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By: Dr. Gem Fletcher Caricom Secretariat

Towards A Development Path For Caribbean Agriculture – Extending The Jagdeo Initiative. By: Dr. Gem Fletcher Caricom Secretariat. RE-ALIGNING THE JAGDEO INITIATIVE. Constraints to be seen as need for Provision of Resources.

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By: Dr. Gem Fletcher Caricom Secretariat

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  1. Towards A Development Path For Caribbean Agriculture – Extending The Jagdeo Initiative By: Dr. Gem FletcherCaricom Secretariat

  2. RE-ALIGNING THE JAGDEO INITIATIVE • Constraints to be seen as need for Provision of Resources. • Need therefore to establish Frameworks for Efficient Provision of each Resource. • Each Framework must reflect the important and mutually reinforcing contribution of both Public and Private Sector. • Therefore need for institutionalization of Public/Private Sector Partnership Arrangements as a Core Activity.

  3. PROVISION OF RESOURCES SCHEMA Efficient Financing and Increased Investment Market Infrastructure including Market Information and Market Linkages Cross-border Investments Coordinated Risk Management Measures including Praedial Larceny C S M E Regional Warning Systems Integrated Information Network COMMODITY Public/Private Sector Partnership Skills and Quality Human Resources in Agriculture Land Databank Efficient Land, Water Distribution and Management Systems Skills Bank GROUPINGS F A C I L I T A T I O N Regional Collaboration Regional Centre for R & D Efficient Research and Development SPS Harmonization Efficient Transportation System particularly for Agricultural Products Efficient Agricultural Health and Food Safety Systems

  4. ESSENTIAL ROLE OF COMMODITY GROUPINGS • Growth in Agriculture requires. • Production increase in commodity output • Commodity Output best planned by Commodity Group. • Commodity groups enable: • Organization of resources for planned increase of output along entire food chain. • Contribution of both Private and Public Sector. • Institutionalized arrangements for effective management and decision-making in commodity growth.

  5. CSME- FACILITATED OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENHANCING PROVISION OF RESOURCES INCLUDE: • Marketing Arrangements e.g. use of CAMID type Information Network • SPS Arrangements for Internal Market and External Trade • Cross-Border Access to National and Financial Resources to increase Investment • Regional Access to Research and Development

  6. ESTABLISHING PRIORITY CONSTRAINTS • Examples of Prioritization Process: • Member States Mention • Commodity Group Demand


  8. ESTABLISHING PRIORITY CONSTRAINTS (CON’T) • List of Emerged Top five (5) Priorities:- • Research and Development • Land and Water Distribution and Management Systems • Marketing Information and Infrastructure • Financing and Increased Investment • Sanitary and Phytosanitary and Food Safety Systems (SPS)

  9. PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP CONSTRUCTS FOR CASE OF RESOURCE PROVISION (OR CONSTRAINTS REMOVAL) • Resource Provision depends primarily on • Amount and Type of Resource Required • How the resource is to be provided • Major source of supply of the resource. • Public Sector Contribution is primarily in providing the Amount of Resources • Through Public Funding including Donor Funds • Private Sector Contribution primarily at ‘HOW’ resources are allocated • Market-type considerations of efficiency in allocation • Inter-related influences are such that • The ‘HOW’ must also take into consideration Public Sector Social concerns • The Amount is guaranteed only by efficient utilisation in the ‘HOW’.

  10. PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP CONSTRUCT IN CASE OF COMMODITY GROUPINGS • Necessary combination for: • The Type and Amount of commodity to be produced largely depends on Private Sector Investment based on the full chain from farm to table. • Much planning is involved in how to respond to what the market wants. • The Public Sector’s role is to Maintain the Consumer’s interest or Food Security. • Provides a competitive environment for scarce resources: • In terms of funding of resource e.g. Government funds channelled through commodity group who then can pay for resource. • In terms of receiving resource e.g. against the other commodity groupings

  11. Clearing House for requests and supply of resources Request Resource Provider 1 Commodity Grouping 1 Resource Provider 2 Commodity Grouping 2 Resource Provider 3 Request Commodity Grouping 3 Resource Provider 4 Resource Provider 5 Efficient Support of Resource INTERACTION BETWEEN COMMODITY GROUPING AND RESOURCE PROVIDER

  12. EXAMPLES IN FACILITATING CONSTRAINTS REMOVAL THROUGH APPLICATION OF PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP CONSTRUCTS • Research and Development [Supply Source Mainly Public] • Commodity Group identifies their Technology needs • Commodity Group applies for access to Public Funding • Commodity Group purchases R & D service from the Research and Development Resource Provider • Financing and Increased Investment. [Supply Source Mainly Public] • Determination of Size and Use of Modernization Fund. • Commodity Groups compete for Funding. • Allocation Guided by Bankability of Investment Project • Sustained by Returns on Investment

  13. EXAMPLES IN FACILITATING CONSTRAINTS REMOVAL THROUGH APPLICATION OF PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP CONSTRUCTS (CONT’D) • Transportation [Supply Source Mainly Private] • Commodity Groups must combine projects if not feasible enough individually, to attract resource (in this case transportation) • Commodity Group could seek Government Support in terms of fiscal or other incentives to Resource Provider.

  14. IN SUMMARY The Jagdeo Initiative Extension Helps The Member States To efficiently Help The Farmers To Accelerate Production Towards Increased Agriculture GDP.

  15. Thank You

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