lights and/or Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps made mandatory for all electricity consumers in industrial, commercial and institutional sectors having connected load of 30 Kilo Watt or above. all Central Govt. Offices and Central Public Sector Undertaking Institutions/establishments located in the sate of Haryana. These orders come into force with effect from 15th August, 2008. Out of 11,885 identified consumers, 10,688 having complied with the notification in the UHBVN area and notices have been issued to the remaining consumers.
NOTIFICATION 25.6.08 Energy efficient street lighting made mandatory in all existing and new colonies and urban areas notified by the Urban Local Bodies Department, Haryana Urban Development Authority Sectors, HSIIDC, Industrial Estates, Housing Complexes, Colonies and Townships developed by private/semi government/autonomous institutions using T-5 tube lights/LED lamps/Low Pressure Sodium Vapour/High Pressure Sodium Vapour / induction arc lamps. This order comes into force with effect from 31st March, 2009 These measures have a potential of saving of 222 MW electricity annually. Public notices have been issued to create awareness and the notification has been circulated to all departments. Survey has been conducted by the Town & Country Planning Deptt. & amendment in their building bye-laws is under process. So far about one third of the consumers with more than 30 KW connected load have converted to energy efficient lighting.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN GOVT. SECTOR • In Haryana about 25% of the total power is being used for lighting which increases to about 40% during the peak load time. • Haryana is the first State in the country to have decided to replace conventional lighting fixtures with energy efficient CFLs and T-5 (28 watt) tube lights in all Govt. buildings by 1st January, 2008. • So far 1,15,000 CFLs & 1,18,497 T-5 Tube lights replaced in Govt. offices with an investment of Rs.5.20 crores resulting in annual saving of Rs.9.55 crores in the electricity bills translating into an equivalent annual saving of 3.80 MW. • Purchase of four star rated and above appliances mandatory in State Government purchases. • All new govt buildings to be constructed in the State to comply with ECBC.
STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION FUND • Under Section 16 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, the State Govt. is required to constitute a Fund for the purposes of promotion of efficient use of energy and its conservation within the State. • Haryana Govt. has notified the constitution of the Haryana Energy Conservation Fund vide Haryana Govt. Notification No. 22/7/2010-5 Power dated 19.2.2010. • The State Government has contributed Rs.50.00 Lac for 2009-10 and Rs.395.00 Lac for 2010-11 while the BEE has contributed Rs.2.00 crore to the Fund.
STATE LEVEL STEERING AUTHORITY FOR THE FUND • A State Level Steering Authority has been set up to formulate, review and monitor the activities under the Fund. • This Committee is headed by the Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary, Renewable Energy Department, Haryana with following as members:- - Managing Directors of the DISCOMs, - Director, Urban Local Bodies Department, - Director, Town & Country Planning Department - Director, Industries and Commerce Department - Director,Renewable Energy Department.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN LIGHTING • 702 villages made CFL villages with installation of 6,71,166 CFLs by power utilities and HAREDA. • For new electrical connections, use of CFLs made mandatory & for BPL Consumers, two 20 Watt CFLs are provided free of cost at the time of release of connection by the power utilities. • In private sector (approx.) 50 lacs CFLs sold. • India’s first CFL based CDM project known as Bachat Lamp Yojna (BLY) being launched by Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam in Sonepat & Yamuna Nagar district for distribution of 5,40,000 CFLs at a discounted cost of Rs.15/- each with CDM benefit.
ESCO PROJECTS FOR STREET LIGHTNG • Energy Service Company (ESCO) route is an innovative option for bringing in energy efficiency in energy intensive applications where an ESCO comes into picture to design, install and finance the energy efficiency measures required to reduce energy bills and the maintenance costs. The ESCO recovers its expenditures from mutually agreed share from the savings in the electricity bills. • Haryana is the first state in the country to implement energy efficient lighting street lighting on its own in Municipal Committee, Hisar & HUDA Sectors, Panchkula through ESCO mode. • In MC, Hisar and HUDA Panchkula the project has been successfully implemented & the results have shown much more energy saving (5% more in HUDA, Panchkula and 3% more in MC, Hisar).
INCENTIVISING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN AGRICULTURE • Scheme on providing financial incentives on the purchase of ISI marked Pump-sets @ Rs. 400/- per HP of pump with max. ceiling of Rs. 5000/- per farmer. • Upto 2009-10, Rs.2.42 crore has been spent on upgrading 14,668 pumps. • Awareness and education campaign in coordination with Power Utilities and Agriculture Department launched.
PROMOTION OF SWHS AS DSM 1000 solar water heating systems of 100 lpd capacity contribute to peak loading shaving of 1 MW and each 100 lpd system contribute to 1.5 tons CO2 emission reduction. Use of solar water heating systems mandatory in industries, Hospitals and Nursing homes, Hotels, Jail Barracks, Housing Complexes, residential buildings built on a plot of size 500 sq.yds and above, all Govt. buildings, Hostels, Tourism Complexes and Universities etc. vide Notification dated 29.7.2005 During 2009-10, SWHS of more than 3.50 lac liters capacity installed leading to a peak load shaving of 3.5 MW and reduction of emission of 5250 tonnes of CO2.This is the highest capacity ever installed in a year in the State and is 69% more than the capacity installed during 2007-08. This year target is 525000 lpd.
INCENTIVES FOR PROMOTION OF SWHS To promote SWHS, Rebate in electricity bills upto Rs.300/- pm for three years for domestic users. Capital subsidy on domestic solar water heater up to Rs.10000/- for for all Haryana residents. Only State in the country to provide 70% financial assistance on installation of solar water heating systems for social sector institutions. The MNRE/GOI also provides capital subsidy upto @ Rs. 3300/- per sq. meter under the JNNSM.
