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LEO BIGGER. Order when eating the prey within a pride of lions 1. First the alpha lion eats : “ Thanks for defending the pride !”. Order when eating the prey within a pride of lions 1. First the alpha lion eats : “ Thanks for defending the pride !”
Order wheneatingthepreywithin a prideoflions1. First thealphalioneats: “Thanksfordefendingthepride!”
Order wheneatingthepreywithin a prideoflions1. First thealphalioneats: “Thanksfordefendingthepride!” 2. Thenthefemaleseat: “Thanksforhuntingtheprey!”
Order wheneatingthepreywithin a prideoflions1. First thealphalioneats: “Thanksfordefendingthepride!” 2. Thenthefemaleseat: “Thanksforhuntingtheprey!” 3. Thentheyoungoneseat: “Weneverforgetwhoourparentsare!”
Roger Federer: He “only” came in secondattheOlympic Games in London
«Jesus saidtothem, “Only in theirowntowns, amongtheir relatives and in theirownhomesareprophetswithouthonor.” He could not do anymiraclesthere, exceptlayhishandson a few sick peopleandhealthem.» The Bible, Mark 6:4-5
Honour = כָבֹוד (Hebrew). = “kavod” “Kavod” means: “have an importance”
Honourandrespectyournation «Givetoeveryonewhatyouowe: Ifyouowetaxes, paytaxes; ifrevenue, thenrevenue; ifrespect, thenrespect; ifhonor, thenhonor.» The Bible, Romans 13:7
Honourandrespectyourpastorsandleaders «The elderswhodirecttheaffairsofthechurchwellareworthyof double honor, especiallythosewhoseworkispreachingandteaching.» The Bible, 1 Timothy 5:17
Honourandrespectyourmentorsandrolemodels «Andletusconsiderhowwemay spur oneanother on towardloveandgooddeeds.» The Bible, Hebrew 10:24
Honourandrespectyourparents «Honoryourfatherandyourmother, so thatyoumay live long in thelandthe Lord yourGodisgivingyou.» The Bible, Exodus 20:12
Honourandrespectyourparentsbecauseofthebeginningofyourlife «Listen toyourfather, whogaveyoulife, and do not despiseyourmotherwhensheisold.» The Bible, Proverbs 23:22
«Thosewhocursetheirfatherormotherwill belike a light going out in darkness.» The Bible, Proverbs 20:20
Honourandrespectyourparentswithwordsanddeeds «Love eachotherlikebrothersandsisters. Giveeachothermorehonorthanyouwantforyourselves.» The Bible, Romans 12:10
On an about 4000-year oldEgyptianstonetablet thefollowingiswritten: «Today’syoungpeoplehardlyshowrespecttotheirparents. Theyare rotten fromtheroots, impatientandwithoutanyself-control. Theyscoffattheexperiencesoftheelders. This is a veryalarming sign.»
«But if a widowhaschildrenorgrandchildren, theseshouldlearnfirstof all toputtheirreligionintopracticebycaringfortheirownfamilyand so repayingtheirparentsandgrandparents, forthisispleasingtoGod.» The Bible, 1 Timothy 5:4
«A fathertothefatherless, a defenderofwidows, isGod in hisholydwelling.» The Bible, Psalm 68:5