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The Dignity Act. SHS presentation. Effective July 1, 2012. Intent to provide a school environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students. Covers student behavior both on school grounds and at school functions. This includes off campus behavior that comes into school.
The Dignity Act SHS presentation
Effective July 1, 2012 • Intent to provide a school environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students. • Covers student behavior both on school grounds and at school functions. This includes off campus behavior that comes into school. • Is the responsibility of ALL staff.
July 2012 • Dignity Act policy was adopted by the BOE • Code of Conduct was adopted by the BOE. It sets expectations for ALL staff. • A copy is on the webpage and in each building. • DMS has an age appropriate form of the Code in the agenda that was reviewed with students and signed off by parents.
Dignity Act Coordinators • KCH- Bethany Woods • DMS- Lorraine Reynolds & Alan Wing • SHS- Lisa Hitchcock
Dignity Act Coordinator Role • To provide training to all staff/faculty on harassment and discrimination • To support ALL staff who report any bullying and harassment incidents to the building Principal • To be a safe place for parents or students to make a report of any incidents
Definitions Harassment and bullying means the creation of a hostile environment by actions or threats, intimidation or abuse, including cyber-bullying. It can cause physical or emotional harm to a student.
Definition • Can be verbal or non verbal • Cyber-bullying occurs through any form of electronic communication • Causes a student to fear for his/her physical safety
Harassment leads to… • Skipping School • Avoiding bus, bathrooms, • Difficulty concentration/learning • High risk behaviors • Drug use • Alcohol abuse • Suicide
What can We do? • Commit to children’s emotional and physical safety • Teachers are asked to get to know children and their interests • Teachers are asked to identify potential victims • Teachers are asked to document all incidents • Make connections between home and the schools • Observe change-ask about it • Inquire without embarrassing • Maintain confidentiality • Contact the school if you have a concern or observe a change in your child’s behavior • Have 0% tolerance
Reporting Requirements • Requires all school employees who witness or receive a report of harassment, bullying or discrimination to promptly report it to the Principal or DA coordinator either verbally or in writing. • The school MUST investigate every complaint and document their findings.
Documentation • Forms & procedures to report and investigate incidents of bullying were developed last year and have been going home with students • Teachers are asked to fill out the Behavior Documentation form for each and every incident observed • Filling out the form does not mean the teacher cannot address the behavior, but it does allow us to track student behaviors and document our investigations.
Scenario #1 While in the hallway or on the field, you overhears one student call another student “stupid” while pushing him, not hard enough to cause any harm. What action, if any should you take?
Scenario #1 • Speak to the students tell them that this is not appropriate and that we do not use that language here. • Report to an administrator or coach. • If everyone addresses this when it happens, the behavior will stop.
Scenario # 2 • While waiting for students to be dismissed, teachers see a group of students teasing, pushing, harassing a student. What should the teacher do?
Scenario # 2 • Go up to the group and tell them to cut it out. • Escort the student being bullied to the counselor’s office to talk to someone • Document and give to Principal. • Do not be a bystander!
Scenario #3 • You overhear a group of students talking about an incident on Facebook. What do you do?
Scenario # 3 • Get the names of the students and report it to the counselor or Principal. • We will document and investigate. • In July 2013 cyber bullying will be a focus for schools to address. If we start now, we can change the culture.
You can stop the cycle • We are either part of the solution or part of the problem. • Silence is not an option. • We cannot be a bystander. • We must model respect for all and address it when we see bullying happening. • The district must document and investigate each and every incident.
Next Step • We will continue to provide training in prevention of bullying through-out the school year to teachers, staff and students • The DA coordinators will be meeting with different grades and departments to talk about what we can and must do. • Teachers will be asked to talk about this in their classroom. • Thank you for helping make Marcellus Central Schools a safe place for ALL.