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Variability of the zooplankton community in the Northern Humboldt Current System (2007-2009) and its relation to physical forcing. Katia Aronés , Luis Vásquez, Alexis Chaigneau and Patricia Ayón. Outline. Introduction Study area and data
Variability of the zooplankton community in the Northern Humboldt Current System (2007-2009) and its relation to physical forcing • Katia Aronés, Luis Vásquez, Alexis Chaigneauand Patricia Ayón
Outline Introduction Studyarea and data Mean ZooplanktonCharacteristics (abundance, diversity,…) Temporal Variations of theZooplanktonCommunity and relationtophysicalforcing Conclusions
Introduction The Humboldt CurrentSystem TSW CCW ESW PERU SSW Chlorophyll “a”
Introduction SST Standard Deviation (ºC) StrongVariability DoesthisvariabilityimpactontheZooplanktoncommunity?
Objetives • Variability of thezooplanktoncommunity in theNorthern Humboldt CurrentSystem (NHCS) and itsrelationtophysicalforcing • Mean characteristics of thezooplankton: Abundance, Composition and Diversitymeasures. • Temporal variation of thezooplanktoncommunity. • Relationshipwithphysicalforcing: upwellingindex and watermasses.
Studyarea CALLAO 4 4 °S °S Temperature (SST) Paita PAITA (05°00’S) Temporal variations 5 5 °S °S SANJOSE (06°50’S) San San San José San Jose Jose Jose Salinity (SSW) Pimentel Pimentel 80.0°W 7 7 ° ° S S Eten Eten CALLAO (12°00’S)
Data WP-2 CALLAO 4 4 °S °S Zooplankton: Bymonthly (Paita-San José) Monthly (Callao) Net WP-2 (surfacehauls) Meshsize 300um 225 zooplanktonsamples DaytimeSamples Paita PAITA (05°00’S) 5 5 °S °S SANJOSE (06°50’S) San San San San José Jose Jose Jose SpearmanCorrelations Diversitymeasures Pimentel Pimentel 80.0°W 7 7 ° ° S S Eten Eten CALLAO (12°00’S) PhysicalParameters: Sea SurfaceTemperature (SST) Sea SurfaceSalinity (SSS) Wind (turbulens and upwellingindex
RESULTS ZooplanktonCharacteristics 1e+8 5e+7 • Abundance Ind.100m3 0 PAITA SAN JOSE CALLAO Zooplanktonabundance 1 e 8 1 e8 e 07 5 e7 5 e 8
ZooplanktonCharacteristics RelativeAbundance of Zooplankton 76% 99% 97%
ZooplanktonCharacteristics RelativeAbundance of Copepods RelativeAbundance
Correlations Calanuschilensis Mecynoceraclausi Oithonaplumifera Subeucalanusmucronatus Centropagesfurcatus Nannocalanusminor Temoraspp. Canthocalanuspauper Labidoceraacuta Pontellinaplumata Pontellinaregalis Euterpinaacutifrons Undinulavulgaris Centropagesbrachiatus Eucalanusinermis Copepods species associated to waters masses TSW ESW TSW ESW SSW CCW SSW CCW SpearmancorrelationsSignificanly p<0.05
DiversityMeasures Shannon Diversity Richness Species Paita San Jose Acartiatonsadominedin San Jose and Callao. A.Tonsa - C.chilensisin Paita Dominantspeciespresence shows lowEvennessindexin the 3 coastalzones.
Acartiatonsa Dominantspecies Zaiko A. 2004,Hubarevaet.al 2008 Abundance (log ind.100m-3) salinity
Temporal variations of Zooplankton AssociatedwithphysicalForcing
Interanualvariationsof Zooplankton Watermasses Composition Paita San José Callao 2007 2008 2009
Summary • Highestabundance in Paita and Callao and lowest in San Jose • Copepods are alwaysthedominantgroup, buthighestdiversity in Paitaassociatedwithequatorial and tropical waters. • AcartiaTonsaisthedominantspecie and isassociatedwithlowsalinityvalues • At seasonalscalethezooplanktonabundanceiscontrolledbytheturbulenceindex (more turbulence, lesszooplankton) • Water-massvariability, particulary in Paita, stronglyinfluencetheabundance and composition of thezooplankton.
Futurework • Extendtheanalysisbetween 1994 and 2010. • Determine bettertherespective role of thewind-forcing and water-massmovementsonthezooplanktonvariability • Increasethe temporal resolution of zooplanktonsamplestostudyrelativelyhigh-frequencyvariability Acknowledgements Financial support by IRD, PICES, DISCOH and CONCYTEC
Temporal variations of Zooplankton AssociatedwithphysicalForcing Sessonalvariation of Phytoplankton S A W Sp S A W Sp S S: Summer A: Autumm W:Winter Sp:Spring