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Uruguay official name: Oriental Republic of Uruguay. Amaryha Bryan Current Events Period 1. Current President. José Mujica. "Poorest President". Government. Uruguay’s government is a republic. It has two legislative houses. It also has a House of Representatives .
Uruguayofficial name: Oriental Republic of Uruguay Amaryha Bryan Current Events Period 1
Current President José Mujica "Poorest President"
Government Uruguay’s government is a republic. It has two legislative houses. It also has a House of Representatives. Government Building, Montevideo, Uruguay
Capital City The capital city is Montevideo. It is also the most popular city in Uruguay.
Size The size of Uruguay is 68,037 square miles.
Bordering Countries Bordering countries are Paraguay and Argentina. Although Brazil also borders Uruguay, it is not a Spanish-speaking country.
Population The population of Uruguay is 3,419,000.
Education In Uruguay, education is free for all levels including primary school, secondary school, high school and college.
Comparable US State Uruguay is roughly the same size as the US state of Oklahoma. It would take 68 Rhode Islands to fill up Uruguay!
Life Expectancy The life expectancy is slightly different from the US. In the United States a person is expected to live to the age of 78-80. In Uruguay a male is expected to live to 73 years old and a female is expected to live to 80 years old.
Literacy Rate 98% of the people in Uruguay can read and write.
Exchange Rate 1.00 peso uruguayo = 0.0414768 US dollars
Major Exports Major exports are wool and beef.
Typical Food One of the most popular meals in Uruguay is the Asado or Barbecue. It includes all types of meats and all different cuts of meat.
Popular Music There are many different types of music in Uruguay. Tango is one of the most popular. Candombe, murga, milonga, rock, cumbia and jazz are other types of music that are loved by the people of Uruguay.
Favorite Sport Soccer is a national obsession in Uruguay.
Major Problems • One of the major problems in Uruguay is drug addictions. • Uruguay is seeing rising numbers of cocaine seizures and increases in domestic cocaine and coca paste consumption. • It is thought that Uruguay may be serving South American drug traffickers as a strong embarkation point for drugs destined for Europe.
Current Events • Similar to the US, Uruguay has just legalized same sex marriages. • It has also legalized the selling, and smoking of marijuana.
Flag Uruguay’s flag has blue and white stripes and a sun. • The sun represents a new nation in the world it is also known as the “Sun of May.” • The horizontal stripes represent the nine original departments of Uruguay.
Map of Uruguay This is the map of Uruguay. Although it looks big, it is one of the smallest countries in South America.
Works Cited • http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/countries/uruguay-facts/ • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/620116/Uruguay/32688/Services#toc32690 • http://www.mapplace.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/mapsouthamerica.gif BORDERING COUNTRIES • http://www.britannica.com/topic/620116/Uruguay-quick-facts • http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=UYU&To=USD • http://www.southamerica.cl/uruguay-guide/typical-food.htm • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1951219/Uruguay-in-2013#ref1194998 TENSIONS • http://www.narconon.org/drug-information/uruguay-drug-addiction.html • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Flag_of_Uruguay.svg/1280px-Flag_of_Uruguay.svg.png • http://i.infoplease.com/images/muruguay.gif • http://www.articlesweb.org/blog/wp-content/gallery/uruguay-soccer-team/uruguay-soccer-team-05.png • http://tours42plus.com/Assets/Uploaded-CMS-Files/c9b6b81f-0c51-41c3-99d6-b0dcfebc78a2Plaza%20Independincia,%20Montevideo.jpg • http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=JeBEJ33XZgF7EM&tbnid=HcnPBox3Ww4EtM&ved=0CAUQjBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mapsofworld.com%2Fimages%2Fworld-countries-flags%2Fparaguay-flag.gif&ei=cnEPVNWWGITksASopIHADg&psig=AFQjCNHe61ESjdJjZuYlQNFT0OZZ2xP6qQ&ust=1410384626525876 • http://www.all-flags-world.com/country-flag/Argentina/flag-argentina-XL.jpg • http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_hiSjtpb8YyM/TBLh1veGcrI/AAAAAAAAB38/09cjW7qZ3hk/s1600/world+cup+uruguay+asado.jpg