ENERGY AUDIT • Energy Audit is an effective tool for plugging energy wastages. • Energy audit of Raj Bhawan completed and implemented. It will save 1.20 lakh units of electricity amounting to Rs.3.60 lacs with an investment of Rs.16.16 lakh. • Energy audit of CM residence completed and is under implementation. • Investment Grade Energy Audit Study of 20 large government buildings completed and their implementation is being taken up with the concerned departments. • Energy audit of 12 more large Govt. buildings and 6 major mandies in progress. • New scheme to promote Energy audit on 50-50 cost sharing basis (limited to Rs. 50,000/-) for industries, institutions and commercial establishments.
Star Labelling Programme • To create awareness and motivate consumers to buy only energy efficient appliances, the BEE is implementing star labelling programme under which 12 electrical appliances have been rated on the basis of their efficiency on a scale of 1 to 5 Star. A 5 star rated product is the most energy efficient. Following products are available with star rating:- 1. Frost Free Refrigerators 2. Tubular Fluorescent Lamps 3. Air Conditioners 4. Direct Cool Refrigerators 5. Distribution Transformer s 6. Induction Motors 7. Pump sets 8. Ceiling Fans 9. LPG Stove 10. Electric Geysers 11. Colour TV 12. Washing Machine • Haryana is the first state in the country to announce and energy efficiency based procurement policy in Nov, 2007 with State Government deciding to buy only 4 Star & above rated products .
ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN BUILDINGS • The Haryana Govt. has taken an in principal decision to adopt the Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC) launched by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency in July 2007. • HAREDA organized National Workshop on ECBC in July 2008 to create awareness. • Capacity Building Programmes have been organized at Panchkula and Gurgaon for architects and Government Engineers. • HAREDA is building its own building at Panchkula compliant with ECBC & TERI Griha Rating to Act as model demonstration building.
SALIENT FEATURES OF HAREDA BUILDING • Approx. cost - Rs. 8.92 Crore including RE devices. • Covered area - 55,000 Sq Ft. • It will be the one of the least Energy Consumption Building amongst the LEED certified green buildings of the country. • Energy Consumption of air conditioned areas of this building shall be about 55% lessat 90 kWhr/m2/year against the consumption of 200 kWhr/m2/year in a normal building. • Energy Consumption of non air conditioned areas of this building shall be about 80% less at 30 kWhr/m2/year against the consumption of 160 kWhr/m2/year in a normal building. • No Municipal water supply is required after the first monsoon. • BIPV system to be installed – 41.65 kW. • Other features – Solar Chimney , Evaporating cooling by fogging system, Energy Efficient Lighting, anti glare windows. • Use of fly ash bricks. • This will be the one of its own kind of building with 25% reduced lighting energy need and Annual Energy Consumption at 3.48 units per sft. against 18.5 units per sft. of a conventional building
ENERGY CONSERVATION AWARDS • Haryana is one of the first few states to institute State Level Awards with prize money ranging from Rs.2.00 lacs to Rs.50,000/- along with certificate and shield. • The categories for the award are industries (HT Consumer & LT Consumers), Small Scale Industries, Govt. / Semi Govt. Institutions & Bodies, Educational Institutions and Commercial Buildings.
BAL URJA RAKSHAK MISSION • An innovative Bal Urja Rakshak Mission has been launched to implement a focused programme for the students of 8th & 9th class to bring attitudinal and behavioral transformation in them. • In the first phase, the programme is being implemented in 25 selected school of Gurgaon under which 25000 students will be sensitized. • The project cost is Rs.25 lacs which will be shared by on 50:50 basis by State Govt. & BEE. • This year, the BURM is being extended to Faridabad and Panchkula districts.
Energy Information Center • Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency initiatives of the Government have reached Stage where fair advisory services are desirable. • Keeping this in view, an Energy Information Center has been setup at Gurgaon with technical support from the French Energy and Environment Management Agency (ADEME) and financial support from the BEE. • This is Asias first EIC and is being managed professionally through NGO participation.
A view of RGREP Energy Fair
CAPACITY BUILDING AND AWARENESS • Targeting school children as agents of change -painting, slogan writing, run for energy, energy fairs etc. organized. • State Level Essay Writing Competition are organised every year. About 19,000 students participated in 2009-10. • State Level Quiz Competition on EC and RE is being organised regularly. • Training programmes for energy managers and energy auditors are regularly organised. • For expert advisory services on EC, Energy Information Center has been set up at Gurgaon.
AWARENESS PROGRAMMES Awareness campaign has been launched through radio jingles, Interactive radio programmes, T.V films, Seminars and Workshops, electricity bills, School Education Programmes & Press advertisements. HAREDA is broadcasting an interactive radio programme HAREDAUrja Mantra from 9:45 to 10: 00 AM every Tuesday and Saturday on AIR FM at 103.1 MHz. At the end of the programme, a question is asked and the first correct answer is awarded a prize of two CFLs. Besides, radio jingles are also being aired on the AIR FM at 103.1 & 107.2 MHz.
ACHIEVEMENTS OF HAREDA - HIGHLIGHTS • During 2007-08, the State saved 86MW electricity through various EC measures. • Haryana was awarded the National Award for Best State Category for its EC programmes on National EC Day, 2008. • During 2008-09, the State saved 132MW electricity through various EC measures. • Haryana was once again awarded the National Award in the Best State’s Category , second year in a row, on 14.12.09 by Union Power Ministry/GOI. • In 2009-10, Energy Saving of about 150 MW has been quantified so far.