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CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. dr shabeel pn. DEFINITIONS. PSYCHOLOGY: “ is the science dealing with human nature,function & phenomenon of his soul in the main.” CHILD PSYCHOLOGY:
CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. dr shabeel pn
DEFINITIONS PSYCHOLOGY: “ is the science dealing with human nature,function & phenomenon of his soul in the main.” CHILD PSYCHOLOGY: “ is the science that deals with the mental power or an interaction between the conscious & subconscious element in a child “ EMOTION “ An effective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow,fear,hate or the likes are expressed” - A feeling or mood manifesting in to motor / glandular activity.
IMPORTANCE OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY • To understand the child better • To know the problem of psychological origin • To deliver dental services in a meaningful & effective manner • To establish effective communication with the child & the parent • To gain confident of the child & of the parent. • To teach the child & parents importance of primary & preventive care . • To produce comfortable environment for the dental team
THEORIES OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY • PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORIES. - Psychosexual theory –Freud - Psychosocial theory – Eric Erickson - Cognitive theory – Piaget • BEHAVIOURAL THEORIES - Hierarchy of needs – Maslow -Social learning theory – Bandura - Classical conditioning – Pavlov - Operant conditioning – Skinner
PSYCHOANALYTICAL THEORY Sigmond Freud ( 1905 ) The first formal theory of personality to have marked impact on psychology & psychiatry was that of Sigmond Freud .This concept of personality was based on the interaction between three systems within each individual.He called these systems as • ID • EGO • SUPER EGO
ID: it is the basic structure of personality. • Is present at birth. • Impulse ridden & strives for immediate pleasure & gratification (pleasure principle) EGO: it develops in 2nd -6th month of life when the infant begins to distinguish between itself &the outside world.
It is the mediation between id & super ego. • Ego is governed by reality principle. It is concerned with memory & judgment SUPER EGO: • it is the prohibition learned from environment more from parents & authorities)
Oedipus complex • Young boys have a natural tendency to be attached to the mother & they consider their father as their enemy . • Hence they strive to imitate their father to gain the affection of the mother.
Electra complex Young girls develop an attraction towards their father & they resent the mother being close to the father
BIRTH • INTRODUCTION: Is the first experience to effect personality development. • CHARECTERISTICS: - Abrupt change at birth result in psycho physiological emergency reactions (protective shell) similar to fear & anxiety. -the characteristics are observed in later life during personality development & depend on child’s susceptibility during this period. - if the neonate gets used to the stimuli he is no longer anxious.
OBJECTIVES: These reactions help the child to learn some adaptive mechanism against anxiety stimuli. • PATHOLOG: Neonates who fail to adapt to abrupt changes get startled easily. this results in a more protective mechanism which is maladaptive in later life.
ORAL STAGE [birth-18months] • Birth – 18 months. • Introduction: In infants the oral cavity is the site for identifying needs .it therefore serves as an erogenous zone. • Characteristic: This is a dependent stage since the infant is dependent on adults for getting his oral needs fulfilled • Objectives: Satisfaction of oral desires eg:suckling of milk by mother ,help in development of trust. - In later period of life results in successful achievements of needs.
Pathology: If child’s needs are not adequately met in this stage the following traits develop: - Excessive optimism,narcissm,pessimism, demanding ness, envy, jealousy.
ANAL STAGE(18 months-3 yrs) • Introduction: - maturation of neuromuscular control occurs. - control over sphincters particularly anal sphincter results in increased voluntary activity. • Characteristics: development of personal autonomy & independence. Child realizes his control over his needs & practices it with a sense of shame or self doubt.
Objective: The child realizes the increasing voluntary control ,which provides him with the sense of independence & autonomy. • Patholog: Anal eroticism & defenses against it result fixation on anal function .It is characterized by various abnormal behaviuors like:disorderliness,abstinence, stubbornness,willfulness,fragility.
URETHRAL STAGE • It is a transition between the anal stage & phallic stage. • The child derives pleasure from exercising his control over the urinary sphincter. • Sense of independence & autonomy. • Loss of urethra control result in shame. - competitiveness -ambition.
PHALIC STAGE (3-7yrs) • The stage begins 3 to 5th year of life . • It is characterized by : -Oedipus complex -Castration anxiety: The 1st object of love for allof us is our mother. The young boy however has a rival for his mother’s love ;his father. He also recognizes the difference between boys & girls;the difference that he has a penis & girls do not. This is the beginning of castration anxiety, A FEAR OF LOSING ONES’ PENIS. -Penis envy -Electra complex -Unusual fantasies about opposite sex
The child realizes the sexual qualities without embarrassment .Resolution of the stage in regulation of drive impulse. • If the above mentioned characteristics are not resolved the balance between male & female roles dos not develop.
LATENCY STAGE • Resolution of any defects occurs in this phase. The phase ends in puberty. • Maturation of ego takes place control over instinctual impulses adapting to the adverse environment. • Goal: further development of personality. - consolidation of sex roles occurs. -these result in maturation of ego & mastery over skills. • Lack of inner control / excessive inner control result in pathological trait.
GENITAL STAGE • Psychosexual development extends from 11 to 13 yrs to young adulthood. • Sense of identity develops. child has amatured personality He can satisfy genital potency & realizes his goals for reproduction & survival. • Matures the personality of the individual. Helps to separate from the dependence on parents. Their acceptance of adult role, functions with social expectations & cultural values. • Unresolved traits from previous phases -modified form
Learning thro association • Ivan Pavlov was one of the first to study conditioned reflexes experimentally. • The crucial element of conditioning is the relation between the conditioned stimulus & the unconditioned stimulus. • Principles involved in the process are: • Generalisation:the process of conditioning is evoked by a band of stimuli centered around a specific conditioned stimulus.eg: a child who has had a painful experience with a doctor in a white coat always associates any Dr in white coat with pain.
Extinction: It results if the association between conditioned & the unconditioned response is not reinforced,eg:in the above mentioned eg. Subsequent visits to the doctor without any unpleasant experiences results in extinction of fear. • Discrimination: is the opposite of generalisation.If the child is exposed to clinic settings which are different to those associated with the painful experiences the child learn to discriminate b/w the two clinics & even the generalized response to any office will be extinguished.